



Nagano Olympic Hockey ’98 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

Nagano Olympic Hockey ’98 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

Nagano Olympic Hockey ’98 Constant fights

At the options screen, highlight the “Fighting” selection. Then, hold L and press C-Right, C-Left(2), C-Right, C-Down, C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Left, C-Right(2), C-Left, C-Right, C-Left. If you entered the code correctly, a line of numbers will appear. Now fights will break out constantly.

Multi-player practice mode

At the title screen, hold A on controllers two, three, and/or four. While those buttons are held, use controller one to highlight “Practice” and press A.

Quick start

At the main menu, hold B and press Start. Now the game will start at the face-off screen with Modano (Team USA) under your control.

Select opponent

When playing against the CPU, highlight the desired opponent on the team selection screen and press C-Right(3). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a click. Note: This code may not be enabled in Olympic mode.

Invisible players

Pause the game during the opening face-off and select the replay option. Then, press L or R to cause a player to flash. Press Z while the player is flashing to make him invisible. The entire team can be modified in this manner.

Forfeit game

Pause the game. Then at the options screen, hold L and press C-Left(9). If you entered the code correctly, digit seven of the “Specials” number will turn to 1. Now when the game is resumed, your team will be losing 1-0 and the clock will be set to 0:00. Note: This code may have to be entered twice to function correctly.

On-fire goal

Begin a game in arcade mode. Then, approach your opponent’s goal at an angle with a full turbo meter. Now press Shoot + Pass + Turbo to see a fire truck appear and score one point.

Push goalie

Begin a game in arcade mode. Then, approach your opponent’s goal directly with a full turbo meter. Now press Shoot + Pass + Turbo to push the goalie into the net and score one point.

Change player appearance

At the options screen, press C-Down + R, C-Left + R, or C-Up + R. Then, modify the first six bits of a 16-bit register to change the game by pressing:

    C-Down + R (head size, alters bits 1 and 2)
    C-Left + R (body size, alters bits 3 and 4)
    C-Up + R (height, alters bits 5 and 6)

Register What It Does
100000 Stocky Players
010000 Stocky Players, Big Heads
110000 Stocky Players, Small Heads
001000 Small Players, Small Announcer
000100 Large Players, Large Announcer
000010 Crunched Players, Small Announcer
000001 Elongated Players, Large Announcer
110110 Large Players, Small Heads, Large Announcer
010010 Crunched Players, Large Heads, Small Announcer
010101 Large Players, Large Heads, Large Announcer
010001 Elongated Players, Large Heads, Large Announcer

Game Shark Codes

Home Team Goals Modifier 811151F8 ????
Home Team Shots Modifier 811151FA ????
Away Team Goals Modifier 81111C70 ????
Away Team Shots Modifier 81111C72 ????

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