



2K Removes Certain Shirts from NBA 2K18

2K Removes Certain Shirts from NBA 2K18

Like many other sports games with custom character creation, NBA 2K18 lets players create their own shirt designs. In NBA 2K18 , custom shirts would appear on players in the myPark mode, and shirt designs can be voted on. When 100 votes happened, the creator could sell the design for 3,500 VC, the in-game currency that can be purchased for real money. This caused problems of course, as players tend to use IP when making custom designs. Now shirts are being removed from the game, and the real money ties are causing complications, to say the least.

Several players have reported that, in the past few days, shirts have just been disappearing from their collections. 2K ended up making custom shirts no longer cost VC in the past month, but that doesn’t change the fact that many of these players paid thousands and thousands of VC for these shirt designs since NBA 2K18 launched.

One person has stated that after their shirt collection suddenly became smaller, they reached out to 2K for a refund. 2K offered them 10,000 VC, the cost of three shirts. But this player had over ten shirts removed, so they sit at a significant loss. After all, VC is real money, regardless of whether or not you grind it out for free.

Source: Kotaku

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