



3DS StreetPass Mii Plaza Powers Up

3DS StreetPass Mii Plaza Powers Up

Today’s Nintendo 3DS Direct brought several announcements for the ever-popular 3DS StreetPass Mii Plaza, the place where you can go to play mini-games with the Miis of people you StreetPass. Premium Mii Plaza members can now StreetPass up to 100 people at once instead of just 10, but remember that you’ll have to pay for the privilege. That’s one that they should have just given to everybody, especially us poor North Americans who normally only StreetPass people at huge events like conventions or Zelda concerts.

In news that’s good for everybody, there’s now a Quick Plaza option that will let you get into your games more quickly. I’m hoping it speeds up the games themselves, as well. That Flower Town guy is sooooo slooooow.

Finally, what would a Mii Plaza update look like without new games?  There are five of them in the biggest update yet. Slot Car Rivals lets you race enemy Miis and Market Crashers is a bare-bones stock market simulator. You can download one of these two games for free… but is anybody actually going to choose Market Crashers over the fun-looking game? The other three games are Feed Mii , a cooking sim; Mii Trek , an exploration game that depends on the number of steps your StreetPass partners have recorded; and Ninja Launchers , which, well, lets you launch ninjas. You can buy them individually for $3 each or in a bundle for $9.

I’m addicted to these darn little StreetPass mini-games, so I guess that’s a $9 bundle for me. Time to hang out near gaming events like a creep for StreetPasses again!

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