America’s favorite holiday is just around the corner, and I couldn’t be happier. Hot dogs, burgers, beautiful weather, guys throwing candy at kids, and of course the one day we can legally blow stuff up. It’s everything we love about America all wrapped into one holiday. If you’re feeling patriotic this weekend, we’ve got a solid list of explosive games that will set your 4th of July off right. Let’s light the wick and watch this baby explode.
Goldeneye 007

I’m going old school right out of the box, kids. Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 wasn’t all that explosive of game, except for the destructive Proximity Mine. That oddly shaped metal cylinder of death was one ridiculous weapon back in the day. Anytime you heard that distinctive swoosh sound, you know you were in for a bad day. Happy Fourth of July destruction, courtesy of James Bond’s Proximity Mine.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

MW 2 was certainly known for it’s explosive gameplay and it’s equally explosive arsenal of weapons. However, there’s one real reason MW 2 makes the cut for me: the EMP. The electronic magnetic pulse triggered during campaign mode in Washington D.C was a thing of sheer destructive beauty. Dodging falling helicopters exploding all around you – it doesn’t get any better than that.

No explosive list would be complete without DOOM and the BFG. I mean seriously, is there a better weapon ever created in the history of gaming? I think not! The BFG absolutely lays waste to anything in its path via the concentrated laser that spews from the front. You want explosive destruction, take a look back at this classic in DOOM and I guarantee you’ll find it.

The early part of the Halo series will forever be defined by the epicness of the Energy Sword, especially during multiplayer. The true definition of destruction came in the small corridors of Halo multiplayer. Players were essentially helpless against the sheer power this beast delivered. The Energy Sword was like shooting fish in a barrel but instead of a gun, you used a brick of dynamite and a block of C4.
Grand Theft Auto V

GTA 5 is packed with explosive goodness. Heck, you can stroll into any Ammunation store and buy up all the destructive goodies a gamer could ever want – and we just keep getting more ordnance with every add-on to GTA Online . Boom.
Just Cause 3

If you look up the definition of “explosive video game” in the dictionary, you’re most certainly going to see Just Cause 3 , if not the entire series from Square Enix. The game’s platform was built on the premise of blowing stuff up – it’s an essential component of the storyline. Cars, buildings, bridges, compounds, industrial equipment – you name it, it can be blown up in this title. Just Cause 3 takes the cake for being this year’s most explosive video game to indulge in during the Fourth of July.