



7 Cheat Codes to Rock Red Dead Redemption 2

7 Cheat Codes to Rock Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 does something incredibly cool. The game brings back cheat codes! As you play through the game, you might collect newspapers from towns that unlock new codes. Or, maybe you’ll go online to a website like CheatCC and find a list of codes like this, to enter in the Settings section’s Cheat menu. It is great to have these options, and we are going to pay tribute to that by talking about our seven favorite cheats from the game!

Just remember that, if you use a cheat code, you can no longer save your Red Dead Redemption 2 game. Don’t think of these as a way to try and easily get ahead, but rather a fun way to spend an afternoon or evening playing.  (And don’t forget to check our pages for full lists of PS4 and Xbox One codes!)

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“A Fool on Command”

“A Fool on Command”

The whole world gets a little weird when your character gets drunk in Red Dead Redemption 2 . There is even a mission that plays this up, with hilarious results! To make your character drunk without having to actually drink and keep that effect, type in “A Fool on Command” in the Cheat menu. It is great for if you are feeling silly or want a little extra challenge when going through the game. Best of all, you don’t need to have any specific newspaper to use this!

“Better than my Dog”

“Better than my Dog”

In Red Dead Redemption 2 , you can whistle to summon your horse to you, if it is in the immediate vicinity. The higher your bond with the horse, the greater the range. But, with the cheat code “Better than my Dog,” there are no limits. No matter where your horse is, whistling will summon it to you. Plus, it also doesn’t have any unlocking requirements, so you can enter it without having any newspapers.

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“Vanity. All is vanity”

“Vanity. All is vanity”

Clothing makes the man in Red Dead Redemption 2 . Changing your outfit can help throw off the law, if you are wanted. You also might need to wear weather-appropriate outfits to keep your character protected. “Vanity. All is vanity” unlocks all of the clothing in the game for you. You will be set for any possible situation. Like the previous codes in this list, this one has no requirements and lets you go ahead and use it right away.

“Run! Run! Run!”

“Run! Run! Run!”

While everyone will probably have one or two horses they will get attached to as they play Red Dead Redemption 2 , sometimes you need one to make a quick getaway. Hopefully, on a creature that is expendable. Putting in “Run! Run! Run!” will make a racehorse immediately appear. It’ll be fast and ready to run, as you probably gathered from the name of the code! It also has no requirements, so go ahead and use it right away.

“I seek and I find”

“I seek and I find”

The Dead Eye system is important in Red Dead Redemption 2 . When you activate it, time slows, you can tag enemies, and it lets you take out a lot of people quickly and safely. “I seek and I find” is great for people who want to practice with this mode. It sets the rank of it to five, which lets you see all of an enemy’s weak spots. Think of it as a good way to practice early on, especially since it does not require any newspapers to use this cheat!

“Greed is an American Virtue”

“Greed is an American Virtue”

Okay, this is a great cheat to quickly build your arsenal, but it does require you to make substantial Red Dead Redemption 2 progress to use. “Greed is an American Virtue” unlocks after you buy the most recent Blackwater or Saint Denis newspaper after going through Chapter 3’s “Advertising, the New American Art.” When you enter this cheat, you get a Bold-Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, and Semi-Automatic Pistol.

“You seek more than the world offers”

“You seek more than the world offers”

What may be the best cheat is also one that you won’t earn until Red Dead Redemption 2’ s campaign is almost over. Which is only fitting, when you think about it. It is called, “You seek more than the world offers” and makes you super strong. Once it is activated, your character’s status meters will all be filled and fortified. That means your character will have full Dead Eye, Health, and Stamina. Just make sure you beat Chapter 6’s “The King’s Son” and get the most recent newspaper after you do!

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