To some degree, we all use video games as a way to explore andĀ escape from the doldrums of regular life. We like to transport ourselves to realms, universes, worlds, and locations that we have never visited in person. Out of all of these locations, there’s at least one that a great many people never want to visit: hell. Whether you believe in it or not, Hades makes for a thrilling video game location. So let’s take a look at seven games that were literallyĀ hell.
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell starts off like any video game featuring hell does. The Third Street Saints are having a birthday party on their spaceship. Someone decides to break out the Ouija BoardĀ and inadvertently gets Satan up on speed dial. He decides that The Boss is going to marry Jezebel, his daughter, and the whole merry party heads on down to the dark place. In this version of hell, you run across some familiar faces like William Shakespeare, Blackbeard, and Vlad the Impaler. The only question I’m left asking is, why is Shakespeare in hell?
Shadows of the Damned

A lot of hell depictions focus on the scary, frightening, grotesques aspects of the place. Shadows of the Damned works hard to do the opposite, seeing the humorous side of hell. In this game, youĀ play as Garcia Hotspur (no, I’m not kidding)Ā as you track down the Lord of Demons, Fleming (still not kidding), to rescue your kidnapped girlfriend. Players get to use weapons, like a shotgun that shoots skulls, as theyĀ do everything in their power to rescue their damsel in distress. Sounds like a fun day in the fiery place!
Devil May Cry

You just can’t have a list of hell-centric games without including Devil May Cry . This franchise has been around for over a decade and a half at this point, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll be going anywhere any time soon. There are all kinds of hellish demons to defeat in the Devil May Cry games, and some even have the locale in their names! I’m looking at you Hell Pride and Hell Lust! You can’t really go wrong with the Devil May Cry seriesĀ if you’re looking for an entertaining time in hell.
Dante’s Inferno
The name of this game already betrays its hellish contents, as Dante’s Inferno is based on the Inferno portion of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy . The player character, Dante, is about as antihero as they come. He hasn’t been a very good person, which is why Death proclaims that he will spend the rest of eternity in hell. Dante isn’t one to take that, so he kills off Death, steals his scythe, and makes plans to be reunited with his love, Beatrice Portinari. Finding her deadĀ and spirited away by Lucifer, Dante decides that he will visit hell after all. Thus ensues an epic journey through the Gates of Hell and what lies beyond.

Agony is a first-person, survival horror game set in that horrible place. You play as a tormented soul searching for an escape from your… you guessed it, agony. The visuals alone earn it a top spot on our list. None of us want to imagine what hell would look like, but creators Madmind Studio might have just decided that for us. Fire, brimstone, blood, gore, and a whole assortment of horrors await anyone who decides to brave Agony .

We’ve come now to the slightly less creative, but entirely necessary entry in our list: Diablo . This franchise has enjoyed a storied past, what with its three entries. Each one has always seemed more unstoppable than the next. If you weren’t sure yet, Diablo has you fighting your damndest to rid the world of the scourge that is Diablo, the Lord of Terror, or otherwise known as the devil. The final climax in the first two games is a fateful visit to hell in order to slay him. It’s here that you can see how developer Blizzard really imagines hell.

Congratulations on reaching this, the seventh circle of hell! Which is actually the top spot in our list of hellscapes, occupiedĀ by DOOM . This franchise shows us time and time again how insane (and fun!) it can be to venture to hell and battle demons. DOOM ‘s death grip on the top slot is alsoĀ because of its prevalence across medias. There areĀ not just the games, but also novels, comics, board games, and even a film. Plus, is there really any other more hellishĀ soundtrack than its metal music? Go ahead andĀ find something better, I’ll wait.