If there’s any gamer or gaming stereotype that has held up to the test of time more diligently than others, it’s that of the angry gamer. According to this stereotype, gamers curse, scream, rage quit, throw or break things, and are just all-around be angry. Some gamers have taken this trope and run with it to make it work for them in a positive way. Here’s a look at some of the angriest gamers throughout the history of video games.
Game Grumps
Let’s start with some mild folks. First up, we’ve got the Game Grumps. This duo was originally created by Arin Hanson and Jon Jafari (JonTron), but is now made up of Hanson and Dan Avidan. Essentially, they’re two guys that play games together and occasionally butt heads. At the least, that’s what’s cited as the reason for creating the Game Grumps. While they don’t represent full-on anger, Game Grumps could still be a good option for those who want to dip a toe into the water of angry gamers. You can watch and (possibly) subscribe to them on both YouTube and Twitch .
Two Angry Gamers TV
Two Angry Gamers TV, TAG for short, consists of Tom “TOMMYRAGES” and Adam “Bongeh.” These two Brits claim that, while they like games, the games don’t like them back. There’s generally a lot of smashing of keyboards or desks and screaming when the Two Angry Gamers are considered. They are currently active on both YouTube and Twitch , if you’d like to be a part of the insanity.
JonTron was one of the co-creators of Game Grumps before he went off to create his own brand. He’s a little eccentric and has been a part of his share of drama over the past few years. However, he definitely still warrants a spot on this list. His tendency to shout, rather than simply speak, would get him on this list. But add in his angry quips about games and he’s a no-brainer to be included. He’s still relatively active on YouTube and Twitch .
Video Game Dunkey
Out of everyone on this list, Video Game Dunkey has to be my personal favorite. He’s wild, he’s crazy, and some of his videos and comments don’t make any sense, but he’s awesome. Dunkey is not afraid to say how he feels about games, and sometimes he deems anger as an appropriate response. If you’re all right with a little insanity and want to hear the rage, check out Video Game Dunkey on YouTube .
Angry Centaur Gaming
When I was looking for appropriate entries for this list, I came across Angry Centaur Gaming. I thought he was incredibly well-spoken, and I enjoyed the fact that he has his own rating system for reviews. (They’re buy, wait for a sale, rent, and never talk about it again). As I watched a few of his videos though, I was thinking there wasn’t much anger there. After a few more moments it finally kicked in. Angry Centaur Gaming is very informative, but there are also some really great digs and metaphors to give you a laugh.
The Irate Gamer/Chris Bores/CB Network
Out of all the angry gamers, there are a few who have been around the longest. The Irate Gamer is one such person. Otherwise known as Chris Bores, The Irate Gamer existed for nine long years. The character has officially been retired, and Chris Bores’ YouTube channel (CB Network) has been converted to a ghost hunting network. All of the old Irate Gamer videos are still there to view, for those who want to reminisce.
Jim Sterling
Jim Sterling has been his uniquely independent self since 2014, not nearly as long as our previous entry on the list, but he has made quite the name for himself during that time. Sterling has all kinds of different YouTube series going at the moment, but all are colored by his honest and straight-forward opinions. If you want to hear a single person’s (sometimes angry) unfettered opinion, Jim Sterling is a good option.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)/James Rolfe/Cinemassacre
We’ve come to the final entry on our angriest gamers list. The real McCoy of angry gamers, the Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe) has always been considered one of the first “mainstream” angry gamers. He’s been around since 2004 and continues to make videos. AVGN’s focus is largely on crappy retro games, but James Rolfe’s YouTube account (Cinemassacre) is also owned by Mike Matei. So what was once it’s own series is now part of a bigger picture. You can still watch AVGN if you check out Cinemassacre.
What did you think of our list of angriest gamers? Are there any here that you watch regularly or one that you can’t believe didn’t make the cut? Let us know in the comments!