



A Date for Zombie Decapitation

A Date for Zombie Decapitation


Earlier this year, zombie lovers everywhere were treated to Capcom’s follow-up title Dead Rising 2. Before fans could dive into the world of Chuck Greene and his daughter with Dead Rising 2, they had the option of the exclusive Xbox Live Arcade title Dead Rising: Case Zero. It gave players an opportunity to experience the new elements of Dead Rising 2 while limiting the player to one area with little to no disadvantage for restarting.

Right before the official release of Dead Rising 2, Capcom announced Xbox Live Arcade would be receiving another exclusive: Dead Rising: Case West. It would put the star of the first title, Frank West, alongside Chuck Greene. While promised to arrive at some point before this year ended, some fans have begun to doubt it would arrive. Well, no longer!

Case West will be hitting Xbox Live Tuesday, December 27th for the price tag of $10. The price tag begs the question, how much content will there be to justify the $10 price tag when Case Zero was only $5? We will have to wait to see just what Capcom is going to deliver.

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