



Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Cheats & Secrets for Nintendo DS

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth key art

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Cheats & Secrets for Nintendo DS

Releasing in 2009 for the Nintendo DS (and later in 2010 for iOS and Android devices), Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is the fifth game in the Ace Attorney series and a spin-off of the mainline Phoenix Wright games. Like other games in the series, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is a single-player adventure game in which players investigate and collect evidence before acting out the role of an attorney in an interactive courtroom. Players control the main protagonist Phoenix Wright’s friendly rivals, prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, as they work to clear their name following an accusation of murder.

Series veterans Takeshi Yamazaki and Motohide Eshiro initially came up with the idea for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth while working on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Trials and Tribulations. Accordingly, Miles Edgeworth is a series spin-off between two mainline games in the series and features a slightly different approach to investigations and courtroom mechanics. Due to the game’s focus on crime scene investigations and locating evidence, the environments in Miles Edgeworth are the largest that the series had seen up to that point and contain several important details hidden within (including Phoenix Wright character cameos).

Similar to other games in the Phoenix Wright series, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth would prove to be a massive hit in Japan while having a much cooler reception in the West. The title is one of the best-selling games of 2009 in its native Japan, though the audience for Capcom’s courtroom drama series would prove to be still very niche in North America.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Premise

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth gameplay

Unlike the mainline Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice games in the Ace Attorney series, Investigations puts players on the other side of the courtroom. Both Wright and Justice are defense attorneys, while Investigations‘ protagonist is Wright’s rival, prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. After a grisly murder of a detective occurs in Miles Edgeworth’s office, the hotshot prosecutor must find a way to both clear his name and accuse the guilty party. While the courtroom drama sections are still a major part of Investigations, a significant portion of the gameplay revolves around investigating crime scenes and using deductive reasoning to discover evidence and analyze clues.

Players control Edgeworth mostly from a third-person perspective and conversations play out similarly to how they do in an RPG, with players scrolling through dialogue and choosing responses. When players are examining evidence, the camera switches to a first-person perspective to allow for deeper levels of analysis and investigation of missable details. Whenever Edgeworth discovers something of interest in a crime scene, he logs the information in his notes. After, if the player has enough of the resource, they can use the “Logic” function to connect two pieces of evidence and establish a chain of causation.

Additionally, players can use the “Deduction” function at crime scenes to point out discrepancies between evidence and the crime scene. All of this information then comes into play during the courtroom sections, where players can press witnesses and issue Rebuttals if a witness statement contradicts what the player learns in the investigation phase.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Main Characters

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth character artwork

Like most Ace Attorney games, Investigations features a cast of enigmatic and interesting characters that help pull players into its exciting courtroom drama. While Miles Edgeworth is more of a side character and friendly rival to the series’ primary figure, Phoenix Wright, he takes center stage in Investigations. Further, as a prosecutor, Miles presents the opportunity to play from the other side of the bench as his defense attorney counterparts. Main characters in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth include:

  • Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations‘ main protagonist and the player character. Miles is a hotshot prosecutor who finds himself the subject of a murder investigation. To clear his name, he must both solve the case and prosecute the culprit.
  • Dick Gumshoe: Dick is a local detective who is assigned to the murder case which Miles is at the center of. The two eventually become allies, with Gumshoe assisting Miles during his investigations and evidence analysis.
  • Kay Faraday: Kay is a young thief who claims to be the “Yatagarasu”, an infamous thief that is at the center of an Interpol manhunt. She assists Miles with her Little Thief device that can scan crime scenes for evidence.
  • Franziska Von Karma: Franziska is Miles’ adoptive sister and a fellow prosecutor. Currently on an investigation with Interpol, she works to help Miles clear his name when the organization gets involved in his case.
  • Shi-Long Lang: An Interpol investigator who has a reputation for always nabbing their target, Shi-Long subverts the basis of the criminal justice system by preferring to assume guilt and then prove innocence afterward.

Games in the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Series

Capcom’s Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney would give way to one of the most unexpected franchises in the company’s library. A series of single-player adventure games focusing on courtroom drama, dialogue, and analysis of evidence, the Phoenix Wright games are undoubtedly niche and very different from most of Capcom’s other franchises. That said, the series continues to be incredibly popular in its native Japan, where visual novel games and adventure titles tend to perform far better than they do in other regions. Games in the Ace Attorney series include:

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2001)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Justice for All (2002)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Trials and Tribulations (2004)
  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2007)
  • Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2009)
  • Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit (2011)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (2012)
  • Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2012)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies (2013)
  • The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures (2015)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Spirit of Justice (2016)
  • The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve (2017)
  • The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (2021)
  • Apollo Justice Trilogy (2024)
  • Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (2024)

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Cheats & Secrets

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Cameos

There are two cases in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth where players can see characters from the mainline Phoenix Wright games.

  • In Case 2, you can find Sal Manella after reaching the airport. Talk to him, and he will talk about various Internet references.
  • In Case 3, go back along the bridge at the entrance to the park just before entering the stage. Phoenix Wright, Maya, and Pearl will be in a boat in the water.
  • In Case 5, just after exiting Theatrum Neutralis, move as far as possible to the right to see Lotta Hart looking out the window.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Pro Action Replay Codes

Players can use a Pro Action Replay device with their Nintendo DS to access various cheats for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. Alternatively, players can enter these codes into a Nintendo DS emulator with a “Cheat” menu.

Infinite Logica2128ec8 00000000
22128ec8 00000032
d2000000 00000000
Very Fast Text Speed5202d124 e5901038
0202d128 e28110ff
0202f58c e1a00f80
d2000000 00000000
All Cases Unlocked/Cleared (Save and restart after activating the cheat)2211f5a4 00000006

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Cheat FAQs

How many cases did Miles Edgeworth investigate?
The Ace Attorney Investigations series is a spin-off from the mainline Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games. In Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, players investigate 5 cases while playing as Miles Edgeworth.

How long to beat Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth?
The length of a typical Ace Attorney playthrough varies based on players’ observational and deductive skills. That said, the average playthrough of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth takes roughly 18 hours. If players are trying to 100% the game and do everything, the time of a playthrough increases to about 24 hours.

Does Miles Edgeworth show up in Dual Destinies?
Miles Edgeworth does show up as Phoenix Wright’s friendly rival in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies.

What is the first case in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth?
The first case in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is Episode 1: Turnabout Visitor. This case involves the murder of a detective in Miles Edgeworth’s office.

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