Speedrunning marathon Awesome Games Done Quick has finally come to a close, and once again it broke last year’s records. It raised over 1.5 million dollars for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The average donation was $39.90 which makes sense considering the grand prize required a fifty dollar donation. Last year, the marathon earned 1 million dollars. Now the question is, will Summer Games Done Quick manage to outdo this total?
164 speedruns were completed this year, and are really worth checking out. Among some of the best include the TASblock, which allowed players to make Pokemon Red and Blue take over a Super Game Boy, to take over a Super Nintendo, to relay the active Twitch.TV chat into the video game space. They lovingly called this “Pokemon Plays Twitch.” There were also numerous blindfolded runs, races, wonderful showcases of awful games like Big Rigs Over the Road Racing, and much more. You can check out full replays of the entire marathon here.
Source: AGDQ Tracker