Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard’s free-to-play MOBA. This means if you want certain heroes, you’re going to have to pay for them. Otherwise, you’re at the mercy of the company. Only 10 characters are typically available for free at a time, with the 10 available rotating. That’s about to change for one weekend. To celebrate the start of 2017, Blizzard is offering us access to a full hero roster!
A full hero roster means every single Heroes of the Storm character will be playable. You don’t need to pay to use anyone between January 13 and 16. It’s all about trying everyone, seeing who suits you, and enjoying the game. It’s a good opportunity for veterans and newcomers alike, since lots of people will be experimenting with characters.
This is honestly a pretty big deal. There are 60 playable characters to choose from in Heroes of the Storm . New ones are added all the time. In fact, Zul’jin was only added last week. Giving people a chance to sample is a great way to give everyone a chance to familiarize themselves with the cast and catch up.
Source: Battle.net