



Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal Cheats for PC and MAC

Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal Cheats for PC and MAC

Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal was released in June of 2001. Critics and fans considered it a perfect ending to one of the best CRPGs of all time and it sits comfortably at 88 on Metacritic. The story follows a war among the Bhaalspawn. The Player and their companions must travel throughout various regions and defeat The Five. They are five legendary Bhaalspawns who are killing innocent Bhaalspawns who are taking refuge in Saradush.

Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal Premise

The Throne Of Bhaal adds several new powerful weapons, higher-level caps, and better graphics. On top of that, the expansion adds more feats and magics. This expansion is the final chapter of Baldur’s Gate 2 and was the end of the series until Larian’s phenomenal Baldur’s Gate 3. Outside of the qualities of life changes, this expansion includes a new dungeon called Watcher’s Keep.

Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal Main Characters

  • Melissan
  • Illasera
  • Yaga-Shura
  • Abazigal
  • Balthazar
  • Gromnir Il-Khan
  • Cespenar
  • Solar

Other Titles In The Series

  • Baldur’s Gate (1998)
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)
    • Expansion: Throne of Bhaal (2001)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (2001)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II (2004)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition (2012)
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition (2013)
    • Includes Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal
    • Adds The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay
  • Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (2016)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (Remastered) (2021)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II (Remastered) (2022)
  • Baldur’s Gate III (2023)

Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne Of Bhaal Cheats


Cheat Keys Activation

1. Open your Baldurs Gate 2 Directory
2. Copy and make a backup of the file ”baldur.ini”
3. Edit the original file ”baldur.ini” with notepad
4. In this file you will see a ”[Program Options]” heading.
5. Enter a new line under the heading and type or cpy in ”Debug Mode=1”
6. Start up the game and while playing press [Ctrl] + [Space] at the same time. This will bring up a console where you can type stuff into.
7. In the console that should now be visible, type ”CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()” (without the ””).
8. Now the cheat keys should work properly. and you can enter other commands such as ”CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(”xxxx”)” Where xxxx is the amount of experience you wish to give the current selected characters. And also a handy one is ”CLUAConsole:AddGold(”<Ammount of gold you want>”)”.

Adds the creature the cursor is over to your party.Ctrl-Q
Advance the time by 1 hourCtrl+T
Bonus Merchant #1CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(”wmart1”)
Bonus Merchant #2CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(”wmart2”)
Change Selected Charecters Facing DirectionCTRL+F
Character ConversationsCTRL+U(HOLD), then I
Displays the item code names for the items the selected character has equipped. Example: quick01-SW2Hxxx(xxx being a number) if you have a 2 handed sword equipped in quick weapon slot 1.Ctrl-4(5?)
Removes selected character from the party. You can remove the main character and he will never come back.Ctrl-M
Find out Area NumberCTRL+G
Framerate InfoCTRL+D
Get all 18 for StatsCtrl + Shift + 8
Heals selected character/sCtrl-R
Kills any creature the mouse is on. Note that doing this on bosses/such may stop the game from advancing.Ctrl-Y
Mouse PositionCTRL+X
Play a Combat SequenceCTRL+A
Play an animationCTRL+L
Removes selected character from party. You can remove the main character and he will never come back.Ctrl-K
Set Character SpeedCtrl-J
Set A Combat SequenceCTRL+S
Set An AnimationCTRL+I
Set Charecter SpeedCTRL+B
Shows a short movie clip of a circus. Press Ctrl-C to stop it.Ctrl-C
The selected character’s appearance on the playing field is changed. Nothing else changes. Attacks, HP, etc. stay the same. I have had them walk around as dragons, or shoot arrows as birds.Ctrl-6 or 7

Console Codes for Items

1. Open your Baldurs Gate 2 Directory

2. Copy and make a backup of the file ”baldur.ini”

3. Edit the original file ”baldur.ini” with notepad

4. In this file you will see a ”[Program Options]” heading.

5. Enter a new line under the heading and type or copy in ”Debug Mode=1”

6. Start up the game and while playing press [Ctrl] + [Space] at the same time. This will bring up a console where you can type stuff into.

Enter the codes listed. The quantity can be changed by substituting X for a number 1 through 99.

EffectGives the Amulet of Metaspell Influence
Gives Acid ArrowsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow04”,X)
Gives ArrowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow01”,X)
Gives Arrow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow02”,X)
Gives Arrow of SlayingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow03”,X)
Gives Arrows of BitingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow05”,X)
Gives Arrows of DispellingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow07”,X)
Gives Arrows of FireCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow08”,X)
Gives Arrows of IceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow09”,X)
Gives BulletsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bull01”,X)
Gives Bullets +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bull02”,X)
Gives Bullets +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bull03”,X)
Gives Tansheron’s Bow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow15”,X)
Gives the Adventurer’s RobeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck14”,X)
Gives the Amulet of Magic Resistance 5%CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul19”,X)
Gives the Amulet of Metaspell InfulenceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul16”,X)
Gives the Amulet of PowerCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul21”,X)
Gives the Amulet of Protection +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul14”,X)
Gives the Amulet of Spell WardingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul25”,X)
Gives the Ardutia’s Fall +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun20”,X)
Gives the Arrows +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow11”,X)
Gives the Arrows of PiercingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow10”,X)
Gives the Azure EdgeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h10”,X)
Gives the Battle AxeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h01”,X)
Gives the Battle Axe +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h02”,X)
Gives the Battle Axe +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h03”,X)
Gives the Battle Axe +3 (Frostreaver)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h13”,X)
Gives the Battle Axe +3 (Stonefire)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h12”,X)
Gives the BoltCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bolt01”,X)
Gives the Bolt +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bolt02”,X)
Gives the Bolt +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bull06”,X)
Gives the Bolt of BitingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bolt04”,X)
Gives the Bolt of LightningCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bolt03”,X)
Gives the Bolt of PolymorphingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bolt05”,X)
Gives the Bone Club +2 (+3 against undead)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun23”,X)
Gives the Boots of AvoidanceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot04”,X)
Gives the Boots of ElvenkindCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot07”,X)
Gives the Boots of EtherealnessCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot11”,X)
Gives the Boots of GroundingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot05”,X)
Gives the Boots of PhasingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot08”,X)
Gives the Boots of SpeedCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot01”,X)
Gives the Boots of StealthCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot02”,X)
Gives the Boots of the NorthCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“boot03”,X)
Gives the Bracers of ArcheryCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac04”,X)
Gives the Bracers of BindingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac11”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Blinding StrikeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac16”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac15”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 4CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac14”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 5CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac13”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 6CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac03”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 7CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac02”,X)
Gives the Bracers of Defense AC 8CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac01”,X)
Gives the Chain MailCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan01”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan02”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan08”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +2 (Mail of the Dead)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan03”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +3 (Dark Mail)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan09”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +3 (Melodic Chain)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan15”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +3 (Melodic Chain)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan15”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +4 (Bladesinger Chain)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan16”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +4 (Drizzt’s Mail)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan06”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +4 (Jester’s Chains)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan10”,X)
Gives the Chain Mail +5 (Crimson Chain)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan11”,X)
Gives the Cloak of DisplacementCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck03”,X)
Gives the Cloak of ElvenkindCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck23”,X)
Gives the Cloak of MirrorsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck26”,X)
Gives the Cloak of MirrorsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck26”,X)
Gives the Cloak of Non-DetectionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck06”,X)
Gives the Cloak of Protection +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck01”,X)
Gives the Cloak of Protection +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck02”,X)
Gives the Cloak of ReflectionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck24”,X)
Gives the Cloak of ReflectionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck24”,X)
Gives the Cloak of SewersCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck27”,X)
Gives the Cloak of SewersCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck27”,X)
Gives the Cloak of StarsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck25”,X)
Gives the Cloak of StarsCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck25”,X)
Gives the Cloak of The ShieldCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck20”,X)
Gives the Cloak of the WolfCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck04”,X)
Gives the Club +2 (Gnasher)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun22”,X)
Gives the Club +3 (Blackblood)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun22”,X)
Gives the Composite Long Bow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow16”,X)
Gives the Composite LongbowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow01”,X)
Gives the Composite Longbow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow02”,X)
Gives the Crossbow of AfflictionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow13”,X)
Gives the Crossbow of AfflictionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow13”,X)
Gives the DaggerCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg01”,X)
Gives the DaggerCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg01”,X)
Gives the Dagger +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg02”,X)
Gives the Dagger +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg02”,X)
Gives the Dagger +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg03”,X)
Gives the Dagger +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“dagg03”,X)
Gives the Elven Chain MailCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan12”,X)
Gives the Elven Chain Mail +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan13”,X)
Gives the Elven Court Bow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow12”,X)
Gives the Elven Mail +2 (Sylvan Mail)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan14”,X)
Gives the FlailCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun02”,X)
Gives the Flail +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun03”,X)
Gives the Flail +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun13”,X)
Gives the Flail of the Ages +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun14”,X)
Gives the Gauntlets of CrushingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac19”,X)
Gives the Gauntlets of DexterityCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac07”,X)
Gives the Gauntlets of Ogre PowerCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac06”,X)
Gives the Gauntlets of Weapon ExpertiseCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac10”,X)
Gives the Gauntlets of Weapons SkillCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac09”,X)
Gives the Giant Hair Crossbow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow08”,X)
Gives the Giant Hair Crossbow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow08”,X)
Gives the Gloves of HealingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac20”,X)
Gives the Gloves of Missile SnaringCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac18”,X)
Gives the Gloves of PickpocketingCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“brac17”,X)
Gives the Greenstone AmuletCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul17”,X)
Gives the Hangards Axe +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h08”,X)
Gives the Heartseeker +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow10”,X)
Gives the Heavy CrossbowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow01”,X)
Gives the Heavy CrossbowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow01”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow02”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow02”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow07”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow07”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +5CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow03”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +5CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow03”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow14”,X)
Gives the Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow14”,X)
Gives the Kaligun’s Amulet of Magic Resistance 10%CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul20”,X)
Gives the Knave’s RobeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck12”,X)
Gives the Light CrossbowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow04”,X)
Gives the Light CrossbowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow04”,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow05”,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow05”,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow09,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow09,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow of SpeedCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow06”,X)
Gives the Light Crossbow of SpeedCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow06”,X)
Gives the Long BowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow03”,X)
Gives the Long Bow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow04”,X)
Gives the Long Bow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow17”,X)
Gives the Longbow of MarksmanshipCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow07”,X)
Gives the MaceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun01”,X)
Gives the Mace +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“arow05”,X)
Gives the Mace +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun21”,X)
Gives the Mace of Disruption +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun12”,X)
Gives the Mage Robe of Cold ResistanceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck09”,X)
Gives the Mage Robe of Electric ResistanceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck11”,X)
Gives the Mage Robe of Fire ResistanceCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck10”,X)
Gives the Mana Bow +4CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow13”,X)
Gives the Mauler’s Arm +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun19”,X)
Gives the Morning StarCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun06”,X)
Gives the Morning Star +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun07”,X)
Gives the Morning Star +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun15”,X)
Gives the Necaradan’s Crossbow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow10X)
Gives the Necaradan’s Crossbow +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“xbow10X)
Gives the Necklace of Form StabilityCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul24”,X)
Gives the Necklace of MissilesCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul01”,X)
Gives the Periapt of Life ProtectionCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul23”,X)
Gives the Periapt of Proof Against PoisonCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul22”,X)
Gives the Rifthome Axe +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h09”,X)
Gives the Ripper +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow09”,X)
Gives the Robe of the ApprentiCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck29”,X)
Gives the Robe of the ApprentiCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck29”,X)
Gives the Robe of the Evil ArchmagiCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck17”,X)
Gives the Robe of the Good ArchmagiCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck15”,X)
Gives the Robe of the Neutral ArchmagiCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck16”,X)
Gives The Root of the ProblemCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun10”,X)
Gives the Shield AmuletCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“amul15”,X)
Gives the Short BowCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow05”,X)
Gives the Short Bow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow06”,X)
Gives the Short Bow +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow18”,X)
Gives the Short Bow of GesenCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow19”,X)
Gives the Skullcrusher +3CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun18”,X)
Gives The Sleeper +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun16”,X)
Gives the Splint MailCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan04”,X)
Gives the Splint Mail +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan05”,X)
Gives the Splint Mail +2 (Ashen Scales)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan17”,X)
Gives the Splint Mail +3 (Armor of Faith)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“chan18”,X)
Gives the Strong Arm +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow11”,X)
Gives the Sunstone Bullets +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bull04”,X)
Gives the Throwing AxeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h04”,X)
Gives the Throwing Axe +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h05”,X)
Gives the Throwing Axe +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“ax1h06”,X)
Gives the Traveller’s RobeCLUAConsole:CreateItem(“clck13”,X)
Gives the Tuigan Bow +1CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“bow14”,X)
Gives the Wyvern’s Tail +2CLUAConsole:CreateItem(“blun17”,X)
longsword +2 (”Varscona”)CLUAConsole:CreateItem(”killsw01”)

Monster Codes

Backup the baldur.ini file in Baldur’s Gate 2 directory, then open it with Notepad.
Under [Program Options] heading type Debug Mode=1 to enable cheats and save the file. During gameplay hit Ctrl+Space to open console, then type CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“creature name”). This will create the correspondingly hostile monster.

Beholder Elder Orbbeheld01
Adamantine Golemgolada01
Demi Lichhldemi
Greater Wolfwerewolfgr01
Red Dragondragred
Shadow Dragondragshad

Character Names 

Enter with the Character Code

Falmiong Fist WizardFlamwiz
Flaming Fist MercenaryFlame
Greater BasiliskGBasil
Ogre MageDroth
Phoenix GuardPheogurd

Cheat Keys

Enter with the Cheat Keys code

Background has interactive objectsCtrl +4
Black ScreenCtrl +2
Change Paper Doll armorCtrl +1
Change to last paper dollCtrl +6
Change to next paper dollCtrl +7
Debug DataCtrl +D
Go to PointerCtrl +J
Heal pointer characterCtrl +R
InformationCtrl + X
Kill cursor characterCtrl +Y
Last MovieCtrl +B
Last SpriteCtrl +A
Look at CharacterCtrl +F
Next ChapterCtrl +C
Normal ScreenCtrl +3
See CoordinatesCtrl + L
SEe Sprite animationCtrl + S
See spritesCtrl +9
See text boxesCtrl +8

Spell Tags

Enter with the spell code

Aganazzar’s ScorcherSPWI215
Animate DeadSPWI501
Burning HandsSPWI103
Change to Black BearSPIN111
Change to Brown BearSPIN107
Change to WolfSPIN110
Charm AnimalSPIN108
Charm PersonSPIN119
Charm PersonSPWI104
Chill TouchSPWI116
Chromatic OrbSPWI117
Cloud KillSPWI502
Ice StormSPWI105
Cone of ColdSPWI503
Cure Light WoundsSPIN101
Detect EvilSPIN120
Detect EvilSPWI202
Detect InvisibilitySPWI203
Dimension DoorSPWI402
Dire CharmSPWI316
Dispel MagicSPIN112
Dispel MagicSPWI302
Draw Upon Holy MightSPIN103
Flame ArrowSPWI303
Flame BallSPWI304
Ghost ArmorSPWI317
Ghoul TouchSPWI216
Hold PersonSPWI306
ICe StormSPWI403
Improved InvisibilitySPWI404
Know AlignmentSPWI207
Larloch’s Minor DrainSPWI118
Lay On HandsSPIN109
Lightning BoltSPWI307
Magic MissilesSPWI111
Melf’s Acid ArrowSPWI210
Mirror Globe of InvulnerabilitySPWI405
Mirror ImageSPWI211
Monster Summoning 1SPWI308
Monster Summoning 2SPWI406
Monster SUmmoning 3SPWI504
Protection from EvilSPWI1112
Protection From Normal MissilesSPWI310
Protection from PetrificationSPWI108
Resist FearSPWI209
Shadow DoorSPWI505
Shocking GraspSPWI114
Skull TrapSPWI313
Slow PoisonsSPIN102
Spiritual HammerSPIN113
Stinking CloudSPWI212
Vampirism TouchSPWI314
Wall of FireSPWI407
Wraith’s FormSPWI315
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