



Baldur’s Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast Cheats and Codes for PC and MAC

Baldur’s Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast Cheats and Codes for PC and MAC

Tales of the Sword is an expansion to Baldur’s Gate, a high fantasy CRPG. This expansion was originally released on April 30, 1999. Upon release it was received well by critics however quality may vary depending on the type of player you are. Some critics applauded the game for taking liberties with the rules of the source material, however, others weren’t fans of the game’s difficulty.

Baldur’s Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast Premise

This expansion adds four new areas to the base game. Ulgoth’s Beard, a werewolf island, a new dungeon on an ice island, and the ruins of Durlag’s Tower. These areas are primarily for side quests and explorations and fit seamlessly into the base game. Most of the game’s mechanics are the same. The experience point cap was raised from 89,000 to 161,000 allowing players to reach new levels of power. This alongside the other quality of life changes makes it a must-have expansion and it makes sense it was included in the enhanced edition of the base game.

Baldur’s Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast Main Characters

  • The Gorion’s Ward
  • Imoen
  • Minsc
  • Jaheira
  • Khalid
  • Dynaheir
  • Viconia DeVir
  • Edwin Odesseiron
  • Kivan
  • Coran
  • Branwen
  • Safana
  • Xan
  • Tiax
  • Quayle
  • Yeslick Orothiar
  • Garrick
  • Ajantis Ilvastarr
  • Montaron
  • Xzar
  • Eldoth Kron
  • Skie Silvershield
  • Kaishas Gan
  • Durlag Trollkiller
  • Ike

Other Titles In The Series

  • Baldur’s Gate (1998)
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)
    • Expansion: Throne of Bhaal (2001)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (2001)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II (2004)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition (2012)
    • Includes Tales of the Sword Coast
    • Adds The Black Pits
  • Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition (2013)
    • Includes Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal
    • Adds The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay
  • Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (2016)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (Remastered) (2021)
  • Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II (Remastered) (2022)
  • Baldur’s Gate III (2023)

Baldur’s Gate: Tales Of The Sword Coast Cheats

PC Codes

Cheat Codes

To create an item use this code, CLUAConsole:CreateItem(xxxxxx,#####)
Where (xxxxxx) is the item code, and ##### is how many of them you would
like created (from 0 to 65535)

Fire Agate GemMISC16
Kylees DaggerDAGG07
Morning Star +1BLUN07
Wand of Magic MissilesWAND03
A PeladonMISC96
Abela the NymphMISC68
Acid ArrowAROW04
Acid ArrowSCRL95
Action RingRING09
Adventurers RobeCLCK14
Agannazars ScorcherSCRL1B
Agni Mani NecklaceAMUL06
Algernons CloakCLCK08
Amulet of Metaspell InfluenceAMUL16
Amulet of Protection +1AMUL14
Ancient ArmorMISC82
Andar GemMISC22
Anderis JournalSCRL5R
Angel Skin RingRING16
Animal Friendship RingRING03
Animate DeadSCRL2D
Ankheg Plate MailPLAT06
Ankheg ShellMISC12
Aquamarine GemMISC33
Arrow +1AROW02
Arrow +2AROW11
Arrow of BitingAROW05
Arrow of DetonationAROW06
Arrow of FireAROW08
Arrow of IceAROW09
Arrow of PiercingAROW10
Arrow of SlayingAROW03
Arrow or DispellingAROW07
Balduran’s Log BookBOOK87
Bandit ScalpMISC86
Bassilus Holy SymbolMISC04
Bastard SwordSW1H01
Bastard Sword +1SW1H02
Battle AxeAX1H01
Battle Axe +1AX1H02
Battle Axe +2AX1H03
Black OpalMISC38
Bloodstone AmuletAMUL13
Bloodstone GemMISC20
Bloodstone RingRING15
Bluestone NecklaceAMUL05
Bolt +1BOLT02
Bolt +2BOLT06
Bolt of BitingBOLT04
Bolt of LightningBOLT03
Bolt of LightningSCRL1K
Bolt of PolymorphingBOLT05
Bone WardstoneMISC2L
Boots of AvoidanceBOOT04
Boots of GroundingBOOT05
Boots of SpeedBOOT01
Boots of StealthBOOT02
Boots of the NorthBOOT03
Bottle of WineMISC61
Bottle of wineMISC1A
Bowl of Water Elemental ControlMISC53
Bracers of ArcheryBRAC04
Bracers of BindingBRAC11
Bracers of Defense AC 6BRAC03
Bracers of Defense AC 7BRAC02
Bracers of Defense AC 8BRAC01
Brages BodyMISC65
Broken ArmorMISC58
Broken MiscellaneousMISC59
Broken ShieldMISC57
Broken WeaponMISC56
Bruns Dead SonMISC67
Burning HandsSCRL68
Butter knife of BalduranMISC1B
Chainmail +1CHAN02
Chainmail +2CHAN03
Champion StrengthSCRL5E
Charm PersonSCRL69
Chelaks BodyMISC90
Chew ToyMISC63
Childs BodyMISC54
Chill TouchSCRL82
Chromatic OrbSCRL83
Chrysoberyl GemMISC30
Cloak of BalduranCLCK05
Cloak of DisplacementCLCK03
Cloak of Non-DetectionCLCK06
Cloak of Protection +1CLCK01
Cloak of Protection +2CLCK02
Cloak of the ShieldCLCK20
Cloak of the WolfCLCK04
Clumsiness RingRING04
Color SpraySCRL70
Compass WardstoneMISC2K
Composite Long BowBOW01
Composite Long Bow +1BOW02
Cone of ColdSCRL2F
Contaminated IronMISC87
Cures Critical WoundSCRL61
Cursed Plate mail armorMISC99
Dagger +1DAGG02
Dagger +2DAGG03
Dagger +2, LongtoothDAGG04
Dagger of VenomMISC75
Dart +1DART02
Dart of StunningDART03
Dart of WoundingDART04
Dead CatMISC62
Defensive HarmonySCRL5B
Delornas SpellbookMISC71
Delornas StatueMISC70
Detect EvilSCRL86
Detect InvisibilitySCRL87
Dezekiels ScrollSCRL5S
Dimension DoorSCRL1V
Dispel MagicSCRL1E
Dopplegangers WardstoneMISC2A
Duke Eltans BodyMISC55
Durlags gobletMISC98
Dwarven Rune WardstoneMISC2M
Dwarvens Rune WardstoneMISC2N
Eagle BowBOW08
Edwins AmuletMISC89
Electricity ProtectionSCRL05
Elixir of HealthPOTN17
Farmer Bruns SonMISC66
Female BodyMISC79
Fire Opal RingRING18
Fire ProtectionSCRL06
Fire Resistance RingRING02
Flail +1BLUN03
Flame ArrowSCRL1F
Flame StrikeSCRL62
Flame SwordSW1H11
Flamedance RingRING17
Free ActionSCRL58
Freedom PotionPOTN45
Fuernebol WardstoneMISC2E
Full Plate MailPLAT04
Full Plate Mail +1PLAT05
Garnet GemMISC34
Gauntlets of DexterityBRAC07
Gauntlets of FumblingBRAC08
Gauntlets of Ogre PowerBRAC06
Gauntlets of Weapon ExpertiseBRAC10
Gauntlets of Weapon SkillBRAC09
Ghost ArmorSCRL1T
Ghoul TouchSCRL1C
Girdle of BluntnessBELT03
Girdle of MasculinityBELT05
Girdle of PiercingBELT04
Gold NecklaceAMUL10
Gold PieceMISC07
Gold RingRING10
Golden GirdleBELT02
Golden PantaloonsMISC47
Greagans HarpMISC2P
Greater MalaisonSCRL5I
Greenstone AmuletAMUL17
Greenstone RingRING14
Halberd +1HALB02
Halberd +2HALB03
Heal WoundsSCRL56
Heavy CrossbowXBOW01
Heavy Crossbow +1XBOW02
Heavy Crossbow of AccuracyXBOW03
Helm of BalduranHELM07
Helm of Charm ProtectionHELM06
Helm of DefenseHELM04
Helm of GloryHELM03
Helm of InfravisionHELM05
Helm of Opposite AlignmentHELM02
Helsharas Artifact FragmentMISC69
Hentolds DaggerDAGG08
Hide ArmorLEAT10
Hold MonsterSCRL5O
Holy cloakCLCK21
Horn Coral GemMISC35
Hulls Long SwordSW1H12
Improved InvisibilitySCRL1Y
Insight PotionPOTN43
Invisibility RingRING05
Invulnerability PotionPOTN40
Islanne WardstoneMISC2C
Jade RingRING13
Jasper GemMISC23
Key to River PlugMISC83
Kiel WardstoneMISC2D
Kiels BucklerSHLD20
Kiels HelmetHELM14
Kings TearsMISC44
Knaves RobeCLCK12
Knaves RobeCLCK18
Koveras RingRING25
Lock of Nymph HairAMUL12
Large ShieldSHLD05
Large ShieldSHLD15
Large Shield +1SHLD06
Large Shield +2SHLD19
Large Shield +4SHLD07
Larlochs DrainSCRL84
Leather ArmorLEAT01
Leather Armor +1LEAT02
Leather Armor +2LEAT03
Leather Armor +3LEAT09
Letter ASCRL2I
Letter BSCRL2J
Letter CSCRL3D
Level 1 exit WardstoneMISC2B
Level 2 exit WardstoneMISC2G
Light CrossbowXBOW04
Light Crossbow +1XBOW05
Light Crossbow of SpeedXBOW06
Lock of hair from KirindaleMISC2O
Lock of Nymphs HairMISC51
Long BowBOW03
Long Bow +1BOW04
Long Bow of MarksmanshipBOW07
Long SwordSW1H04
Long Sword +1SW1H05
Long Sword +1SW1H24
Long Sword +2SW1H06
Lynx Eye GemMISC17
Mace +1BLUN05
Mage Robe of Cold ResistanceCLCK09
Mage Robe of Electrical ResistanceCLCK11
Mage Robe of Fire ResistanceCLCK10
Magic MissileSCRL77
Magic ProtectionSCRL07
Magic Protection PotionPOTN34
Magic Shielding PotionPOTN35
Magical BookBOOK01
Male BodyMISC80
Mallet handleMISC95
Mallet headMISC94
Manual of Bodily Health +1 ConBOOK03
Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 StrengthBOOK04
Manual of Quickness of Action +1 DexterityBOOK05
Mareks AntidotePOTN47
Master Thievery PotionPOTN36
Medium ShieldSHLD03
Medium ShieldSHLD13
Medium Shield +1SHLD04
Melicamp the ChickenMISC49
Mental DominationSCRL5A
Mind Focusing PotionPOTN37
Minor GlobeSCRL1Z
Mirror ImageSCRL96
Mirror withMISC02
Mirrored Eyes PotionPOTN38
Miscellaneous HistoryBOOK10
Mithril Chain Mail +4CHAN06
Monster SummonSCRL1L
Monster Summoning 2SCRL2A
Monster Summoning 3SCRL2G
Moonbar GemMISC40
Moonstone GemMISC27
Morning StarBLUN06
Mulaheys Holy SymbolMISC85
Mysterious LiquidPOTN48
Necklace of MissilesAMUL01
Nesters DaggerDAGG06
Neutralize PoisonSCRL59
Normal BookBOOK09
Nymph CloakCLCK07
Oil of Firey BurningPOTN13
Oil of SpeedPOTN14
Olilukes sphereSCRL5J
Onyx RingRING12
Pearl NecklaceAMUL11
Perception PotionPOTN39
Petrification ProtectionSCRL15
Plate MailPLAT07
Plate Mail +1PLAT02
Plate Mail +3PLAT08
Plate Mail ArmorPLAT01
Poison ProtectionSCRL08
Polymorph OtherSCRL5L
Polymorph SelfSCRL5M
Potion of AbsorptionPOTN18
Potion of AgilityPOTN19
Potion of ClarityPOTN21
Potion of Cloud Giant StrengthPOTN06
Potion of Cold ResistancePOTN22
Potion of DefensePOTN24
Potion of ExplosionsPOTN26
Potion of Fire Giant StrengthPOTN05
Potion of Fire ResistancePOTN02
Potion of FirebreathPOTN27
Potion of FortitudePOTN28
Potion of Frost Giant StrengthPOTN04
Potion of GeniusPOTN29
Potion of HealingPOTN08
Potion of HealingPOTN25
Potion of HeroismPOTN09
Potion of Hill Giant StrengthPOTN03
Potion of InfravisionPOTN30
Potion of InsulationPOTN31
Potion of InvisibilityPOTN10
Potion of InvulnerabilityPOTN11
Potion of Magic BlockingPOTN33
Potion of Stone Giant StrengthPOTN12
Potion of Storm Giant StrengthPOTN07
Power PotionPOTN41
Protect from LightningSCRL5C
Protect from MissilesSCRL1N
Protect from PetrificationSCRL73
Protection +1 RingRING06
Protection +2 RingRING07
Protection from AcidSCRL03
Protection from EvilSCRL78
Protection from EvilSCRL5D
Protection from the ColdSCRL04
Quarterstaff +1STAF02
Quarterstaff +3STAF08
Rabbits FootMISC88
Rainbow Obsidian NecklaceAMUL07
Raise DeadSCRL63
Red PotionPOTN15
Regeneration PotionPOTN42
Remove CurseSCRL5G
Resist FearSCRL94
Ring of EnergyRING20
Ring of FollyRING23
Ring of HolyRING22
Ring of InfravisionRING21
Robe of the Evil ArchmagiCLCK17
Robe of the Good ArchmagiCLCK15
Robe of the Neutral ArchmagiCLCK16
Rogue StoneMISC45
Ruby RingRING19
Scimitar +1SW1H22
Scimitar +2SW1H23
Scimitar +3SW1H15
Scimitar +5SW1H16
Scroll of ClumsinessSCRL11
Scroll of FoolishnessSCRL12
Scroll of StupiditySCRL18
Scroll of Summon MonsterSCRL14
Scroll of UglinessSCRL13
Scroll of WeaknessSCRL10
Sea ChartsMISC1C
Shadow ArmorLEAT08
Shadow DoorSCRL2H
Shandalars cloakCLCK22
Shandalars WardstoneMISC2H
Shandon GemMISC32
Shield AmuletAMUL15
Shocking GraspSCRL80
Short BowBOW05
Short Bow +1BOW06
Short SwordSW1H21
Short SwordSW1H17
Short SwordSW1H07
Short Sword +1SW1H14
Short Sword +1SW1H08
Short Sword +2SW1H09
Short Sword of BackstabbingSW1H10
Silver dagger – WerebaneDAGG09
Silver NecklaceAMUL09
Silver RingRING11
Skull of KerephMISC77
Skull of KerephMISC81
Skull TrapSCRL1P
Skydrop GemMISC21
Sling +1SLNG02
Sling +3SLNG03
Small BoxMISC03
Small ShieldSHLD01
Small ShieldSHLD11
Small Shield +1SHLD02
Soultaker DaggerDAGG10
Spear +1SPER02
Spear +3SPER03
Spell BookBOOK02
Spell ScrollSCRL02
Sphene GemMISC37
Spider BodyMISC60
Spiders BaneSW2H06
Spirit armorSCRL5K
Splint MailCHAN04
Splint Mail +1CHAN05
Staff MaceSTAF06
Staff of StrikingSTAF05
Staff Spear +2STAF07
Star Diopside GemMISC31
Star SapphireMISC41
Stone PotionPOTN46
Strength PotionPOTN44
Studded Leather ArmorLEAT04
Studded Leather Armor +1LEAT05
Studded Leather Armor +2LEAT07
Studded Leather Armor +2LEAT06
Studded Necklace with Zios GemsAMUL04
Sunstone GemMISC18
Sword of BalduranSW1H18
Tchazar GemMISC24
Teleportation WardstoneMISC2F
The CandleMISC74
The Claw of KazgarothMISC72
The Dream PotionMISC76
The Horn of KazgarothMISC73
Throwing AxeAX1H04
Throwing Axe +2AX1H05
Throwing DaggerDAGG05
Tiger Cowrie Shell NecklaceAMUL08
Tome of Clear Thought +1 IntBOOK06
Tome of Leadership and Influence +1 ChrBOOK07
Tome of Understanding +1 WisBOOK08
Travellers RobeCLCK13
Turquoise GemMISC19
Two Handed SwordSW2H01
Two Handed Sword +1SW2H02
Two Handed sword +2SW2H08
Two Handed Sword +3SW2H07
Two Handed Sword, (Berserk)SW2H03
Vampire TouchSCRL1Q
Vampires RevengeSW1H19
Violet PotionPOTN16
Wand of FearWAND02
Wand of FireWAND05
Wand of FrostWAND06
Wand of HeavenWAND11
Wand of LightningWAND07
Wand of Magic MissilesWAND12
Wand of Monster SummoningWAND10
Wand of ParalyzationWAND04
Wand of PolymorphingWAND09
Wand of SleepWAND08
War HammerHAMM01
War Hammer +1HAMM02
War hammer +2HAMM03
Wardstone ForgeryMISC2I
Wardstone of forgeryMISC2J
Warhammer +4HAMM04
Water OpalMISC39
Waterstar GemMISC28
Winter Wolf PeltMISC01
Wizardry RingRING08
Wolfsbane Charm +2 vs LycanthropesAMUL18
Wyvern HeadMISC52
Ziose GemMISC29
Zircon GemMISC25

Cheat Keys

Press one of the following keys after enabling the “CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()” code:

Jump to pointer[Ctrl] and J
Play selected FMV squence[Ctrl] and A
Select FMV sequence[Ctrl] and S
Turn around[Ctrl] and F
View final FMV sequence[Ctrl] and B
View game statistics[Ctrl] and D


Once you have edited the baulder.ini file then type in these codes by CTRL+TAB
these codes ARE case sensitive.

adds 500 gold to inventoryCheats:Midas()
Creates a CowKill spell when are near a cowCheats:FirstAid()
Moves your characters to the mouse cursor positionCheats:CowKill()
Creates a friendly Drizzt.Cheats:DrizztDefends()
Creates a hostile DrizztCheats:DrizztAttacks()
gives all the items needed for final main questCheats: CriticalItems()
Marks entire area as explored.Cheats:ExploreArea()
Moves your characters to mouse cursor positionCheats:Hans()
Summons 10 killer chickens who defend youCheats:TheGreatGonzo()

Cheats for creating creatures

enter at the console menu

Candlekeep Watcher (Not Hostile)CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Watch”)
Creates a CowCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Cow”)
Creates A GhastCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Ghast”)
Creates a GnollCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Gnoll”)
Creates A KoboldCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Kobold”)
Creates An Eagle (Completely useless)CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Eagle”)
Creates An XvartCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Xvart”)
Creates AolnCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Aoln”)
Creates ArkanisCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Arkani”)
Creates Bentley Mirrorshade InnkeeperCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Bentley”)
Creates CanderousCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Cander”)
Creates DederCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Deder”)
Creates DreppinCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Dreppi”)
Creates ErikCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Erik”)
Creates ImoenCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Imoen”)
Creates JondalarCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Jondal”)
Creates MordaineCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Mordia”)
Creates OspreyCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Osprey”)
Creates PardaCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Parda”)
Creates PhlydiaCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Phlydi”)
Creates TethtorilCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Tethto”)
Creates Thunderhammer The SmithyCLUAConsole:CreateCreature(“Taerom”)

MAC Codes

Cheat Keys

Enter with the Cheat Keys code

Black ScreenCtrl + 2
Change Armor of the Paper DOllCtrl + 1
Change to last Paper DollCtrl + 6
Change to next Paper DollCtrl + 7
Chill cursor CharacterCtrl + Y
Debug InfoCtrl + D
Go to Next ChapterCtrl + C
Go to PointerCtrl + J
Heal Pointer CharacterCtrl + R
Highlight SpritesCtrl + 9
Highlight Text BoxesCtrl + 8
Interactive Objects in backgroundCtrl + 4
Last Movie SequenceCtrl + B
Look at CharacterCtrl + F
Normal ScreenCtrl + 3
See CoordinatesCtrl + L
See Position InformationCtrl + X
Set Sprite AnimationCtrl + S
Sprite AnimationCtrl + A

Creature Names

Enter with Creature Code

Carrion CrawlerCarrio
Death Knightdeathkn
Flaming Fist MercenaryFlame
Flaming Fist WizardFlamwiz
Greater BasiliskGBasil
Ogre MageDroth
Phoenix GuardPheogurd
Stone BranwenBranwe

Item Names 

To be used with the item code

+ 1 Charisma ManualBOOK07
+ 1 Con ManualBOOK03
+ 1 Dexterity ManualBOOK05
Gauntlets of Weapon ExpertiseBOOK06
+ 1 Strength ManualBOOK04
+ 1 Wisdom ManualBOOK08
Acid ArrowAROW04
Adventurers RobeCLCK14
Agni Mani NecklaceAMUL06
Amulet of Metaspell InfluenceAMUL16
Amulet of Protection + 1AMUL14
Andar GemMISC22
Angel Skin RingRING16
Ankheg Plate MailPLAT06
Ankheg ShellMISC12
AquaMarine GemMISC33
Arrow + 1AROW02
Arrow + 2AROW11
Arrow of BitingAROW05
Arrow of DetonationAROW06
Arrow of DispellingAROW07
Arrow of FireAROW08
Arrow of IceAROW09
Arrow of PiercingAROW10
Arrow of SlayingAROW03
Bala’s AxeAX1H07
Bandit ScalpMISC86
Bastard SwordSW1H01
Bastard Sword + 1SW1H02
Bastard Sword + 1 with ShapeshiftersSW1H03
Battle AxeAX1H01
Battle Axe + 1AX1H02
Battle Axe + 2AX1H03
Black OpalMISC38
Bloodstone AmuletAMUL13
Bloodstone GemMISC20
Bloodstone RingRING15
Bluestone NecklaceAMUL05
Bolt + 1BOLT02
Bolt + 2BOLT06
Bolt of BitingBOLT04
Bolt of LightningBOLT03
Bolt of PolymorphingBOLT05
Boots of AvoidanceBOOT04
Boots of GroundingBOOT05
Boots of SpeedBOOT01
Boots of StealthBOOT02
Boots of the NorthBOOT03
Bottle of WineMISC61
Bowl of Water Elemental ControlMISC53
Braces of ArcheryBRAC04
Braces of BindingBRAC11
Braces of Defense AC 6BRAC03
Braces of Defense AC 7BRAC02
Braces of Defense AC 8BRAC01
Broken ArmorMISC58
Broken MiscellaneousMISC59
Broken ShieldMISC57
Broken WeaponMISC56
Bullet + 2BULL03
Bullte + 1BULL02
Chainmail + 1CHAN02
Chainmail + 2CHAN03
Chainmail + 3CHAN07
Chew ToyMISC63
Chrysoberyl GemMISC30
Claw of KazgarothMISC72
Cloak of BalduranCLCK05
Cloak of DisplacementCLCK03
Cloak of Non DetectionCLCK06
Cloak of Protection + 1CLCK01
Cloak of Protection + 2CLCK02
Cloak of the ShieldCLCK20
Cloak of the WolfCLCK04
Club + 1 and + 3 vs Unnatural CreaturesBLUN10
Composite Long BowBOW01
Composite Long Bow + 1BOW02
Contaminated IronMISC87
Cursed Scroll of StupiditySCRL18
Cursed Scroll of WeaknessSCRL10
Dagger + 1DAGG02
Dagger + 2DAGG03
Dagger + 2 with LongtoothDAGG04
Dark Flame SaberSW1H11
Dart + 1DART02
Dart of StunningDART03
Dart of WoundingDART04
Dead CatMISC62
Delorna’s StatueMISC70
Different Arrow + 2AROW1A
Duke Eltan’s BodyMISC55
Durlags Pride Two Handed Sword + 2SW2H08
Dwarven Rune WardstoneMISC2M
Eagle BowBOW08
Elixir of HealthPOTN17
Fake WardstoneMISCI
Female BodyMISC79
Fire Agate GemMISC16
Fire Opal RingRING18
Flail + 1BLUN03
Flamedance RingRING17
Full Plate MailPLAT04
Full Plate Mail + 1PLAT05
Garnet GemMISC34
Gauntlets of DexterityBRAC07
Gauntlets of FumblingBRAC08
Gauntlets of Ogre PowerBRAC06
Gauntlets of Weapon SkillBRAC09
Girdle Of BluntnessBELT03
Girdle of PiercingBELT04
Girdle of Sex ChangeBELT05
Gold NecklaceAMUL10
Gold PieceMISC07
Gold RingRING10
Golden GirdleBELT02
Golden PantaloonsMISC47
Green Stone AmuletAMUL17
Greenstone RingRING14
Potion of Mirrored EyesBRAC10
Halberd + 1HALB02
Halberd + 2HALB03
Heavy CrossbowXBOW01
Heavy Crossbow + 1XBOW02
Heavy Crossbow of AccuracyXBOW03
Helm of BalduranHELM07
Helm of Charm ProtectionHELM06
Helm of DefenseHELM04
Helm of InfravisionHELM05
Helm, of GloryHELM03
Helmet of Opposite AlignmentHELM02
Helshara’s Artifact FragmentMISC69
Hide ArmorLEAT10
Holy CloakCLCK21
Horn Coral GemMISC35
Horn of KazgarothMISC73
Hull’s Long SwordSW1H12
Iol GemMISC26
Jade RingRING13
Jasper GemMISC23
Kids BodyMISC54
Kiel’s BucklerSHLD20
Kiel’s HelmetHELM14
Kiel’s Morning StarBLUN09
Kings TearsMISC44
Knave’s RobeCLCK18
Laeral’s Tear NecklaceAMUL12
Large ShieldSHLD05
Large ShieldSHLD15
Large ShieldSHLD16
Large Shield + 1SHLD06
Large Shield + 1 with +4 against MissilesSHLD07
Large Shield + 2SHLD19
Leather ArmorLEAT01
Leather Armor + 1LEAT02
Leather Armor + 2LEAT03
Leather Armor + 3LEAT09
Light CrossbowXBOW04
Light Crossbow +1XBOW05
Light Crossbow of SpeedXBOW06
Lock of Hair from NymphMISC51
Lock of Kirindale’s HairMISC2O
Long BowBOW03
Long Bow + 1BOW04
Long Bow of MarksmanshipBOW07
Long SwordSW1H04
Long Sword + 1SW1H05
Long Sword + 1 with FlametongueSW1H24
Long Sword + 2SW1H06
Lynx Eyue GemMISC17
Mace + 1BLUN05
Mace + 2BLUN11
Mace of StrikingSTAF05
Magic BookBOOK01
Male BodyMISC80
Medium ShieldSHLD03
Medium ShieldSHLD13
Medium ShieldSHLD14
Medium Shield + 1SHLD04
Melicamp the ChickenMISC49
Mithril Chain Mail + 4CHAN06
Moonbar GemMISC40
Moonstone GemMISC27
Morning StarBLUN06
Morning Star + 1BLUN07
Mulahey’s Holy SymbolMISC85
Necklace Of MissilesAMUL01
Normal BookBOOK09
Nymph CloakCLCK07
Oil of Firey BurningPOTN13
Oil of SpeedPOTN14
Oil of SpeedPOTN23
Onyx RingRING12
Pearl NecklaceAMUL11
Perdue’s Short SwordSW1H17
Plate Mail + 3PLAT08
Plate Mail ArmorPLAT01
Plate Mail Armor + 1PLAT02
Potion of AbsorptionPOTN18
Potion of AgilityPOTN19
Potion of ClarityPOTN21
Potion of Cloud Giant StrengthPOTN06
Potion of Cold ResistancePOTN22
Potion of DefensePOTN24
Potion of ExplosionsPOTN26
Potion of Fire Giant StrengthPOTN05
Potion of Fire ResistancePOTN02
Potion of FirebreathPOTN27
Potion of FortitudePOTN28
Potion of FreedomPOTN45
Potion of Frost Giant StrengthPOTN04
Potion of GeniusPOTN29
Potion of HealingPOTN08
Potion of HealingPOTN25
Potion of HeroismPOTN09
Potion of Hill Giant StrengthPOTN03
Potion of InfravisionPOTN30
Potion of InsightPOTN43
Potion of InsulationPOTN31
Potion of InvisibilityPOTN10
Potion of InvulnerabilityPOTN11
Potion of InvulnerabilityPOTN40
Potion of Magical BlockingPOTN33
Potion of Magical ProtectionPOTN34
Potion of Magical ShieldingPOTN35
Potion of Master ThieveryPOTN36
Potion of Mind FocusingPOTN37
Protection from PoisonPOTN38
Potion of PerceptionPOTN39
Potion of PowerPOTN41
Potion of RegenerationPOTN42
Potion of Stone FormPOTN46
Potion of Stone Giant StrengthPOTN12
Potion of Storm Giant StrengthPOTN07
Potion of StrengthPOTN44
Protection from AcidSCRL03
Protection from ColdSCRL04
Protection from ElectricitySCRL05
Protection from FireSCRL06
Protection from MagicSCRL07
Protection from PetrificationSCRL15
Protection from PoisionSCRL08
Protection from UndeadSCRL09
QuarterStaff + 1STAF02
QuarterStaff =3STAF08
Rabbit’s FootMISC88
Rainbow Obsidian NecklaceAMUL07
Red PotionPOTN15
Ring of Animal FriendshipRING03
Ring of BarkskinMAGE02
Ring of BlurMAGE04
Ring of ClumsinessRING04
Ring of EnergyRING20
Ring of Fire ResistanceRING02
Ring of FollyRING23
Ring of Free ActionMAGE05
Ring of Free ActionRING09
Ring of Free Action with Haste and ImmunityMAGE06
Ring of HolinessRING22
Ring of InfravisionRING21
Ring of InvisibilityMAGE01
Ring of InvisibilityRING05
Ring of Mirror ImageMAGE03
Ring of Protection + 1RING06
Ring of Protection + 2RING07
Ring of WizardryRING08
River Plug KeyMISC83
Robe of the Evil Arch MagiCLCK17
Robe of The Good Arch MagiCLCK15
Robe of the Neutral Arch MagiCLCK16
Rogue StoneMISC45
Ruby RingRING19
Samuel’s BodyMISC13
Scimitar + 1SW1H22
Scimitar + 2SW1H23
Scimitar + 3 with FrostbrandSW1H15
Scimitar + 5 with DefenderSW1H16
Shadow ArmorLEAT08
Shandalar’s CloakCLCK22
Shandon GemMISC32
Shield AmuletAMUL15
Short BowBOW05
Short Bow + 1BOW06
Short SwordSW1H07
Short SwordSW1H21
Short Sword + 1SW1H08
Short Sword + 1SW1H14
Short Sword + 2SW1H09
Short Sword of BackstabbingSW1H10
Silver DaggerDAGG09
Silver NecklaceAMUL09
Silver RingRING11
Skydrop GemMISC21
Sling + 1SLNG02
Sling + 3SLNG03
Small ShieldSHLD01
Small ShieldSHLD11
Small ShieldSHLD12
Small Shield + 1SHLD02
Soultaker DaggerDAGG10
Spear + 1SPER02
Spear + 3 with BackbiterSPER03
Spell BookBOOK02
Spell ScrollSCRL02
Sphene GemMISC37
Spider BodyMISC60
Spiders BaneSW2H06
Splint MailCHAN04
Splint Mail + 1CHAN05
Staff MaceSTAF06
Staff Spear + 2STAF07
Star Diopside GemMISC31
Star SapphireMISC41
Studded Leather ArmorLEAT04
Studded Leather Armor + 1LEAT05
Studded Leather Armor + 2LEAT07
Studded Leather Armor + 2 with Missile AttractionLEAT06
Studded Necklace with Zios GemsAMUL04
Sunstone GemMISC18
Sword of BalduranSW1H18
Tchazar GemMISC24
The Vampire’s RevengeSW1H19
Throwing AxeAX1H04
Throwing Axe + 1AX1H05
Throwing DaggerDAGG05
Tiger Cowrie Shell NecklaceAMUL08
Travellers RobeCLCK13
Turquoise GemMISC19
Two Handed SwordSW2H01
Two Handed Sword + 1SW2H02
Two Handed Sword + 3SW2H07
Two Handed Sword with BerserkingSW2H03
Violet PotionPOTN16
Wand of FearWAND02
Wand of FireWAND05
Wand of FrostWAND06
Wand of LightningWAND07
Wand of Magic MissilesWAND03
Wand of Monster SummoningWAND10
Wand of ParalyzationWAND04
Wand of PolymorphingWAND09
Wand of SleepWAND08
Wand of the HeavensWAND11
War HammerHAMM01
War Hammer + 1HAMM02
War Hammer + 1 with + 4 against GiantHAMM04
War Hammer + 2HAMM03
Wardstone ForgeryMISC2I
Water OpalMISC39
Waterstar GemMISC28
Winter Wolf PelletMISC01
Wolfsbane AmuletAMUL18
Worn-Out BootsBOOT06
Wyvern HeadMISC52
Ziose GemMISC29
Zircon GemMISC25

Spell Tags

Use these with the Spell code

Agannazar’s ScorcherSPWI215
Animate DeadSPWI501
Burning HandsSPWI103
Change to Black BearSPIN111
Change to Brown BearSPIN107
Change to WolfSPIN110
Charm AnimalSPIN108
Charm PersonSPIN119
Charm PersonSPWI104
Chill TouchSPWI116
Chromatic OrbSPWI117
Cloud KillSPWI502
Color SpraySPWI105
Cone of ColdSPWI503
Cure Light WoundsSPIN101
Detect EvilSPIN120
Detect EvilSPWI202
Detect InvisibilitySPWI203
Dimension DoorSPWI402
Dire CharmSPWI316
Dispel MagicSPIN112
Dispel MagicSPWI302
Draw upon Holy MightSPIN103
Flame ArrowSPWI303
Ghost’s ArmorSPWI317
Ghoul TouchSPWI216
Hold PersonSPWI306
Ice StormSPWI403
Improved InvisibilitySPWI404
Know AlignmentSPWI207
Larloch’s Minor DrainSPWI118
Lay on HandsSPIN109
Lightning BoltSPWI307
Magic MissilesSPWI111
Melf’s Acid ArrowSPWI210
Minor Globe of InvulnerabilitySPWI405
Mirror ImageSPWI211
Monster Summoning 1SPWI308
Monster Summoning 2SPWI406
Monster Summoning 3SPWI504
Non DetectionSPWI309
Protection from EvilSPWI112
Protection from Normal MissilesSPWI310
Protection from PetrificationSPWI109
Resist FearSPWI209
Shadow DoorSPWI505
Shocking GraspSPWI114
Skull TrapSPWI13
Slow PoisonsSPIN102
Spiritual HammerSPIN113
Stinking CloudSPWI212
Vampirism TouchSPWI314
Wall of FireSPWI407
Wraith’s FormSPWI315

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