



Chrono Cross Cheat Codes and Secrets for PlayStation

Chrono Cross Cheat Codes and Secrets for PlayStation

It feels like the Chrono Cross doesn’t get much credit when compared to the massive JRPG classic Chrono Trigger. When Chrono Cross released in Japan on November 18, 1999, it received high ratings and critical acclaim but it seems that its predecessor is just that much greater in the eyes of JRPG fans. No matter where you land in the great debate, it cannot be understated just how great Chrono Cross is when graded on its own merits.

Chrono Cross Premise

Chrono Cross‘s gameplay is similar to other JRPGs of the time but with its own special twist. If you were to find something to compare its unique Element system to, you probably would draw similarities with Final Fantasy VII. The story follows a teenage boy names Serge as he explores an alternate reality where he died as a young child. The story continues to explore the themes of parallels and duality and culminates in a tale that stands the test of time.

Chrono Cross Main Characters

  • Serge: A seventeen-year-old boy who one day slips into an alternate world in which he drowned as a child.
  • Kid: A thief who seeks the mythical Frozen Flame. She also is a link to Chrono Trigger since she was raised by Lucca, one of the main characters of the previous title.
  • Lynx: An anthropomorphic panther who burned down Lucca’s orphanage.
  • Harle: A playful girl who dresses like a harlequin.

Other Titles In The Series

Chrono Cross Cheat Codes


New Game+ feature

Successfully complete the game, then load the saved game. This will give you a “New Game+” feature. This game allows access to your old level, elements, and summons.


Infinite money, Dragoon’s Glory’s, Viper’s LvL 7 Tech Skill

After Serge is reborn, visit Termina (Home World) with Viper in your party. Talk to the barmaid, go into the back room, and examine the flag on the back wall. Viper will talk briefly about the flag and then take his LvL 7 Tech Skill, “FlagBearer” and a Dragoon’s Glory. Exit the room and re-enter. Examine the back wall with Viper still in your party. Even though there is no flag, Viper will say the same thing that he said before and will take another “FlagBearer” and Dragoon’s Glory. Repeat this as many times as needed. Each Dragoon’s Glory can be sold for 4,000 gold. The stats for Dragoons’s Glory is Atk. +3, Hit% +3%, Mgc. +2. You can also disassemble them for 1 Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Fur, and 2 Fang.

Always win at roulette

The following trick allows you to win the roulette game every time in the casino on the Zelbess. When the pointer begins to spin and the red tip is in between the west and the south points of the roulette wheel, pause the game. Then, repeatedly press Circle and resume the game. It will land on north every time, giving you double the money you wagered.

Feed all 100 dragons

Note: A controller with a turbo feature is needed for this trick. When you meet the man who feeds dragons in a barn, you can earn prizes depending on how many dragons you feed for him. To feed all 100, set the turbo feature on X and use the D-pad to move back and forth.

Feel elements

Use a Feel element and then use an element that is opposite of the color of the Feel element to inflict more damage to an opponent. For example, use Feel Yellow and then use a Green Element.


The field effect in the upper right corner has to be all one color to use a summon. For example, to cast a Blue Summon like Frog, the field effect has to be solid blue.

Get Mojo

In the “Home World”, get the shark tooth from the fisherman. Then in “Present World”, show the shark tooth to the scarecrow (Mojo) and he will join your party.

Get Guile

In Termina, talk to the statue polishing man, then go to Korcha (boatman). Talk to him and he will tell you to get a person to help you to get to Viper Manor. Go to the bar and Guile will be the man next to the locked door. Ask him, or you can get Pierre or Nikki.

Get Kid

After you talk to Lenna, go to Cape Howl. When you are leaving, Karsh will walk up to you and Kid will appear.

Get Glenn and Macha

Say “No” to save Kid when she is poisoned and get Glenn and Macha (Korcha’s mother). Glenn and Serge have an attack together called “X strike”.

Get Lenna

Say “No” after Cape Howl when Kid asks to join you. Go back and ask.

Give Bellflower to Glenn

Go to the mountain after Cape Howl and walk around where there is a brown monster. Avoid it and walk to the purple flowers. Get them, and when you get to Termina, go to where Glenn’s brother and father are buried. He will be there with General Viper’s daughter. He will walk up and ask you to give them for free.

Hydra Humour for Kid

Press Start on the world map and change to “Home World” from Opassa Beach. Go to Hydra Swamp (dwarves place) to find a Hydra Humour.

Codebreaker Codes

Max HP

50002CCC 0000
8006EBDE 03E7

Max HP (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EBDE 03E7

Infinite HP

50002CCC 0000
8006EC80 03E7

Infinite HP (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EC80 03E7


50002CCC 0000

Max STR & RES (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000


50002CCC 0000

Max ACC & AGL (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000


50002CCC 0000

Max MAG & M.RES (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000

Max Stamina Recovery

50002CCC 0000

Max Stamina Recovery (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000

Prism Mail Equipped

50002CCC 0000
8006EBEA 009B

Prism Mail Equipped (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EBEA 009B

Prism Helmet Equipped

50002CCC 0000
8006EBEC 00C7

Prism Helmet Equipped (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EBEC 00C7

Dreamer’s Sarong Equipped

50002CCC 0000
8006EBEE 00FE

Dreamer’s Sarong Equipped (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EBEE 00FE

Star Fragment Equipped

50002CCC 0000
8006EBEE 00FD

Star Fragment Equipped (Caetla Only)

B02C00CC 00000000
8006EBEE 00FD

Instantly Win Any Battle (Press L2 + R2)
It must be your turn & you must be waiting to attack otherwise using the code will crash your game.

D007E9F0 0003
800DDF40 0007

Infinite Health-Character 1

D10DB568 2C03
800DB130 03E7

Infinite Health-Character 2

D10DB568 2C03
800DB568 03E7

Infinite Health-Character 3

D10DB568 2C03
800DB9A0 03E7

Infinite Stamina-Character 1

D10DB568 2C03
800DB216 0046

Infinite Stamina-Character 2

D10DB568 2C03
800DB64E 0046

Infinite Stamina-Character 3

D10DB568 2C03
800DBA86 0046

Level 8 Elements-Character 1

D10DB568 2C03
800DB1E6 0007

Level 8 Elements-Character 2

D10DB568 2C03
800DB61E 0007

Level 8 Elements-Character 3

D10DB568 2C03
800DBA56 0007

Normal Status-Character 1

D10DB568 2C03
800DB12A 0000
D10DB568 2C03
800DB228 0000

Normal Status-Character 2

D10DB568 2C03
800DB562 0000
D10DB568 2C03
800DB660 0000

Normal Status-Character 3

D10DB568 2C03
800DB99A 0000
D10DB568 2C03
800DBA98 0000

Elemental Attacks Heal-Character 1

D10DB568 2C03

Elemental Attacks Heal-Character 2

D10DB568 2C03
800DB564 FFFF

Elemental Attacks Heal-Character 3

D10DB568 2C03

All Infinite Health (Caetla Only)

D10DB568 2C03
B0030438 00000000
800DB130 03E7

All Infinite Stamina (Caetla Only)

D10DB568 2C03
B0030438 00000000
800DB216 0046

Level 8 Elements All (Caetla Only)

D10DB568 2C03
B0030438 00000000
800DB1E6 0007

Elemental Attacks Heal All (Caetla Only)

D10DB568 2C03
B0030438 00000000

Infinite Element Usage

D00CB574 0001
800CB574 0000
D00CB682 A083
800CB682 2400

Infinite Stamina

D00D0D56 A662
800D0D56 2400
D00D0E7E A662
800D0E7E 2400

Always Have 99% Hit %

D006EBC0 0001
300DB066 0063
D006EBC0 0001
300DB068 0063
D006EBC0 0001
300DB06A 0063

1-Hit Death (Enemies)

800DBDD8 0001
800DC210 0001
800DC648 0001
800DCA80 0001

(Character 1) Alternate Infinite Health Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DB130 03E7

(Character 2) Alternate Infinite Health Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DB568 03E7

(Character 3) Alternate Infinite Health Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DB9A0 03E7

(Character 1) Alternate Infinite Stamina Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DB216 0046

(Character 2) Alternate Infinite Stamina Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DB64E 0046

(Character 3) Alternate Infinite Stamina Code

D00DAF18 0001
800DBA86 0046

Alternate Level 8 Elements Codes – Character 1

D00DAF18 0001
800DB1E6 0007

Alternate Level 8 Elements Codes – Character 2

D00DAF18 0001
800DB61E 0007

Alternate Level 8 Elements Codes – Character 3

D00DAF18 0001
800DBA56 0007

Alternate Normal Status Codes – Character 1

D00DAF18 0001
800DB12A 0000
D00DAF18 0001
800DB228 0000

Alternate Normal Status Codes – Character 2

D00DAF18 0001
800DB562 0000
D00DAF18 0001
800DB660 0000

Alternate Normal Status Codes – Character 3

D00DAF18 0001
800DB99A 0000
D00DAF18 0001
800DBA98 0000

Character 1 – Elemental Attacks Heal

D00DAF18 0001

Character 2 – Elemental Attacks Heal

D00DAF18 0001
800DB564 FFFF

Character 3 – Elemental Attacks Heal

D00DAF18 0001

Max Element Codes

Slot 1: 300718E0 0063

Slot 2: 300718E1 0063

Slot 3: 300718E2 0063

Slot 4: 300718E3 0063

Slot 5: 300718E4 0063

Slot 6: 300718E5 0063

Slot 7: 300718E6 0063

Slot 8: 300718E7 0063

Slot 9: 300718E8 0063

Slot 10: 300718E9 0063

Slot 11: 300718EA 0063

Slot 12: 300718EB 0063

Slot 13: 300718EC 0063

Slot 14: 300718ED 0063

Slot 15: 300718EE 0063

Slot 16: 300718EF 0063

Slot 17: 300718F0 0063

Slot 18: 300718F1 0063

Slot 19: 300718F2 0063

Slot 20: 300718F3 0063

Slot 21: 300718F4 0063

Slot 22: 300718F5 0063

Slot 23: 300718F6 0063

Slot 24: 300718F7 0063

Slot 25: 300718F8 0063

Slot 26: 300718F9 0063

Slot 27: 300718FA 0063

Slot 28: 300718FB 0063

Slot 29: 300718FC 0063

Slot 30: 300718FD 0063

Slot 31: 300718FE 0063

Slot 32: 300718FF 0063

Slot 33: 30071900 0063

Slot 34: 30071901 0063

Slot 35: 30071902 0063

Slot 36: 30071903 0063

Slot 37: 30071904 0063

Slot 38: 30071905 0063

Slot 39: 30071906 0063

Slot 40: 30071907 0063

Slot 41: 30071908 0063

Slot 42: 30071909 0063

Slot 43: 3007190A 0063

Slot 44: 3007190B 0063

Slot 45: 3007190C 0063

Slot 46: 3007190D 0063

Slot 47: 3007190E 0063

Slot 48: 3007190F 0063

Slot 49: 30071910 0063

Slot 50: 30071911 0063

Slot 51: 30071912 0063

Slot 52: 30071913 0063

Slot 53: 30071914 0063

Slot 54: 30071915 0063

Slot 55: 30071916 0063

Slot 56: 30071917 0063

Slot 57: 30071918 0063

Slot 58: 30071919 0063

Slot 59: 3007191A 0063

Slot 60: 3007191B 0063

Slot 61: 3007191C 0063

Slot 62: 3007191D 0063

Slot 63: 3007191E 0063

Slot 64: 3007191F 0063

Slot 65: 30071920 0063

Slot 66: 30071921 0063

Slot 67: 30071922 0063

Slot 68: 30071923 0063

Slot 69: 30071924 0063

Slot 70: 30071925 0063

Slot 71: 30071926 0063

Slot 72: 30071927 0063

Slot 73: 30071928 0063

Slot 74: 30071929 0063

Slot 75: 3007192A 0063

Slot 76: 3007192B 0063

Slot 77: 3007192C 0063

Slot 78: 3007192D 0063

Slot 79: 3007192E 0063

Slot 80: 3007192F 0063

Slot 81: 30071930 0063

Slot 82: 30071931 0063

Slot 83: 30071932 0063

Slot 84: 30071933 0063

Slot 85: 30071934 0063

Slot 86: 30071935 0063

Slot 87: 30071936 0063

Slot 88: 30071937 0063

Slot 89: 30071938 0063

Slot 90: 30071939 0063

Slot 91: 3007193A 0063

Slot 92: 3007193B 0063

Slot 93: 3007193C 0063

Slot 94: 3007193D 0063

Slot 95: 3007193E 0063

Slot 96: 3007193F 0063

Slot 97: 30071940 0063

Slot 98: 30071941 0063

Slot 99: 30071942 0063

Slot 100: 30071943 0063

Slot 101: 30071944 0063

Slot 102: 30071945 0063

Slot 103: 30071946 0063

Slot 104: 30071947 0063

Slot 105: 30071948 0063

Slot 106: 30071949 0063

Slot 107: 3007194A 0063

Slot 108: 3007194B 0063

Slot 109: 3007194C 0063

Slot 110: 3007194D 0063

Slot 111: 3007194E 0063

Slot 112: 3007194F 0063

Slot 113: 30071950 0063

Slot 114: 30071951 0063

Slot 115: 30071952 0063

Slot 116: 30071953 0063

Slot 117: 30071954 0063

Slot 118: 30071955 0063

Slot 119: 30071956 0063

Slot 120: 30071957 0063

Slot 121: 30071958 0063

Slot 122: 30071959 0063

Slot 123: 3007195A 0063

Slot 124: 3007195B 0063

Slot 125: 3007195C 0063

Slot 126: 3007195D 0063

Slot 127: 3007195E 0063

Slot 128: 3007195F 0063

Slot 129: 30071960 0063

Slot 130: 30071961 0063

Slot 131: 30071962 0063

Slot 132: 30071963 0063

Slot 133: 30071964 0063

Slot 134: 30071965 0063

Slot 135: 30071966 0063

Slot 136: 30071967 0063

Slot 137: 30071968 0063

Slot 138: 30071969 0063

Slot 139: 3007196A 0063

Slot 140: 3007196B 0063

Slot 141: 3007196C 0063

Slot 142: 3007196D 0063

Slot 143: 3007196E 0063

Slot 144: 3007196F 0063

Slot 145: 30071970 0063

Slot 146: 30071971 0063

Slot 147: 30071972 0063

Slot 148: 30071973 0063

Slot 149: 30071974 0063

Slot 150: 30071975 0063

Slot 151: 30071976 0063

Slot 152: 30071977 0063

Slot 153: 30071978 0063

Slot 154: 30071979 0063

Slot 155: 3007197A 0063

Slot 156: 3007197B 0063

Slot 157: 3007197C 0063

Slot 158: 3007197D 0063

Slot 159: 3007197E 0063

Slot 160: 3007197F 0063

Slot 161: 30071980 0063

Slot 162: 30071981 0063

Slot 163: 30071982 0063

Slot 164: 30071983 0063

Slot 165: 30071984 0063

Slot 166: 30071985 0063

Slot 167: 30071986 0063

Slot 168: 30071987 0063

Slot 169: 30071988 0063

Slot 170: 30071989 0063

Slot 171: 3007198A 0063

Slot 172: 3007198B 0063

Slot 173: 3007198C 0063

Slot 174: 3007198D 0063

Slot 175: 3007198E 0063

Slot 176: 3007198F 0063

Slot 177: 30071990 0063

Slot 178: 30071991 0063

Slot 179: 30071992 0063

Slot 180: 30071993 0063

Slot 181: 30071994 0063

Slot 182: 30071995 0063

Slot 183: 30071996 0063

Slot 184: 30071997 0063

Slot 185: 30071998 0063

Slot 186: 30071999 0063

Slot 187: 3007199A 0063

Slot 188: 3007199B 0063

Slot 189: 3007199C 0063

Slot 190: 3007199D 0063

Slot 191: 3007199E 0063

Slot 192: 3007199F 0063

Max Equipment Codes

Slot 1: 300715E0 0063

Slot 2: 300715E1 0063

Slot 3: 300715E2 0063

Slot 4: 300715E3 0063

Slot 5: 300715E4 0063

Slot 6: 300715E5 0063

Slot 7: 300715E6 0063

Slot 8: 300715E7 0063

Slot 9: 300715E8 0063

Slot 10: 300715E9 0063

Slot 11: 300715EA 0063

Slot 12: 300715EB 0063

Slot 13: 300715EC 0063

Slot 14: 300715ED 0063

Slot 15: 300715EE 0063

Slot 16: 300715EF 0063

Slot 17: 300715F0 0063

Slot 18: 300715F1 0063

Slot 19: 300715F2 0063

Slot 20: 300715F3 0063

Slot 21: 300715F4 0063

Slot 22: 300715F5 0063

Slot 23: 300715F6 0063

Slot 24: 300715F7 0063

Slot 25: 300715F8 0063

Slot 26: 300715F9 0063

Slot 27: 300715FA 0063

Slot 28: 300715FB 0063

Slot 29: 300715FC 0063

Slot 30: 300715FD 0063

Slot 31: 300715FE 0063

Slot 32: 300715FF 0063

Slot 33: 30071600 0063

Slot 34: 30071601 0063

Slot 35: 30071602 0063

Slot 36: 30071603 0063

Slot 37: 30071604 0063

Slot 38: 30071605 0063

Slot 39: 30071606 0063

Slot 40: 30071607 0063

Slot 41: 30071608 0063

Slot 42: 30071609 0063

Slot 43: 3007160A 0063

Slot 44: 3007160B 0063

Slot 45: 3007160C 0063

Slot 46: 3007160D 0063

Slot 47: 3007160E 0063

Slot 48: 3007160F 0063

Slot 49: 30071610 0063

Slot 50: 30071611 0063

Slot 51: 30071612 0063

Slot 52: 30071613 0063

Slot 53: 30071614 0063

Slot 54: 30071615 0063

Slot 55: 30071616 0063

Slot 56: 30071617 0063

Slot 57: 30071618 0063

Slot 58: 30071619 0063

Slot 59: 3007161A 0063

Slot 60: 3007161B 0063

Slot 61: 3007161C 0063

Slot 62: 3007161D 0063

Slot 63: 3007161E 0063

Slot 64: 3007161F 0063

Slot 65: 30071620 0063

Slot 66: 30071621 0063

Slot 67: 30071622 0063

Slot 68: 30071623 0063

Slot 69: 30071624 0063

Slot 70: 30071625 0063

Slot 71: 30071626 0063

Slot 72: 30071627 0063

Slot 73: 30071628 0063

Slot 74: 30071629 0063

Slot 75: 3007162A 0063

Slot 76: 3007162B 0063

Slot 77: 3007162C 0063

Slot 78: 3007162D 0063

Slot 79: 3007162E 0063

Slot 80: 3007162F 0063

Slot 81: 30071630 0063

Slot 82: 30071631 0063

Slot 83: 30071632 0063

Slot 84: 30071633 0063

Slot 85: 30071634 0063

Slot 86: 30071635 0063

Slot 87: 30071636 0063

Slot 88: 30071637 0063

Slot 89: 30071638 0063

Slot 90: 30071639 0063

Slot 91: 3007163A 0063

Slot 92: 3007163B 0063

Slot 93: 3007163C 0063

Slot 94: 3007163D 0063

Slot 95: 3007163E 0063

Slot 96: 3007163F 0063

Slot 97: 30071640 0063

Slot 98: 30071641 0063

Slot 99: 30071642 0063

Slot 100: 30071643 0063

Slot 101: 30071644 0063

Slot 102: 30071645 0063

Slot 103: 30071646 0063

Slot 104: 30071647 0063

Slot 105: 30071648 0063

Slot 106: 30071649 0063

Slot 107: 3007164A 0063

Slot 108: 3007164B 0063

Slot 109: 3007164C 0063

Slot 110: 3007164D 0063

Slot 111: 3007164E 0063

Slot 112: 3007164F 0063

Slot 113: 30071650 0063

Slot 114: 30071651 0063

Slot 115: 30071652 0063

Slot 116: 30071653 0063

Slot 117: 30071654 0063

Slot 118: 30071655 0063

Slot 119: 30071656 0063

Slot 120: 30071657 0063

Slot 121: 30071658 0063

Slot 122: 30071659 0063

Slot 123: 3007165A 0063

Slot 124: 3007165B 0063

Slot 125: 3007165C 0063

Slot 126: 3007165D 0063

Slot 127: 3007165E 0063

Slot 128: 3007165F 0063

Slot 129: 30071660 0063

Slot 130: 30071661 0063

Slot 131: 30071662 0063

Slot 132: 30071663 0063

Slot 133: 30071664 0063

Slot 134: 30071665 0063

Slot 135: 30071666 0063

Slot 136: 30071667 0063

Slot 137: 30071668 0063

Slot 138: 30071669 0063

Slot 139: 3007166A 0063

Slot 140: 3007166B 0063

Slot 141: 3007166C 0063

Slot 142: 3007166D 0063

Slot 143: 3007166E 0063

Slot 144: 3007166F 0063

Slot 145: 30071670 0063

Slot 146: 30071671 0063

Slot 147: 30071672 0063

Slot 148: 30071673 0063

Slot 149: 30071674 0063

Slot 150: 30071675 0063

Slot 151: 30071676 0063

Slot 152: 30071677 0063

Slot 153: 30071678 0063

Slot 154: 30071679 0063

Slot 155: 3007167A 0063

Slot 156: 3007167B 0063

Slot 157: 3007167C 0063

Slot 158: 3007167D 0063

Slot 159: 3007167E 0063

Slot 160: 3007167F 0063

Slot 161: 30071680 0063

Slot 162: 30071681 0063

Slot 163: 30071682 0063

Slot 164: 30071683 0063

Slot 165: 30071684 0063

Slot 166: 30071685 0063

Slot 167: 30071686 0063

Slot 168: 30071687 0063

Slot 169: 30071688 0063

Slot 170: 30071689 0063

Slot 171: 3007168A 0063

Slot 172: 3007168B 0063

Slot 173: 3007168C 0063

Slot 174: 3007168D 0063

Slot 175: 3007168E 0063

Slot 176: 3007168F 0063

Slot 177: 30071690 0063

Slot 178: 30071691 0063

Slot 179: 30071692 0063

Slot 180: 30071693 0063

Slot 181: 30071694 0063

Slot 182: 30071695 0063

Slot 183: 30071696 0063

Slot 184: 30071697 0063

Slot 185: 30071698 0063

Slot 186: 30071699 0063

Slot 187: 3007169A 0063

Slot 188: 3007169B 0063

Slot 189: 3007169C 0063

Slot 190: 3007169D 0063

Slot 191: 3007169E 0063

Slot 192: 3007169F 0063

Slot 193: 300716A0 0063

Slot 194: 300716A1 0063

Slot 195: 300716A2 0063

Slot 196: 300716A3 0063

Slot 197: 300716A4 0063

Slot 198: 300716A5 0063

Slot 199: 300716A6 0063

Slot 200: 300716A7 0063

Slot 201: 300716A8 0063

Slot 202: 300716A9 0063

Slot 203: 300716AA 0063

Slot 204: 300716AB 0063

Slot 205: 300716AC 0063

Slot 206: 300716AD 0063

Slot 207: 300716AE 0063

Slot 208: 300716AF 0063

Slot 209: 300716B0 0063

Slot 210: 300716B1 0063

Slot 211: 300716B2 0063

Slot 212: 300716B3 0063

Slot 213: 300716B4 0063

Slot 214: 300716B5 0063

Slot 215: 300716B6 0063

Slot 216: 300716B7 0063

Slot 217: 300716B8 0063

Slot 218: 300716B9 0063

Slot 219: 300716BA 0063

Slot 220: 300716BB 0063

Slot 221: 300716BC 0063

Slot 222: 300716BD 0063

Slot 223: 300716BE 0063

Slot 224: 300716BF 0063

Slot 225: 300716C0 0063

Slot 226: 300716C1 0063

Slot 227: 300716C2 0063

Slot 228: 300716C3 0063

Slot 229: 300716C4 0063

Slot 230: 300716C5 0063

Slot 231: 300716C6 0063

Slot 232: 300716C7 0063

Slot 233: 300716C8 0063

Slot 234: 300716C9 0063

Slot 235: 300716CA 0063

Slot 236: 300716CB 0063

Slot 237: 300716CC 0063

Slot 238: 300716CD 0063

Slot 239: 300716CE 0063

Slot 240: 300716CF 0063

Slot 241: 300716D0 0063

Slot 242: 300716D1 0063

Slot 243: 300716D2 0063

Slot 244: 300716D3 0063

Slot 245: 300716D4 0063

Slot 246: 300716D5 0063

Slot 247: 300716D6 0063

Slot 248: 300716D7 0063

Slot 249: 300716D8 0063

Slot 250: 300716D9 0063

Slot 251: 300716DA 0063

Slot 252: 300716DB 0063

Slot 253: 300716DC 0063

Slot 254: 300716DD 0063

Slot 255: 300716DE 0063

Slot 256: 300716DF 0063

Slot 257: 300716E0 0063

Slot 258: 300716E1 0063

Slot 259: 300716E2 0063

Slot 260: 300716E3 0063

Slot 261: 300716E4 0063

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