



Clive Barker’s Jericho Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Clive Barker’s Jericho Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Clive Barker’s Jericho

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Three free codes

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Although the game’s cheat codes are encrypted and unique to your specific disc access code, you can get three free codes by using the following trick. First, make a note of the five digit access code that is unique to your disc by looking at the top of the “Bonus Codes” screen. Then, go to the game’s pre-order website , and enter “AGEH-56JW-X2GB-DN1N-EGUT” as a pre-order code. Then, enter your five digit code, select your game system, and click “Submit”. The cheat codes for the “Infinite Ammo” and “Fast Health Regeneration” options will be displayed for your game. Next, go to www.codemasters.com. Sign up for a free account, and log in. Go to their registration page, and register your game to get the cheat code for the “Dominator Damage” option.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    1. Cpt. Devin Ross: Kill 50 enemies using melee attacks.
    2. Lt. Abigail Black: Kill 50 enemies using Ghost Bullet.
    3. Sgt. Frank Delgado: Pop 50 heads.
    4. Sgt. Wilhelmina “Billie” Church: Successfully complete “Al Khali” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    5. Cpt. Xavier Jones: Successfully complete “Man Down” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    6. Cpl. Simone Cole: Successfully complete “The Tomb” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    7. Fr. Paul Rawlings: Pop 100 heads.
    8. Agent Muriel Green: Successfully complete “The Den of Souls” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    9. Arnold Leech: Successfully complete “Al Khali” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    10. Deceased Devin Ross: Successfully complete “Still With You” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    11. Cultist: Kill 100 enemies using melee attacks.
    12. Exlposive Cultist: Disintegrate 50 enemies.
    15. Corpses Behemoth: Successfully complete “River of Blood” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    17. Psychic Commander: Successfully complete “World War 2” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    19. Flamethrower: Disintegrate 100 enemies.
    20. Grenadier: Kill 100 enemies using Ghost Bullet.
    21. Sir Richard de Gray: Successfully complete “Out of the Frying Pan” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    22. Brother William of Auxere: Successfully complete “Motley Crew” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    23. Warrior Crusader: Successfully complete “Sewers” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    24. Crossbowman Crusader: Successfully complete “Tortured Souls” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    25. Child Crusader: Successfully complete “Crusades” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    26. Bishop Malthus St. Claire: Successfully complete “Crusades” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    27. Centurion Textius Longinus: Successfully complete “Decadence” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    28. Governor Cassus Vicus: Successfully complete “Rome” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    29. Legionary: Successfully complete “The Low Road” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    30. Blind Behemoth: Successfully complete “Morituri te salutant” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    31. Gladiator: Successfully complete “Temple of Pain” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    32. Antadurunnu: Successfully complete “The God Seal” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    33. Enlil: Successfully complete “Spiritual Guide” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    34. Inanna: Successfully complete “Skin” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    35. Ki: Successfully complete “Flesh” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    36. Ninlil: Successfully complete “Skin” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    37. Nanna: Successfully complete “Blood” on the Hard difficulty setting.
    38. Utu: Successfully complete “Blood” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    39. Sumerian Puppet: Successfully complete “Flesh” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    40. Pyxis Prima: Successfully complete “Sumeria” on the Easy or Normal difficulty setting.
    42. The Jericho Team: Successfully complete “Rivers of Blood” on the Hard difficulty setting without being incapacitated.
    43. Operation: Godseal: Successfully complete “Exorcism” on the Hard difficulty setting.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Cpt. Devin Ross Files (15 points): Grasshopper of Battery – Kill 50 enemies using Melee Attacks.
    Lt. Abigail Black Files (10 points): Grasshopper of Ghost – Kill 50 enemies using Ghost Bullet.
    Sgt. Frank Delgado Files (10 points): Grasshopper of Pop – Pop 50 heads!
    Sgt. Wilhelmina Church Files (20 points): Complete Al Khali on Hard.
    Cpt. Xavier Jones Files (20 points): Complete Man Down on Hard.
    Cpl. Simone Cole Files (20 points): Complete The Tomb on Hard.
    Fr. Paul Rawlings Files (20 points): Master of Pop – Pop 100 heads!
    Agent Muriel Green Files (25 points): Complete The Path of Souls on Hard.
    Arnold Leach Dossier (20 points): Finish Al Khali – Complete Al Khali on either Easy or Normal.
    Deceased Devin Ross Files (5 points): Complete Still With You on Hard.
    Cultist Dossier (30 points): Master of Battery – Kill 100 enemies using Melee Attacks.
    Explosive Cultist Dossier (10 points): Grasshopper of BOOM – Disintegrate 50 enemies!
    Flying Cultist Dossier (50 points): God of Pop – Pop 250 heads!
    The Firstborn Portfolio (55 points): God of Battery – Kill 250 enemies using Melee Attacks.
    Corpses Behemoth Dossier (20 points): Complete Rivers of Blood on Hard.
    OSS British Commandos Files (50 points): God of BOOM – Disintegrate 250 enemies!
    Psychic Commander Dossier (10 points): Finish World War 2 – Complete World War 2 on either Easy or Normal.
    Machinegunner Dossier (50 points): God of Ghost – Kill 250 enemies using Ghost Bullet.
    Flamethrower Dossier (25 points): Master of BOOM – Disintegrate 100 enemies!
    Grenadier Dossier (25 points): Master of Ghost – Kill 100 enemies using Ghost Bullet.
    Sir Richard de Grey Dossier (20 points): Complete Out of the Frying Pan on Hard.
    Brother William of Auxerre Files (20 points): Complete Motley Crew on Hard.
    Warrior Crusader Dossier (20 points): Complete Sewers on Hard.
    Crossbowman Crusader Dossier (20 points): Complete Tortured Souls on Hard.
    Child Crusader Dossier (30 points): Complete Imperium on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Bishop Maltheus Dossier (15 points): Finish Crusades – Complete Crusades on either Easy or Normal.
    Centurion Tertius Longinus Files (30 points): Complete Decadence on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Governor Cassus Vicus Dossier (20 points): Finish Rome – Complete Rome on either Easy or Normal.
    Legionary Dossier (20 points): Complete The Low Road on Hard.
    Blind Behemoth Dossier (30 points): Complete Morituri te salutant on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Gladiator Dossier (20 points): Complete Temple of Pain on Hard.
    Antadurunnu Dossier (20 points): Complete The God Seal on Hard.
    Enlil Sumerian Demon Dossier (20 points): Complete Spiritual Guide on Hard.
    Inanna Sumerian Demon Dossier (20 points): Complete Skin on Hard.
    Ki Sumerian Demon Dossier (20 points): Complete Flesh on Hard.
    Ninlil Sumerian Demon Dossier (30 points): Complete Skin on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Nanna Sumerian Demon Dossier (20 points): Complete Blood on Hard.
    Utu Sumerian Demon Dossier (30 points): Complete Blood on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Sumerian Puppet Dossier (30 points): Complete Flesh on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Pyxis Prima Dossier (25 points): Finish Sumeria – Complete Sumeria on either Easy or Normal.
    The Jericho Team Portfolio (30 points): Complete Rivers of Blood on Hard without being incapacitated.
    Operation: Godseal Files (20 points): Complete Exorcism on Hard.
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