



Donkey Kong Country Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Game Boy Advance (GBA)

Donkey Kong Country Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Game Boy Advance (GBA)

Donkey Kong Country paved the way for many platformers that came after it. After releasing on November 18, 1984, this game arrived to critical acclaim and many gamers and critics still look back on it fondly. It’s an understatement to say this is a great video game. Donkey Kong Country completely raised the bar for other 16-bit games at the time. It isn’t often that a game comes out that is just as good as all the marketing claims it to be. The game is seen by many as a worthy rival to the phenomenal Super Mario games.

Donkey Kong Country Premise

This title is a side-scrolling platformer. It was designed as a reboot of the Donkey Kong franchise and provides a story for Donkey Kong and his friends. Players will progress through a world map and play through over 40 beautiful levels. This is one of the best Nintendo games of all time with its great level design, challenging gameplay, and amazing soundtrack. The title even has two multiplayer modes, a competitive and a cooperative mode respectively.

Donkey Kong Country gameplay

Donkey Kong Country Main Characters

  • Donkey Kong
  • Diddy Kong
  • Cranky Kong
  • Funky Kong
  • Candy Kong
  • King K. Rool
  • Klump
  • Krusha
  • The Kremlings

Other Donkey Kong Titles In The Series

  • Donkey Kong (1981)
  • Donkey Kong Junior (1982)
  • Donkey Kong 3 (1983)
  • Donkey Kong II (1983)
  • Donkey Kong Circus (1984)
  • Donkey Kong ’94 (1994)
  • Donkey Kong Country (1994)
  • Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest (1995)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble! (1996)
  • Donkey Kong 64 (1999)
  • Donkey Kong Country (Game Boy Color, 2000)
  • Donkey Kong Country (Game Boy Advance, 2003)
  • Donkey Kong Country 2 (Game Boy Advance, 2004)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3 (Game Boy Advance, 2005)
  • DK: King of Swing (2005)
  • Donkey Konga (2003)
  • Donkey Konga 2 (2004)
  • Donkey Konga 3 (2005)
  • DK: Jungle Climber (2007)
  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (2007)
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns (2010)
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (2014)

Donkey Kong Country Cheats


Bonus Stage

Bonus StageAt the main menu press Start, then hold Select and press B, Up, B, B, A

Get the Sound Test menu

To see the sound test menu and listen to music from the game, at the start screen, hold the select button, then press B,A,L,L,A, Down. Now, you’ll see the Sound player.

Start/Continue a file with 50 lives

At the file select screen, go down to the erase command at the bottom of the screen. Hold select, and input the following buttons. Diddy will say ”Not Bad”. Now, load any of the three game files, and you will automatically start with 50 lives. You do not have to input this code again as long as you save.

Start/Continue a file with 50 livesB-A-R-R-A-L


Alternate DK Attack Background

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Alternate backgrounds for DK attack level select screenGet an S rank on all of the DK attack levels.

Hero Mode

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Hero modeBeat the game once with 90 percent or more completion, then start a new game.

Unlocking Photographs for the Picture Album

Unlock photos in the picture album by finding the camera pieces in the various levels.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
#1: Klump PictureGround Slap any Klump (Jungle Hijinks)
#10: Diddy and Donkey vine swing PictureIn DK Hut after Very Gnawty battle (Jungle Hijinks)
#11: Mine Cart PictureOver Edge of first cliff (Mine Cart Carnage)
#12: Klap-Trap PictureGround Slap any Klap-Trap (Stop and Go Station)
#13: RockKroc PictureCartwheel to gap between ledges (Stop and Go Station)
#14: Six tile fishing scene Picture (2/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#15: Six tile dance scene Picture (2/6)Complete dancing task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#16: Necky Sr. PictureGround Slap center tire (Necky’s Nuts)
#17: Diddy Kong PictureComplete all with Diddy (Monkey Mines, area)
#18: Gnawty PictureHit three Gnawties (Tree Top Town)
#19: Mini-Necky PictureCartwheel into Camera near end of level (Forest Frenzy)
#2: Donkey and Rambi PictureRide through camera in bonus level (Jungle Hijinks)
#20: Six tile fishing scene Picture (3/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#21: Diddy and Expresso PictureGlide to first Bonus Level (Orang-Utan Gang)
#22: Manky Kong PictureRoll Steel Barrel into Manky Kong (Orang-Utan Gang)
#23: Clambo PictureBehind Clambo in vertical passage (Clam City)
#24: Six tile dance scene Picture (3/6)Complete dance task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#25: Chomps PictureInside Millstone (Temple Tempest)
#26: Zinger PictureGround slap middle of arena (Bumble B. Rumble)
#27: Chomps Jr. PictureTop of up-rope (Slipslide Ride)
#28: Croctopus PictureIn narrow tunnel near two Cannon Barrels (Croctopus Chase)
#29: Six tile dance scene Picture (4/6)Complete Dance Task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#3: Army PictureGround Slap any Army (Ropey Rampage)
#30: Snow Scene PictureIn gap above Barrel Cannon (Ice Age Alley)
#31: Six tile fishing scene Picture (4/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#32: Treetop Scene PictureOn tree trunk (Rope Bridge Rumble)
#33: Squarks PictureIn last Bonus Level (Torchlight Trouble)
#34: Squidge PictureIn Mincer alcove (Poison Pond)
#35: Six tile fishing scene Picture (5/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#36: Six tile dance scene Picture (5/6)Complete dance task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#37: Rambi and Donkey PictureRam any Krusha with Rambi (Manic Mincers)
#38: Bitesize PictureFloating to left of Expresso Token (Misty Mine)
#39: Funky PictureCatch crab (Funky’s Fishing)
#4: Kritter PictureBounce or roll on three Kritters (Reptile Rumble)
#40: Six tile fishing scene Picture (6/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#41: Cranky PictureVisit all Cranky Cabins (Cranky’s Cabin)
#42: Kongs in mine cart PictureEntrance to level (Loopy Lights)
#43: Six tile dance scene Picture (6/6)Complete dance task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#44: Krusha PictureCartwheel from arrow platform (Platform Perils)
#45: The Kongs PictureCollect all KONG Letters (Platform Perils)
#46: Kong Cabin Scene PictureDefeat all bosses (Necky’s Revenge)
#47: Donkey Kong PictureCollect 400 Tokens (Token Bonus)
#48: Enguarde PictureCollect 600 Tokens (Token Bonus)
#49: Expresso PictureCollect 600 Tokens (Token Bonus)
#5: Slippa PictureBounce or roll on three Slippas (Reptile Rumble)
#50: Rambi PictureCollect 600 Tokens (Token Bonus)
#51: Winky PictureCollect 600 Tokens (Token Bonus)
#52: K.Rool and friends PictureDefeat K.Rool (Gang-Plank Galleon)
#6: Aquatic Scene PictureSwim to secret alcove under “G” (Coral Capers)
#7: Six tile fishing scene Picture (1/6)Complete fishing task (Funky’s Fishing)
#8: Six tile dance scene Picture (1/6)Complete dance task (Candy’s Dance Studio)
#9: Candy PictureAchieve Perfect rating (Candy’s Dance Studio)


Exit Previously Beaten Levels

Once you’ve beaten a level you can press Start and then Select the level to exit it.

Unlimited Time Bonus on Bouncy Bonanza

Right after the part where you get the frog, drop down to the ledge on the right. You will be back in the same room and you can collect the +5 multiplier again. Rinse and Repeat for as big of a time bonus as you want.

Game Shark Codes

1 Enguarde = 3
33001006 0002

1 Enguarde = 3
33001006 0002

1 Expresso = 3
33001005 0002

1 Expresso = 3
33001005 0002

1 Rambi = 3
33001004 0002

1 Rambi = 3
33001004 0002

1 Winky = 3
33001007 0002

1 Winky = 3
33001007 0002

1st Save Slot
72000D38 0000
42000D48 FFFF
00000006 0002

2nd Save Slot
72000D98 0000
42000DA8 FFFF
00000006 0002

99 Lives

Access All Areas
83001040 FFFF

Access All Areas
83001040 FFFF

Access All Stages
43001036 FFFF
00000005 0002

Access All Stages
43001036 FFFF
00000005 0002

Access Bonus Level: Enguarde [Press R+B+Down]
74000130 027D
32000D38 0008
74000130 027D
32000D40 0004
74000130 027D
33000F28 002A

Access Bonus Level: Expresso [Press R+B+Right]
74000130 02ED
32000D38 0008
74000130 02ED
32000D40 0004
74000130 02ED
33000F28 0029

Access Bonus Level: Rambi [Press R+B+Up]
74000130 02BD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02BD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02BD
33000F28 0028

Access Bonus Level: Winky [Press R+B+Left]
74000130 02DD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02DD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02DD
33000F28 002B

Access Funky
33001187 0001

Access Funky
33001187 0001

All Scrapbook
B0C97063 2B55DBF9
26834B64 4F498ED5

All Stage Bonus’s Found
3300101D 00FF
4300101E FFFF
00000004 0002

All Stage Bonus’s Found
33001008 00F0
3300101D 00FF
4300101E FFFF
00000004 0002

Always Have Donkey And Diddy
9FAECF46 F165865F
4D3284F2 F4A08D9A

Always Have Partner
73000FD6 0000
33000FD6 0001

Always Have Partner
73000FD6 0000
33000FD6 0001

Candy’s Dance Studio Hits And Perfects Modifier (Decrypted)
00005378 0000

Candy’s Dance Studio Score Modifier (Decrypted)
000052C4 0000

Collect 1 Banana For An Extra Life (99 Bananas)
E0BF00F3 502BC617

DK’s Attack Complete [1st Save File]
72000D38 0000
42000D48 FFFF
00000006 0002

DK’s Attack Complete [2nd Save File]
72000D98 0000
42000DA8 FFFF
00000006 0002

Enable Code (Must be On)
B6A8E278 E28F7D80
5F623AC8 7D1FB607

Enable Code (Must Be On)
0000D6E5 000A
10000B8C 0007

Enable Code (Must be On)
0B1A2A46 89E9FF16
0CAA6424 A6CB8637

Funky Fishing Level Modifier (Decrypted)
0000677C 0000

Get Single Bananas From Anywhere
F1C74AAE 02F859C3
1ED417B2 646627BD

Have K.O.N.G Letters
43000F34 0002
00000004 0004

Have K.O.N.G Letters
43000F34 0002
00000004 0004

Infinite Lives
33000FC8 0009

Infinite Lives
33000FC8 0009

Infinite Time On DK Attack
E82C61CB 5F248A05

6D957522 FA7F51E4

Jump In Midair
F3D5B2A1 C4608A74
7192A08A 63475499

Press R+B+Down For Enguarde
74000130 027D
32000D38 0008
74000130 027D
32000D40 0004
74000130 027D
33000F28 002A

Press R+B+Left For Winky
74000130 02DD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02DD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02DD
33000F28 002B

Press R+B+Right For Expresso
74000130 02ED
32000D38 0008
74000130 02ED
32000D40 0004
74000130 02ED
33000F28 0029

Press R+B+Up For Rambi
74000130 02BD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02BD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02BD
33000F28 0028

Scrap Book Complete
43001176 FFFF
00000004 0002
3300117E 00FF

Scrap Book Complete
43001176 FFFF
00000004 0002
3300117E 00FF

Skip Intro
DC151586 6BBC9DEA
AB84463B B2609644

Special Note 2
0000000A 0000

3300133C 0002

Transparent (Note 1)
3300133C 0002

[M] Must Be On
0000D6E5 000A
10000B8C 0007

Code Breaker Codes

Donkey Kong Country Master Code
Not required with Emulators

0000D6E5 000A
10000B8C 0007

Transparent: 3300133C 0002

Unlimited Lives: 33000FC8 0009

One Winky = Three: 33001007 0002

One Rambi = Three: 33001004 0002

One Expresso = Three: 33001005 0002

One Enguarde = Three: 33001006 0002

Access Funky: 33001187 0001

Access All Areas: 83001040 FFFF

Access All Stages

43001036 FFFF
00000005 0002

Always Have Partner

73000FD6 0000
33000FD6 0001

Have all K.O.N.G Letters

43000F34 0002
00000004 0004

Complete Scrap Book

43001176 FFFF
00000004 0002
3300117E 00FF

All Stage Bonus’ Found

33001008 00F0
3300101D 00FF
4300101E FFFF
00000004 0002

Press R + B + Up for Rambi
Activate during Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.

74000130 02BD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02BD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02BD
33000F28 0028

Press R + B + Right for Expresso
Activate during Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.

74000130 02ED
32000D38 0008
74000130 02ED
32000D40 0004
74000130 02ED
33000F28 0029

Press R + B + Right for Enguarde
Activate during Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.

74000130 027D
32000D38 0008
74000130 027D
32000D40 0004
74000130 027D
33000F28 002A

Press R + B + Right for Winky
Activate during Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.

74000130 02DD
32000D38 0008
74000130 02DD
32000D40 0004
74000130 02DD
33000F28 002B

Unlimited Lives: 427F2424F6E3

One Winky = Three: F2DF21DFD909

One Rambi = Three: FD9E21FFD141

One Expresso = Three: F09E21DFD149

One Enguarde = Three: FFDF21FFD901

Access Funky: 7D9E20CDD269

Access All Areas: B080D30D6326

Access All Stages


Bonuses Found on All Stages


Always Have Partner


Have K.O.N.G Letters


Scrap Book is Complete


Donkey Kong’s Attack Complete
1st Save File – Stages appear after saving game


Donkey Kong’s Attack Complete
1st Save File – Stages appear after saving game


Access Enguarde Bonus Level
Press R + B + Down on Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.


Access Expresso Bonus Level
Press R + B + Right on Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.


Access Rambi Bonus Level
Press R + B + Up on Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.


Access Winky Bonus Level
Press R + B + Left on Jungle Hi-Jinxs Stage.


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