After the very successful Fable and Fable 2, Fable 3 is a little bit of a mixed bag. Fable 3 was released on October 26, 2010, and was developed by Lionhead and Microsoft Game Studios. The game builds on the ideas of its predecessors by adding kingdom management gameplay alongside the RPG elements. The game did well on release however it wasn’t quite the critical success like the games before it. Many fans and critics praised the game’s kingdom management, combat, and world-building however this entry just didn’t have the same magic that the first two had.

©Microsoft Game Studios – Original
Fable 3 Premise
Continuing the trend of the last two entries, Fable 3 takes place 50 years after the events of Fable 2. This time, players control the Hero of Brightwall, the younger sibling of one of the game’s primary antagonists. What sets this game apart from the previous entries is that it has a major twist right in the middle of the game’s runtime. It shines a new light on the antagonist and reminds the player that there is always a bigger fish.

©Microsoft Game Studios – Original
Fable 3 Main Characters
- The Hero of Brightwall
- King Logan
- Theresa
- Sir Walter Beck
- Ben Finn
- Major Swift
- Sabine
- Page
- Reaver
- Kalin
- The Crawler
- Hobson
Other Fable Titles In The Series
- Fable (2004)
- Fable: The Lost Chapters (2005)
- Fable II (2008)
- Fable III (2010)
- Fable: Coin Golf (2011)
- Fable Heroes (2012)
- Fable: The Journey (2012)
- Fable Anniversary (2014)
- Fable Fortune (2018)
Fable 3 Cheats
Update warning
Since the game’s original release, there has been an Xbox Live update for Fable 3 that patches some of the glitches, including the “Infinite gold and items” glitch. If you wish to use the glitches, do not download it. You can delete all patches for the game by using the “Clear hard drive cache” code for the Xbox 360.
Infinite gold and items
This trick requires two controllers. While playing the game and not in the sanctuary, press Start on controller two, and join the game using a different profile. Have your main character stand next to the second character, and press LB when “Give” appears to be teleported to the “gift” room. There is a blue coin purse to the right on a pedestal when you enter the “gift” room. Give all of your current gold to the second character. Then, exit the sanctuary with the main character. Press Start on controller two to teleport him or her to the sanctuary. To the left, next to your dog’s bed/interface, is a gift shelf. Walk over to it, and press A to display the second character’s gifts. Choose to reject the gifts. Press Start on controller two to leave the sanctuary and be teleported back to your main character. When you are near your main character, press Down on controller two to leave the game. Once the second character has left the game, press Start on controller two to rejoin the game. Since the game did not save after you rejected the gifts, they should all be back on the gift shelf. Repeat this as many times as desired. You can also do this with other items, such as flowers, necklaces, etc. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. Make sure you do not go over 999 million or the game will freeze.
Easy gold
During the second part of the game (ruling as the king), if you want to earn more gold without making evil rulings, buy land from Albion during or before the last mission on the to-do list of every day. You will make extra money over time, and help lower the Civilian Casualties before the final battle of the game. Note: This process may take a long time, but it is effective and does not progress the time remaining until the final battle.
Once you become King or Queen, set the rent on houses and the stall vendors to “High”. Set the prices to “Highest” for stores that are in the buildings, such as the Blacksmith. Buy a house or sleep at the castle until midnight. If you buy a house, it is recommended you purchase one next to the Tattoo store in Bowerstone Market. Wake up at midnight, then go to the store that sells potions, and break in. The guards will warn you not to be in the store and that they will arrest you. However, ignore them because of your status you can get away with the crime. Steal all of the items in the store. Then, steal all the items in the clothes shop, Blacksmith, and barbershop. Sell them to the pawnshop for easy money. Make sure to do this before morning. Repeat this as many times as desired.
At any point in the game after purchasing property, go onto the Road To Rule, and just remain there. You will earn your rent/shop profits every five minutes, and there is no risk of attack. This works best when you own shops, as properties will deteriorate over time unit you earn nothing, but shop profits do not diminish. Note: It is recommended you use a wired controller to do this trick.
Easy rare items
Inside the bedroom in Bowerstone Castle, just to the right when you step in is a cupboard that you can search. You can get various rare items similar to those obtained from level 4 and 5 dig spots (for example, rare gems, old kingdom tattoos, etc.). This is also the only way to obtain the Cook’s Hat without befriending the castle chef.
Early Silver Chests
Note: This trick requires a friend who has any or all Silver Keys. Have your friend join your game, and open the Silver Chests for you. You can use this trick when you start a new file. Walk to the 50 Silver Key Chest in the Bowerstone Castle backyard (farthest garden on the right side). Open it to get a legendary weapon with 2,000,000 gold before you enter the tomb. This trick only works if your friend has the correct number of Silver Keys for the chest you are trying to open.
Early Road To Ruin chests
Join a friend’s game who has completed the game. Travel to the Road To Ruin. Once there, you can open any chest on that path, as long as you have the correct number of Guild Seals. For example, at the beginning of the game, if you have 60 Guild Seals and you want the Blade spell, join a friend’s game, and do this trick. The game will even tell you which one of the two has yet to open the chest.
Tattoo dye
Collect all 30 Auroran flowers to be able to dye your tattoos red, orange, yellow, blue, green, or purple at any time at the temple in Aurora.
East Hare Egg
In Millfields, go below the graveyard, and find the graves that are marked “Walter Coen, Stabbed in broad daylight”, “Jeffrey Coen, Burned at sunrise”, and “Theodore Coen, Shot in the dead of night”. Notice that there are statues that hold spyglasses around Millfields. Exit the grave area, and find the statue standing ahead of you that reads “Theodore Coen”. Keep shooting that statue at midnight. It will glow momentarily, and you should hear someone dying. Go to the gazebo in the middle of the lake. Look down the bridge that leads to it to find the Jeffrey Coen statue. Equip the fire spell, and cast it on the statue in the morning. It will glow momentarily, and you should hear someone dying. Then, go to the Millfields Demon Door to find the statue of Walter Coen. Keep hitting it with your sword at noon. It will glow momentarily, and you should hear someone dying. You will then be prompted to perform an action. Perform the action, and the “East Hare Egg” will appear in the gazebo.
Transferring gold and items to the new character
To transfer gold and items to a new character, create a second Gamertag, and use a second controller to make a new character appear in your main file (press Start). Then, gift all your gold, weapons, clothes, and any other desired items to the new character. This process may take a while, but it allows you to pass on your leveled-up weapons (except Hero Sword/Hammer/Rifle/Pistol) and all the Legendary weapons you might not have gotten with your new character.
Quick save
To quickly save your game without going to the Sanctuary and walking over to the cogs on the wall, etc., use the following trick. Press Xbox Guide twice to display the “Game Options” menu. This is also a useful way to change the in-game settings or simply pause the game without John Cleese talking at you all the time.
Legendary weapons
Legendary weapons can only be acquired once you have gotten Ranged and Melee weapons to Level 5 on the Road To Rule. Some of the Legendary weapons can always be obtained from the same shops, treasure chest, or quest. Of the 51 Legendary weapons available in Fable 3, 26 can be obtained through playing solo; 12 from treasure chests, 12 from shops, and 2 as rewards for completing quests. The other 25 are randomly generated; thus, you will have to start a new game to find them all or trade weapons with or visit shops in other players’ kingdoms through Xbox Live. The following is a list of all 51 Legendary weapons (including the Limited Edition one) available in Fable 3 and their bonuses. The locations of generated Legendary weapons and Legendary weapons found in shops or specific locations are also listed.
Hammers (Melee)
Aurora’s Shield
Location: ShopsProtector: Kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+40% damage vs. enemies found near Aurora).
Policeman: Drag 10 criminals to jail (+30% damage vs. evil human enemies).
Faith: Make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 2,000
Dragonbone Hammer
Location: ShopsHeadsmacker: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes (extra knockdown vs. human enemies).
Dragonfire: Kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (extra flame damage).
Overseer: Drag 8 villagers to work (+14 extra damage).
Value: 8,200
Faerie Hammer of the Moon King
Location: ShopsAssassin: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes (+1 gold per hit).
Loved: Make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Adventurer: Successfully complete 30 quests (+10 extra damage).
Value: 2,200
Hammer of Wilmageddon
Fire Mage: Kill 100 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (extra flame damage).
Blast: Kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (extra shock damage).
Bonebreaker: Kill 150 Hollow Men (+15 extra damage).
Value: 8,350
Jack’s Hammer
Blademaster: Kill 50 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+30% damage to humans).
Shade: Kill 400 shadow creatures (+30% damage to Dark Minions and Sentinels).
Murderer: Kill 100 villagers or soldiers (+20 extra damage).
Value: 16,500
Lunarium Pounder
Location: ShopsNight Watchman: Kill 200 enemies at night (extra knockdown vs. all enemies).
Thud!: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes (+10% of knockdown per hit).
Hunter: Kill 100 Wolves or Balverines (+40% damage vs. Wolves and Balverines).
Value: 7,800
Mallet’s Mallet
Location: ShopsVandal: Smash 40 crates (extra knockdown).
Bleurgh!: Kill 200 short enemies (+15 extra damage).
Big Hitter: Become friends with 30 villagers (+10% chance of knockbacks vs. all enemies).
Value: 8,000
Scythe’s Warhammer
Avenger: Kill 300 evil enemies (+21 extra damage).
Stormlord: Kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (extra shock damage).
Legendary: Successfully complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 11,800
Sorrow’s Fist
Lovestruck: Kill 5 villagers who love you (extra knockdown vs. human enemies).
Menace: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+14 extra damage).
Loose Morals: Have an orgy with 4 other people (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 8,300
Tannar’s Glory
Defender: Kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage vs. enemies found in Aurora).
Enforcer: Drag 10 criminals to jail (+16 extra damage).
Holy Fire: Kill 150 enemies with flourishes (extra flame damage).
Value: 9,000
The Tenderiser
Location: Successfully complete the “Dark Sanctum” quests.
Soul Burner: Kill 3 spouses (lose weight and purity with each hit).
Fiend: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Tenderise: Kill 150 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+20 extra damage).
Value: 12,500
Popular: Make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Churn: Become friends with 30 villagers (gain money with each hit).
Thwack!: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 11,700
Location: ShopsGiantbane: Kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (+80% damage vs. large enemies).
Trollbane: Kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (extra flame damage).
Regeneration: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (gain health with each hit).
Value: 2,100
Swords (Melee)
Avo’s Lamenation
Righteous: Increase your moral standing (+20% damage vs. evil enemies).
Blessed: Make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Holy Blast: Kill 200 Hollow Men (extra shock damage).
Value: 12,700
Beadle’s Cutlass
Dayripper: Kill 300 enemies in the daytime (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Killer: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes.
Braggadocio: Successfully complete 30 quests (+30% damage vs. human enemies).
Value: 8,500
Mr. Stabby
Location: ShopsMassacre: Kill 60 villagers or soldiers with flourishes (+15 damage).
Assassin: Decrease your moral standing (gain money and evil with each hit).
Taskmaster: Drag 8 villagers to work (gain money and evil with each hit).
Value: 8,100
Really Sharp Pair of Scissors
Surgeon: Kill 80 human enemies with flourishes (+30% damage vs. human enemies).
Despot: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Artist: Kill 400 human enemies (gain health with each hit).
Value: 12,100
Location: ShopsScrounger: Dig up 30 items (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Stabber: Kill 300 human enemies (+10% chance of knockback vs. human enemies).
Purge: Kill 50 nobles (+10 extra damage).
Value: 8,100
Blackguard: Decrease your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Shadow Drain: Kill 100 enemies found near Aurora (30% damage vs. human enemies).
Thug: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+15 extra damage).
Value: 8,300
The Casanova
Location: ShopsCharmer: Become friends with 30 villagers (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Perfectionist: Kill 200 ugly enemies (+12 extra damage).
Beloved: Make 5 villagers love you (+25% attractiveness, immunity to scarring).
Value: 8,200
The Merchant’s Bodyguard
Location: ShopsBig Spender: Spend 8,000 of your personal gold (+2% damage in multiplayer).
Profiteer: Kill 400 mercenaries (+10 extra damage).
Trader: Give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (gain money with each hit).
Value: 2,300
The Splade
Location: ShopsScrounger: Dig up 30 items (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Stabber: Kill 300 humans (+10% chance of knockback vs. human enemies).
Purge: Kill 50 nobles (+10 extra damage).
Value: 2,200
Show-off: Kill 200 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Electrocutioner: Kill 200 enemies with an unwoven Shock spell (increase chance to stun enemies).
Hero: Successfully complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 12,100
Pistols (Ranged)
Blood Drinker: Kill 20 villagers who love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Overkill: Kill 100 human enemies with flourishes (+16 extra damage).
Blood Drainer: Kill 30 villagers or soldiers (gain health with each hit).
Value: 12,300
Briar’s Blaster
Blaster: Earn 10,000 gold from jobs (extra shotgun spray).
Girl Power: Kill 150 men (+12 extra damage).
Heroine: Successfully complete 30 quests (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 8,500
Kicker: Kick 100 chickens (+10% chance of knockback per hit).
Scratcher: Dig up 30 items (+12 extra damage).
Swashbuckler: Successfully complete 30 quests (+12 extra damage).
Value: 16,200
Desert Fury
Location: ShopsFury: Kill 30 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage vs. enemies found near Aurora).
Sunblasted: Kill 400 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in the daytime).
Man-Eater: Kill 150 men (gain health with each hit).
Value: 2,200
Dragonstomper .48
Revolutionist: Kill 50 nobles (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Dragon’s Breath: Kill 150 enemies with flourishes (extra flame damage).
Workaholic: Earn 10,000 gold from jobs (+18 extra damage).
Value: 16,700
Location: Find all 50 gnomes.
Shortlist: Kill 200 short enemies (+30% damage vs. short enemies).
Insulter: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+10 extra damage).
Smasher: Kill 100 enemies with flourishes (+10 extra damage).
Value: 12,300
Holy Vengeance
Location: ShopsParagon: Increase your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Paladin: Drag 10 criminals to jail (gain health with each hit).
Avenger: Kill 200 evil enemies (extra shotgun spray).
Value: 2,100
Mirian’s Mutilator
Location: Shops
Vanity: Kill 5 people who love you (+8 extra damage).
Beloved: Make 10 villagers love you (lose weight with each hit).
Marriage Addict: Get married 5 times (+8 extra damage).
Value: 2,300
Reaver Industries Perforator
Location: Shops
Fiend: Decrease your moral standing (+7 extra damage, +30% vs. non-evil enemies).
Retail Therapy: Spend 10,000 gold (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Player: Have an orgy with 4 other people (+25% attractiveness, immunity to scarring).
Value: 8,100
Tee Killer Shooter
Nightowl: Kill 200 enemies at night (+40% damage at night).
Accumulator: Spend 10,000 gold (gain money with each hit).
Hedonist: Have an orgy with 4 other people (+11 extra damage).
Value: 8,400
The Barnumificator
Location: Shops
Hard Worker: Earn 10,000 gold from jobs (+1 gold per hit).
Popular: Become friends with 30 villagers (+12 extra damage).
Philanthropist: Give gifts to 20 players on Xbox Live (gain money with each hit).
Value: 7,800
The Bonesmasher
Location: Treasure chest in Mourningwood
Cleric: Kill 300 Hollow Men (+7 extra damage, +80% vs. Hollow Men).
Solar: Kill 250 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in daytime).
Shotgunner: Hit 500 enemies with a flourish attack (extra shotgun spray).
Value: 8,200
Rifles (Ranged)
Arkwright’s Flintlock
Socialite: Become friends with 30 villagers (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Spendthrift: Spend 10,000 gold (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Revolutionist: Kill 40 nobles (+15 extra damage).
Value: 8,500
Defender of the Faith
Location: Shops
Settled: Get married (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Sunblessed: Kill 400 enemies in the daytime (+30% damage to enemies in the daytime).
Avenger: Kill 200 enemies with flourishes (extra shock damage).
Value: 2,200
Location: Shops
Giant: Kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (+13 extra damage).
Melter: Kill 150 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (extra flame damage).
Unholy: Decrease your moral standing (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 8,100
Marksman 500
Flourisher: Kill 50 human enemies with flourishes (extra knockdowns vs. human enemies).
Auroran Champion: Kill 100 enemies found near Aurora (+30% damage to enemies found near Aurora).
Ol’ Malice
Location: Shops
Hooligan: Smash 50 crates (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Featherbrained: Kick 100 chickens (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Explosive: Kill 100 enemies with an unwoven Fireball spell (extra shotgun spray).
Value: 2,200
Location: Shops
Hard Hitter: Hit enemies with 200 flourishes (+8 extra damage).
Scattergun: Kill 10 large enemies with flourishes (extra shotgun spray).
Donor: Give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (+20% damage in multiplayer).
Value: 2,100
Simmon’s Shotgun
Gulliver: Make yourself fatter (+30% damage vs. humans).
Exhumation: Dig up 30 items (extra shotgun spray).
Officer: Score 2,000 at the Mourningwood Fort Mortar mini-game (+20 extra damage).
Value: 12,300
Skorm’s Justice
Demon: Decrease your moral standing (+10 extra damage, +30% vs. non-evil enemies).
Callous: Drag 8 villagers to work (+15 extra damage).
Unholy Blast: Kill 3 spouses (extra shock damage).
Value: 12,600
Swift Irregular
Location: Shops
Determination: Kill 300 Hollow Men (+5 extra damage, +80% vs. Hollow Men).
Swift Regular: Score 2000 at the Mourningwood Fort Mortar mini-game (+12 extra damage).
Loyalty: Kill 300 mercenaries (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Value: 8,100
The Equaliser
Vigilante: Kill 150 mercenaries (+30% damage vs. evil human enemies).
Woodward: Drag 10 criminals to jail (extra shotgun spray).
Night Watchman: Kill 200 enemies at night (+40% damage to enemies at night).
Value: 12,850
The Hero’s Companion
Location: Shops
Family: Have 2 children (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Benefactor: Give gifts to 20 players over Xbox Live (+12 extra damage).
Savior: Successfully complete 30 quests (+20% damage in multiplayer).
Value: 8,100
The Sandgoose
Aggressive: Earn Guild Seals from evil expressions (+1 gold per hit).
Adventurous: Successfully complete 20 quests (+25 extra damage).
Popularity: Become friends with 30 villagers (gain money with each hit).
Value: 16,700
The Shrieking Pilgrim
Righteous: Increase your moral standing (+20% damage vs. evil human enemies).
Saintly: Make 5 villagers love you (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Sanctity: Kill 150 Hollow Men (extra shotgun spray).
Value: 12,200
Exclusive to Fable 3: Limited Collector’s Edition
Location: Successfully complete the “Silverpines” quest.
Overkill: Kill 50 enemies with flourishes (earn Guild Seals faster in combat).
Lupinator: Kill 50 Wolves or Balverines (+40% damage vs. Wolves and Balverines).
Moonglow: Kill 50 enemies at night (+40% damage at night).
Value: 8,600
Random Legendary Weapon Locations
Aurora Demon Door Reward
Return to Aurora after the revolution. Achieve absolute evil or goodness to open the Demon Door and get a Legendary weapon.
Aurora Silver Key Chest
Successfully complete the Goddess Puzzle in the Auroran Mine by performing a Level 3 magic attack on the eight flit switches after shooting eight other switches throughout the mine. The chest will then appear in the statue’s hands.
Beat High Score at Mourningwood Fort Mortar Mini-Game Reward
First, buy the Mourningwood Fort, then play the Mortar mini-game until you get 200 Hollow Men kills in 200 seconds.
Mill Fields Silver Key Chest
The chest is located behind the statue near the Demon Door.
Mistpeak Valley Demon Door Reward
You need an Xbox Live friend to perform the kiss, hug, and tickle expressions to open the Demon Door and find the chest with a Legendary weapon.
Mourningwood Dark Sanctum Silver Key Chest
Shoot a series of flit switches and light cauldrons to reach the chest.
Shatter the Mirror Puzzle Reward
In the abandoned dining room of the Sunset House, hit the flit switches to get to the chest with a Legendary weapon.
Sunset House Gold Key Door Reward
Enter Sunset House from Mourningwood, and go down the path, turning right while approaching rocks and trees. Look for a Golden Door that has the Legendary weapon (you need a Gold Key to open it, which is found at the back of the Chillbreath Caverns).
The Ossuary Gold Key Door Reward
Behind the Gold Key Door is a lone sarcophagus that contains a Legendary weapon.
Treasure Chest in Hero’s Sanctuary Trophy Room
Get 5 million gold to reach the key that opens a chest hidden under the gold (move the money to the castle after getting the key).
Demon Door locations
Search the indicated locations to find all six Demon Doors. You must perform certain actions to convince them to open and reveal a secret area that contains treasure.
Brightwall Village Demon Door
This ancient doorway is feeling rather broody.
You need to show up in front of this Demon Door with your own child because your child is the only child you can hold hands with and drag to the Demon Door. To have a child, you must obtain the Family and Lover Expression Packs from the Road To Rule. Propose to a potential mate of the opposite sex (since you need to conceive a child), fulfill his or her marriage requirements, purchase a house, and have “Unsafe” sexual relations by activating the “Sleep” icon at the bed in your house. You will then have an infant child. Wait for the child to become a toddler, and you can then take them to the Demon Door. Alternatively, you may adopt a child from the Bowerstone Orphanage. You must first complete the “Bowerstone Resistance” quest. Inside the Demon Door are 25 Guild Seals and 3 Summon Creature Potions in the “Last Orders” area.
City Of Aurora Demon Door
This stone portal questions the value of traditionally held notions of aesthetics.
Note: You can only access this Demon Door after the Revolution because rubble is blocking it. It is just to the left of the main gate. You can easily find it when going to the Shifting Sands. To get this door to open, you will have to max out your morality and be completely evil or good. This takes the entire game to accomplish since moral choices to kill, rob, break promises, and do other bad things occur often. At the end of the game, you can give to the Treasury or rob it to help tilt your morality meter in the desired direction. In the “Moral View”, you will see a different scene depending on your choice, but the reward will be the same, a Legendary weapon.
Millfields Demon Door
This stone portal questions the value of traditionally held notions of aesthetics.
This door requires you to be fat and ugly. To do this, you need to put on an outfit (your pajamas or night clothes from the very beginning of the game are recommended), and color each part of the outfit a different color. You can do this in the Sanctuary. Then, check your Hero Status in the Sanctuary to see your weight. You need to get this meter all the way to the right. To gain weight, you can eat pies and meat bought from vendors in Bowerstone or drink beer at the pub. Once you are fat and dressed in a multicolored outfit, the Demon Door will open. Inside is “Twitcher’s Curtains”, where you can find a chest with 40 Guild Seals.
Mistpeak Valley Demon Door
This stone edifice seeks inspiration for a tale of Heroes.
Note: This Demon Door requires either a cooperative second player through an online game or locally using a second controller. In Mistpeak Valley, move uphill from the lake towards the snowy area with bridges crisscrossing the frozen valley. Follow the path under the first bridge that leads into the valley. This path ends at the Mistpeak Valley Demon Door. This Demon Door requires you to hug, kiss, and possibly propose; thus, you and your co-op partner must have the Lover Expression Pack from the Road To Rule. Perform these actions in front of the door by holding A until the controller vibrates. If this does not work, you will need to propose. When one character proposes to the other, go through the motions, and marry each other, and the door will open. The “Demon Door Retirement Home” features many strange Demon Doors to listen to and a Legendary weapon in the chest. Note: Only the host will get the Legendary weapon.
Mourningwood Demon Door
This ancient and war-weary edifice is quite interested in weaponry.
You must max out your melee or ranged weapon skills (purchase Level 5 on the Road To Rule) and get all three upgrades for a Legendary weapon to access this Demon Door. While you can purchase Level 5 for 100 Guild Seals on the Road To Rule, it is more difficult to get three upgrades for a Legendary weapon. Any Legendary weapon (not your Hero weapons) has three upgrades that you can read about by pressing Y in the Sanctuary while examining the weapon. After upgrading your weapon skills and Legendary weapon, pull it out in front of the Demon Door for it to open. Inside is a space-scape called “Planet One”, where you can get the Military costume and a Summon Creatures Potion.
Sunset House Demon Door
An ancient and sentient door near Sunset House wants to meet a monarch.
Return as King or Queen of Albion to access this Demon Door. This will happen as part of the main quest you progress through the game. You can simply walk in and get the 1 million gold treasure in the “Pools Of Sorrow” area.
Gold Key locations
Search the indicated locations to find the Gold Keys:
Gold Key (Mistpeak Valley)
If you examine the map of Mistpeak Valley, you can see two cave entrances above the Demon Door and one on the far side of the level up in the hills. Travel to the cave up in the hills; you can reach it by running uphill from the lake and going left just before the path to Brightwall Village. You can follow a grassy ridge past a treasure chest to find the cave entrance to Chillbreath Cavern; it is not an icy entrance, it is a thawed, brownish cave entrance. Run through this cave, and take the path leading upwards. You should pass a 15 Silver Key chest on the way, as well as various other dig spots and chests. Keep heading uphill, and eventually, you will come to an exit at the very top. Once outside, run down the short hill to find the Gold Key floating amongst some ruins.
Gold Key (Driftwood)
Driftwood is an area that you can access after completing the “Restoration” side quest in Millfields (pay 750 gold to repair the bridge). In Driftwood, complete three side quests to help reach the coastal islands: An Island Getaway, Pest Control, and Giftwood for Driftwood. Then, leave and return to the area to reach a flit switch on an island across the new bridge. You can now follow the flit switch around the area, and hit it with your melee or ranged weapons. Climb the mountain in pursuit of the switch. A warp zone at the top will take you to the Gold Key.
Gold Key (The Veiled Path – Aurora)
At the staircase at the far end of The Veiled Path is the entrance to The Enigma area. Look for a flit switch at the end of the room. It is above the door. Use the Fireball gauntlet (alone) to light the torches in the next area. In the room with the colored floor panels, examine the flames on the wall. These flames reveal the order in which you must step on the panels: Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Blue, Red. The Gold Key is just beyond the door.
Gold Key (Shifting Sands – Aurora)
To get this Gold Key, you first need to have access to the Aurora continent. In the city, do the “A Key To A Greater Key” quest. This quest should become available after completing the main game. Talk to the guy who offers the quest near the tatooist, and he will sell you a key for 4,000 gold. Then, go to Shifting Sands, and run across the vast dunes. On the far side, turn left and follow the cliff face until you find a little path down by some ruins. At the bottom, use the key to unlock an area that contains the Gold Key. Step on the platforms to fight enemies and slowly make your way to the key.
Gold Key Door locations
Search the indicated locations to find the Gold Key Doors:
Gold Key Door 1
It is along the path in the Catacombs under Bowerstone Castle, which you traverse at the very beginning of the game. You can reach the area once you have access to the castle. There are 30 Guild Seals inside this Gold Key Door.
Gold Key Door 2
In the Sunset House area, enter the main gate, and go right as soon as you are on the lawn. A winding path will lead back to a Gold Key Door. It is directly across from the gazebo. There is a Legendary weapon inside this Gold Key Door.
Gold Key Door 3
In Mourningwood, you can access the Ossuary through a door in the graveyard after completing the “Bored To Death” and “Gone But Not Forgotten” (which involve Sam, Max, and the Normanomicon) side quests. In the Ossuary, turn left just as you enter to find the Gold Key Door. There is a Legendary weapon inside this Gold Key Door.
Gold Key Door 4
In the Reliquary under the Academy in Brightwall Village, you can find a hidden Gold Key Door. To get to it, you must complete the “Special Delivery” (Dweller Camp) and “The Ancient Key (Academy)” side quests. In the second side quest, you can lead Saul to a secret library in the Reliquary, where you can find a flit switch on the wall, which takes four shots from a firearm to activate. Then, go up the stairs and through the door on the left. There will be a melee flit switch you can hit. It will float down below, so vault off the edge and hit it again. After defeating the wave of Hollow Men, stairs and platforms will align to lead to the Gold Key Door. There are five chests in the area beyond called The Prism with the various pieces of the complete Highway Man costume.
Special Gold Key and chest
Once you are the Ruler of Albion, enter the treasure room in the Sanctuary (under the pause menu), and look up to see a Gold Key. To reach it, you must make 5 million gold. The gold pile will lift you to the key. One way to do this is to buy shops early and often to start making a profit. High-priced shops turn higher profits. You can get a 1 million gold from the Sunset House Demon Door as well. You can also use the “Infinite gold and items” glitch. A special chest to match this key is at the very bottom of the gold pile. To reach it once you have the key, transfer all your funds to the Albion Treasury. This will take five transactions of 1 million gold each. Then, return to the Sanctuary, and open the chest to get a Legendary weapon.
Fable reference
During development of the original Fable , there were rumors about removed content involving something called the “Sandgoose”. In Fable 2 , this was parodied by labeling a Tavern in Oakvale “The Sandgoose”. In Fable 3 , when dragging an escaped convict back to the guard, he says “I’ll make you a deal. You let me go and I’ll tell you how to find the legendary Sandgoose.”
Fable 2 references
In Fable 2 , kids ran around pretending to be adventurers. This has now been taken a step further, including lines such as:
“We need a DPS.””Yay! I finally became a hero now. I can go on adventures like killing insects.””The bandits destroyed my village just like my sister predicted.” Note: This is a reference to Theresa in the original Fable .
Go under the main bridge in Bowerstone Market to find a Dive Spot. Note: This where you can find the Gargoyle’s Trove in Fable 2 . Dive there to find a Royal Left Leg Tattoo. You will also hear the Gargoyle laughter from Fable 2 .
Fable: The Lost Chapters reference
You can get a legendary sword called “Avo’s Lamentation”, which is the sister sword to “Avo’s Tear”. “Avo’s Tear” was the sword you got for completing Fable: The Lost Chapters as an all good character.
Gravestone references
Inspect the various gravestones in the graveyards to find the following references:
Demon Door: A gravestone reads “Andy Gay Crushed by a Demon Door, last words “I swear those things pop up overnight.”
Fable: A gravestone reads “Here lies the brother of the notorious Jack, “Fred of Blades.”
Florence Nightingale: A gravestone reads “Florence killed by rabid nightingales.”
Legend Of Zelda: Walk through a graveyard in Mourningwood, and your dog will lead you to a dig location over a grave. Dig there to get a toy sword. Check the gravestone, and it will read “It’s dangerous to go alone, take this”. This is the same phrase the old man in the original Legend Of Zelda games said when giving you the first sword.
Rabbit and street fight: One grave mentions falling down a rabbit hole, another mentions losing a street fight to a rabbit, and the final one mentions a street fight the person in the grave could not win.
Scooby-Doo: A gravestone reads “Mark Church” and “I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for that meddling hero”.
The Terminator: A gravestone reads “Here lies Arnold, he will not be back”.
Lionhead Studios reference
Swim out into the ocean in the Driftwood area until you cannot go any further. Tilt your camera down to look into the water to find the Lionhead Studios on the ocean floor.
Portal reference
Play the “Hideout” mission in Bowerstone. While going to capture Nigel Ferret, you will find a room with a silver key. At the far end of the room is a path around boxes to the other jail cell. Inside the cell is a Hobbe worshiping the Companion Cube from Portal. There is also a cake on the table next to the cell.
Avatar Awards
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:
Crown: Become the Ruler of Albion.
Royal Boots: Win the support of the Dwellers.
Royal Shirt: Win the support of the Bowerstone.
Royal Trousers: Win the support of the Swift Brigade.
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