



GTAV’s Development Is Expensive

GTAV’s Development Is Expensive

We’re all looking forward to getting our hands on Grand Theft Auto V this September. But wouldn’t you like to know how much Rockstar Games is paying to develop the title? Hint: it’s a lot of money.

Arvind Bhatia, the Associate Director of Research at Sterne Agee, says that the game will cost an estimated $137.5 million to make. Yet, GTA V is projected to sell only 15 million copies, which means that Take-Two interactive, the publisher behind GTA, could still see a total of $193.6 in profit. The keyword being profit, not revenue.

To compare, this is more than the budget of Halo 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 combined . Oh, and this is just developmental budget. We’re not even talking about marketing yet.

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