Welcome to CheatCC’s continuing day three coverage of E3 2014. We’ll be monitoring all the info and bring you the latest right from the convention floor in real-time!
When Bungie set out to create yet another sci-fi shooter (after their huge success with the Halo franchise) they knew people would make obvious comparisons between it and Destiny . However, the developer reveals there is one key feature that will not make a return in their next epic.
From the floor of E3, Eric Osborne (Bungie Community Manger) confirmed they would in fact be dropping the classic split-screen view for co-op, citing their desire to push the experience forward. “We love split-screen. Obviously we have a legacy of supporting it…But we really wanted to untether…We know some players really like split-screen. Ultimately, you can’t build a game to suit every single player out there.” They said.
On the technical side, the Xbox One’s struggle to reach its full HD potential has been well chronicled. However, it was recently reported on Twitter that Bungie intends to hit 1080p (running at 30fps) for Destiny on Microsoft’s console.
Be sure to check back with us often, as we report on the hottest news as it breaks! CheatCC is your #1 source for all things E3!