



Halo: The Master Chief Collection Reward Credit is Unfair

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Reward Credit is Unfair

The face of injustice has shown itself. Since the Halo: The Master Chief Collection was released on November 11, 2014, things have gone wrong. If someone filled the Chicago Allstate Arena with players and asked everyone who had experienced some kind of multiplayer problem to raise their hand, 18,500 arms would go up. It’s a travesty and, three weeks later, it isn’t fixed yet. So, you’d think the first priority over at Microsoft would be to get the game working for the people who already own it, right?

If you really did think that, you’re funny. You card you. Of course that isn’t what Microsoft is doing. No, they’re trying to get more people invested in this buggy, broken game instead! Because apparently that’s the Halo: The Master Chief Collection way!

It all has to do with a new Xbox Live Rewards mission. People who do certain things can earn Rewards Credits, which can be put towards various things. Microsoft decided that, for December 2014, it should give away 15,000 Rewards Credits to people who buy various Halo -related games, add-ons, and videos. Chief among them is, of course, Halo: The Master Chief Collection .

The problem is, only new victims–sorry, buyers–are being rewarded. Those who have owned and dealt with the Halo: The Master Chief Collection problems over the past few weeks get nothing. There’s no recompense for the issues that came from a broken, $59.99 game. People don’t even get an apology. All they get is to see other people who haven’t bought the game yet being rewarded for their patience.

It’s disconcerning. Especially since, as something of an HD remaster and update, one wouldn’t expect the Halo: The Master Chief Collection to have all of these problems. It should have been ready to run, day one, for anyone who decided they wanted to go through the first four Halo games again. It should have been the holiday game to play on an Xbox One. Instead, people are getting nothing but agony and disappointment. Now, it’s even worse because they’re seeing Microsoft welcoming in more people, with bonus points, but not getting anything for their pain and suffering.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Reward Credit is Unfair

Microsoft needs to do something to make amends for all the Halo: The Master Chief Collection players. When Ubisoft was forced to admit it screwed up Assassin’s Creed: Unity , it offered free DLC to people who didn’t also have a season pass, and an additional free game to people who did. It feels like a similar action should be taken for Halo . Especially since many people probably bought the game for the multiplayer.

At the very least, 15,000 Rewards Credits should be doled out to anyone who has purchased the Halo: The Master Chief Collection . The people who committed to the game at launch deserve something for their efforts. Though, if Microsoft really wants to make things right, the company should look into doling out a free game. DLC isn’t an option, as this title doesn’t have any, but giving people a game worth between $5-10 would go a long way towards making amends. Microsoft has to be fair and respect its customers, and do the right thing when one of their games goes wrong.

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