Remember that scene in Fantasia where Mickey is waving his hands and casting spells to the beat of the orchestral score playing in the background. Harmonix and Disney are actually making a game that simulates doing just that. However, you won’t be casting magic to an orchestra in the game. You’ll be casting magic to Bruno Mars, Fun, Queen, and a potpourri of other artists.
In Fantasia: Music Evolved, you’ll use motion control gestures to control the music. As you do so, the virtual world in front of you will come alive. However, unlike Dance Central or Rock Band which asks you to perform actions to a pre-recorded beat, Fantasia simply asks you to be creative. You are able to add different back beats to the music, fool around with distortion effects, and generally tailor the track to your own personal preferences.
Putting all of this together requires you to use different gestures that eventually get your whole body into the mix. You are essentially designing not only a song, but a dance. It all comes together in a synesthetic experience that Harmonix and Disney assure us will be like nothing we have experienced before.
We will bring you more information about Fantasia: Music Evolved as it becomes available.
Source: Polygon