



Heroes of the Storm to Host a Lunar Festival

Heroes of the Storm to Host a Lunar Festival

Not content to let Overwatch players hog all of the fun for themselves, Blizzard is once again implementing a Chinese New Year event for Heroes of the Storm: the Lunar Festival.

The Lunar Festival 2017 kicks off on January 24, the same day as the Year of the Rooster event in Overwatch . First, you’ll find new skins and mounts available in the shop with a seasonal theme, as well as post-match fireworks to celebrate well-played games. More importantly, you’ll be able to participate in a new daily quest called the Rooster Race. You’ll be tasked with collecting items scattered around your starting area prior to a match, and if your team works together well enough to complete it, you’ll be rewarded with 200 gold. Finishing the quest 25 times throughout the duration of the event will reward you with a Lunar Rooster mount and matching player icon.

The Lunar festivities run until February 14, which should hopefully give you enough time to run ample Rooster Races. Good luck, and here’s to raising your MMR!

Source: Battle.net

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