



I Am Alive Tops PSN Charts

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I Am Alive Tops PSN Charts


The April sales charts for PSN have been released via the official U.S. PlayStation blog, and the results are a bit surprising.

I Am Alive, the post-apocalyptic survival game, took the top slot as the best-selling downloadable game of April, further confirming humanity’s obsession with our own demise. It was a very close race to the top though, as I am Alive was followed by indie exploration hit Journey in the second slot, and breakout indie fighting game sensation Skullgirls in the third slot. The Walking Dead Episode 1 took fourth place, but then the list trailed off into classics and retreads like Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection and NBA JAM: On Fire Edition.

Sales charts for add-ons, Vita games, and PSP games were posted as well. Escape Plan took the number one Vita game slot, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Collection 1 was the highest selling add-on, Final Fantasy VII is the most downloaded PSone Classic, and the top-selling PSP game is Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.

Will these games hold their position this month? With games like Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock landing on May 23rd, and games like Awesomenauts, Rock of Ages, Trine 2, and PixelJunk 4am Beta being offered for free on PlayStation Plus, the charts may change drastically in the month of May.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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