Netherrealm Entertainment has just revealed their next line of DLC characters for Mortal Kombat X . Several new characters will be joining the fray, some which we expected, and some which we did not.
First of all, Spawn will be joining the game. Much as we all suspected, the deal between Netherrealm and Todd McFarlane has gone through without a hitch. This makes Spawn the third out of genre cameo character, joining the likes of The Predator and Jason Voorhees.
Second of all, characters from the DC universe will be joining the fray as well. Injustice characters, such at The Joker and Deathstroke, will be joining the playable roster. Their moves will mostly be left intact, although they will turn up the gore wherever possible.
Unfortunately, further cameos are still unknown, but Netherrealm has said that we haven’t yet seen the last of them. At least 5 DLC packs are planned, with four characters each, greatly expanding the game’s roster. It’s unclear which pack any of these DLC cameos will be in, or what any DLC pack will be priced. We will just have to wait and see.
Source: Netherreaprilfools