



Kojima Worried About Metal Gear Solid’s Mature Content

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Kojima Worried About Metal Gear Solid’s Mature Content

Metal Gear: Ground Zeroes, the newest Metal Gear title, may be too mature for the common gaming audience. In an interview with Video Gamer , Kojima said that he has been constantly trying to introduce more mature themes into the series but has never really managed to get the series where he wants it yet. That’s pretty obvious considering you can slash a guy to pieces 100 times before he hits the floor in Meta Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Kojima says that he will be targeting a lot of taboos in his upcoming Metal Gear game. In fact, he thinks the game may be so mature that it might not be releasable. And if he does release it he’s not even sure it will sell. He’s essentially stating right now that he thinks the normal gaming populace won’t enjoy this game but is developing it anyway.

That’s something that only a designer as affluent as Kojima could do.

Source: Video Gamer

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