



Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Cheats & Secrets for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered key art

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Cheats & Secrets for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S

Aspyr’s Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is the highly-anticipated remaster and re-release of two of the 5th and 6th-generation’s most beloved action-adventure games. Released on December 10, 2024, the Soul Reaver remasters represent a project a long time coming, with rumors of a Soul Reaver remaster or remake floating around for years before being confirmed to be in development earlier in 2024. Both games are noteworthy for featuring stories and characters created by industry legend Amy Hennig, who would go on to help create and write the Uncharted series.

Critical reception to the remaster is very strong, lining up with the original positive reception both Soul Reaver games would receive upon their release. Most critics note that, while the gameplay elements of the Soul Reaver games might be beginning to show their age, the presentation, voice acting, and writing are still exemplary even in a modern context. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered currently sits at a respectable 78% review aggregate score along with a 94% “Very Positive” user score on Steam.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Premise

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered gameplay

The Soul Reaver games are the second and third chapters in the sprawling Legacy of Kain series that centers on the realm of Nosgoth and its race of vampires, led by the powerful vampire lord Kain. 1500 years after the events of Blood Omen, Kain restores the Vampire race to glory only for his rule to become despotic and threatened by outside powers. As a result, Kain turns on his lieutenant Raziel, killing him before he can potentially challenge Kain’s rule. One of Nosgoth’s Elder Gods, hoping to restore the natural order to the realm, resurrects Raziel and gifts him the Soul Reaver blade to exact revenge on Kain and return the realm to its former glory.

While the first game in the series, Blood Omen, is a top-down action RPG, the Soul Reaver games are full-3D action adventure games similar to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Players will traverse indoor and outdoor environments, defeat enemies, and solve puzzles using Raziel’s Vampiric and Wraith abilities. One of the Soul Reaver games’ signature mechanics is Raziel’s ability to shift between the material and spectral planes of existence in Nosgoth, using that ability to cross seemingly impossible paths or solve clever puzzles inside dilapidated temples. The remasters of both games maintain the same core gameplay as the original releases but include a hefty visual overhaul and some improvements to the controls. Notably, players can switch back and forth between the original visuals and the remastered presentation.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Main Characters

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered gameplay

Both of the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver games focus on Raziel, the former lieutenant of the powerful vampire Kain. When Raziel’s power begins to grow, Kain decides to kill him rather than risk a challenge to his rule. Upon dying, the Elder God resurrects Raziel, gifting him the Soul Reaver to exact revenge on Kain and restore natural order to Nosgoth. Throughout his journey, Raziel will meet with Kain’s former lieutenant Ariel as well as have to confront his four brothers in a story heavy with Shakespearean drama and biblical allegory. Main characters in the Soul Reaver games include:

Soul Reaver

  • Raziel: The main character and protagonist of the Soul Reaver games. Raziel is a powerful vampire who becomes a wraith following his murder at the hands of Kain. He takes on the role of being a Soul Reaver to kill Kain and restore order to Nosgoth.
  • Ariel: Ariel is a former lieutenant of Kain’s bound to one of the Pillars that protect Nosgoth. He acts as a mentor to Raziel throughout his journey.
  • Kain: Kain is the former protagonist of the first game in the series who acts as the main antagonist of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. He chooses to kill his lieutenant Raziel to set a chain of events into motion that will allow him to retain his power and immortality while restoring Nosgoth.

Soul Reaver 2

  • Raziel: Raziel returns in the sequel as the hero, this time facing off against the evil sorcerer Moebius. His journey takes him on a time-traveling quest where he discovers his free will is the key to saving Nosgoth.
  • Janos: Janos is a character who is first mentioned in Blood Omen before finally getting introduced to players in Soul Reaver 2. He acts as a mentor to Raziel in the sequel.
  • Moebius: Moebius is an evil sorcerer who tricked Kain into killing off the race of Vampires in Blood Omen and acts as the main antagonist of Soul Reaver 2.

Games in the Legacy of Kain Series

From its humble beginnings in the PS1 hidden gem Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, the Legacy of Kain series has grown to become one of the more beloved cult classic franchises from the 5th and 6th generation. In particular, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver was a hugely important game for its time, innovating and pushing the envelope for what could be done in a 3D action-adventure game. Additionally, the story and voice acting of Soul Reaver helped contribute to the shift toward games becoming more cinematic, proving that the medium could tell compelling narratives that stand toe-to-toe with the best of film and literature. Games in the Legacy of Kain series include:

  • Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (PC, PlayStation, 1996)
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PC, PlayStation, Sega Dreamcast, 1999)
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 (PC, PlayStation 2, 2001)
  • Blood Omen 2 (GameCube, PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, 2002)
  • Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, 2003)
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered (PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, 2024)

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Cheats & Secrets

The original Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver features plenty of cheats for players to use toward gaining an advantage. Thankfully, all of those cheats remain usable in the new remaster. These cheats allow players to either bypass whole sections of each game or become incredibly powerful right at the game’s outset. The inputs players use to enter these cheats will differ depending on what platform you play Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered.

Conversely, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 does not feature cheats except for some that help unlock bonus features from the main menu. Because those features are unlocked by default in the remaster, the original cheats no longer work.

How to Enter Cheats in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered

In order to enter any of the following cheats, players will need to pause the game at any point during gameplay. With the game paused, console players will need to hold one of the two front shoulder buttons down (L1 or R1 on PlayStation, LB or RB on Xbox) before entering the corresponding button combinations. PC players can simply enter the string of numbers for each cheat once they pause the game.

Note: PC Players using a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard can use the corresponding console button inputs. In other words, using a DualShock or DualSense controller means the PlayStation inputs will work while using an Xbox controller will allow the Xbox inputs to work, etc.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Cheats

Pause the game at any point and use the following button inputs to activate the corresponding cheat:

Note: Console players will need to pause and hold L1/R1/LB/RB before entering any of the following commands

Weapons & Health

Unlock Fire Reaver342431623Triangle, Right, Down, Circle, UpDown, Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, B, Right, Down
Activate Fire Reaver52364Triangle, Right, Down, Circle, UpY, Right, Down, B, Up
Kain Reaver76251124X, Circle, Right, Triangle, Left, Left, Right, UpA, B, Right, Y, Left, Left, Right, Up
Ariel Reaver724451124X, Right, Up, Up, Triangle, Left, Left, Right, UpA, Right, Up, Up, Y, Left, Left, Right, Up
Max Health263434Right, Circle, Down, Up, Down, UpRight, B, Down, Up, Down, Up
Max Energy5232451Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Up, Triangle, LeftY, Right, Down, Right, Up, Y, Left
Restore Health364141Down, Circle, Up, Left, Up, LeftDown, B, Up, Left, Up, Left
Lower Health16443Left, Circle, Up, Up, DownLeft, B, Up, Up, Down
Increase Health271543Right, X, Left, Triangle, Up, DownRight, A, Left, Y, Up, Down
Restore Energy221523Right, Right, Left, Triangle, Right, DownRight, Right, Left, Y, Right, Down


Unlock All Abilities4432216213Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Circle, Right, Left, DownUp, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, B, Right, Left, Down
Phase-through Gates3661254Down, Circle, Circle, Left, Right, Triangle, UpDown, B, B, Left, Right, Y, Up
Unlock Constrict Ability34226443Down, Up, Right, Right, Circle, Up, Up, DownDown, Up, Right, Right, B, Up, Up, Down
Unlock Climb Ability538245Triangle, Down, L2, Right, Up, DownY, Down, Y, Right, Up, Down
Unlock Swim Ability4632614Up, Circle, Down, Right, Circle, Left, UpUp, B, Down, Right, B, Left, Up
Unlock Projectile Ability126121Left, Right, Circle, Left, Right, LeftLeft, Right, B, Left, Right, Left
Force Glyph31534Down, Left, Triangle, Down, UpDown, Left, Y, Down, Up
Fire Glyph4424582Up, Up, Right, Up, Triangle, L2, RightUp, Up, Right, Up, X, Y, Right
Stone Glyph3641322Down, Circle, Up, Left, Down, Right, RightDown, B, Up, Left, Down, Right, Right
Sound Glyph2236443Right, Right, Down, Circle, Up, Up, DownRight, Right, Down, B, Up, Up, Down
Sunlight Glyph16122441Left, Circle, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, LeftLeft, RT, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, Left
Water Glyph36432Down, Circle, Up, Down, RightDown, B, Up, Down, Right
Shift any time4432216213Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Circle, Right, Left DownUp, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, B, Right, Left Down

Switch Cheats

The release of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered on the Switch marks the first time the games have been available on the platform. While it has not been confirmed yet, it’s likely that the above cheats will also work for the Nintendo Switch version. The inputs should be the same, just use the key below to change the buttons to the corresponding input on the Switch controller.


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Achievements/Trophies

The new remasters of Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2 each contain several achievements/trophies for players to unlock by completing the corresponding in-game activity:

Soul Reaver Achievements/Trophies

Redeemer and DestroyerGet all trophies in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PlayStation Platinum)
Elder God’s AgentComplete your training and escape the Underworld
Womb of My RebirthVisit the place of your execution
Utter DesolationExplore the ruins of your clan territory
Gardens of the DeadFind the Necropolis
FratricideDefeat Melchiah
Your Destinies Are IntertwinedObtain the Soul Reaver
The Reaver Is the KeyOpen the entrance to the Citadel
Stifled TitanDefeat Zephon
Know ThyselfDiscover Kain’s secret
You Shall PassDefeat the Tomb Guardian
Desecrated AbbeyExplore the Drowned Abbey
MaladjustedDefeat Rahab
Locked in Eternal LimboExamine the remains of the Ruined City
Your Thanks Are PrematureDefeat Dumah
Where Time Is But a LoopEnter the Oracle’s Cave
Has This All Been Foretold?Reach the Chronoplast chambers
You Nearly Had MeDefeat Kain a second time
A Breach From AboveInfiltrate the Human Citadel
Cast Him In!Throw a Vampire into the Lake of the Dead
Beyond DeathJump into the Lake of the Dead
Primordial FlameObtain the Fire Reaver
Flipped OffKill a Vampire by flipping a block on them
Don’t Be AfraidReach the Human Citadel without killing any human enemies
A Hymn of DeathActivate the pipes in the Cathedral to kill the Zephonim
UntouchableBlock a Turelim Telekinesis with your own
Taken by SurprisePerform 10 stealth kills
DismemberedRemove all of Zephon’s legs
From This SummitGet to the top of the Water Tower in the Human Citadel
DissolutionJump into a pool of water without the Swim ability
Double ImpactKill 2 Vampires with the Force Glyph
Don’t Get Your Feet WetReach the Abbey’s bell tower without touching the water
Ariel RemembersListen to all 5 of Ariel’s hints
You Are Persistent, RazielLeave a boss arena and come back
Spectral TalkTalk to Dumah in the Spectral Realm before resurrecting him
Seek100Consume 100 Vampire souls in one playthrough
UnconscionableDo not get hit by Kain in the first encounter
Not Without PurposeGlide for 30 seconds without using an updraft
BackstabberHit Melchiah on his back
Between the ZonesShift 50 times in one playthrough
Warp FactorActivate all Warp Gates
Soul SpiralReach maximum Health capacity
Great Old OneReach maximum Energy capacity
Alas, Poor NupraptorObtain Force Glyph
Hammertime!Obtain Stone Glyph
SoulraverObtain Sound Glyph
FirestarterObtain Fire Glyph
HydromancerObtain Water Glyph
DaywalkerObtain Sunlight Glyph
Lore MasterObtain All Glyphs
Drowned RatThrow 10 Vampires into pools of water
ImmolateScorch 10 Vampires
Big StakesImpale 10 Vampires
Wall DecorThrow 10 Vampires into wall spikes
Energy UnboundUse the Soul Reaver charge on 10 Vampires

Soul Reaver 2 Achievements/Trophies

Reaver ConvergenceUpgrade the Reaver blade
The Corruption of PillarsFind and confront Kain
Darkness Is My FriendObtain the Dark Reaver
Interview With a VampireHave a chat with Vorador
Enlightening SunObtain the Light Reaver
History and Destiny CollideChange history
Ariel’s LamentListen to Ariel’s spirit
The Ruined AerieDiscover the remains of an ancient civilization
Lighter Even Than KainObtain the Air Reaver
The Tenth GuardianMaster the Aerie and meet the legendary vampire
Ancient FlameObtain the Fire Reaver
Blade of VengeanceAvenge Janos’ death
On the OutsideGo to the Sarafan Stronghold before visiting Janos
Drowned Rat IIMake a human drown in a body of water
Touch the DevilTwist a Fire Demon’s neck with your bare hands
SplitUse an axe finisher on a Greater Thrall
Keep Your DistanceKill a Fire Demon Groundling after a Fire Demon summons one
InfernoKill the Fire Demons within 1 minute at the Pillars
Not Without Purpose IIGlide for 25 seconds without using an updraft
Reaver of SoulsFeed the Reaver 30 times
Harvester of SoulsFeed yourself 30 times
Air LiftLift an enemy with the Air Reaver
Aerial JumpMake a human jump into the air by using your feet in combat
Scare the Crows!Frighten all Crows on the Dark Forge balcony
Your Sacrifice Was RejectedBring the wrong heart to the altar in Air Forge
Finish HimUse every type of weapon finisher
What Sorcery Is This?!Kill 3 Sorceresses in a row without taking damage
Vertical RushComplete Janos’ Aerie final interior puzzle in 15 minutes or less
Vampire ChampionBeat Soul Reaver 2 in under 6 hours

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered Cheat FAQs

Do the original cheats from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2 work in the remasters?

Similar to other remasters of older Crystal Dynamics titles, all the working cheats from the original Soul Reaver games still work in Aspyr’s Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster. Note that the inputs for using these cheats will differ depending on the platform.

What is the best order to play the Legacy of Kain games?

To fully understand and appreciate the sweeping gothic story at the heart of the Legacy of Kain games, it’s important to play them in order and see how each title’s Shakespearean drama plays out. Starting with the first game in the series and ending with the canonically last game will see players complete the titles in the following order:

  • Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
  • Blood Omen 2
  • Legacy of Kain: Defiance

The two Soul Reaver games tell the tale of Raziel just after the events of the first game in the series, focusing on one of Kain’s lieutenants rather than the titular vampire himself.

Is there a remaster of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain?

Despite being the first game in the series, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain has yet to receive a remaster. However, the game was recently made available for purchase as a standalone title on PSN. Players can now have their first experience with or replay one of the original PlayStation’s cult classic action RPGs. Previously, the game was generally unavailable on modern platforms.

How long to beat Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered?

Both the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver games are fairly brisk experiences. The original versions of each title will take players roughly 10-12 hours to beat. Those hoping to fully complete each game can extend that estimate to roughly 15 hours. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered packages both Soul Reaver games under one umbrella, meaning players hoping to complete both titles will spend somewhere between 25 and 30 hours depending on their completion percentage for each game.

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