



Mass Effect 4 Won’t Be Called Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect 4 Won’t Be Called Mass Effect 4

We know that BioWare has begun development on Mass Effect 4, but it’s starting to sound like they’re not happy with the title. “To call the next game Mass Effect 4 or ME4 is doing it a disservice and seems to cause a lot of confusion here,” BioWare community manager Chris Priestly wrote on the company’s forums.

“We have already said that the Commander Shepard trilogy is over and that the next game will not feature him/her. That is the only detail you have on the game. I see people saying ‘well, they’ll have to pick a canon ending’. No, because the game does not have to come after. Or before. Or off to the side. Or with characters you know. Or yaddayaddayadda.”

BioWare seems to be ensuring that the game has nothing to do with Commander Shepard’s story. I wouldn’t be shocked if the only connection the upcoming Mass Effect games have is the universe they share.

BioWare Montreal’s boss, Yanick Roy, clarified the comments. He stated that by calling the next entry Mass Effect 4 , it would be implied that there’s a straight evolution if gameplay and storyline. So, while the choices made may be remembered, they won’t be the focus of a new story.

Further information on the game won’t be available for a few more months.

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