Mercury Hg Trophies
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Discoverium (Gold): Complete all the levels in Discovery Mode.
- Challengium (Silver): Complete all of the Challenges.
- Bolevium (Bronze): Complete all of the Bonus Levels.
- Targetenium (Bronze): Complete all 4 targets in any Discovery Mode level.
- Bonusium (Bronze): Discover all 20 of the Bonus Levels.
- Spookium (Bronze): Download and play against an online ghost replay.
- Musicium (Bronze): Play one of your own music tracks while playing the game.
- Bielementium (Bronze): Discover the second group of elements.
- Trielementium (Bronze): Discover the third group of elements.
- Quadelementium (Bronze): Discover the fourth group of elements.
- Pentelementium (Bronze): Discover the fifth group of elements.
- Sixaxium (Bronze): Complete a level using the SIXAXIS motion sensor function.
- Unlockium (Bronze): Discover all 10 of the Challenges.
- Revealium (Bronze): Finish all of the Tutorial Levels.
- Awesomium (Bronze): Be awarded all 240 original Atoms in Discovery Mode from groups 1 to 5.
The following trophies require the “Heavy Elements” bonus downloadable content:
- Gravisium (Gold): Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
- Heavybonusium (Bronze): Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
- Gravichallengium (Bronze): Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Heavy Elements content pack.
The following trophies require the “Rare Earth Elements” bonus downloadable content:
- Rarusium (Bronze): Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
- Rarebonusium (Bronze): Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
- Raretaskium (Gold): Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.