



Microsoft Suffers Big Loss Due To Code-Gen Website

Microsoft Suffers Big Loss Due To Code-Gen Website


If you’ve seen a pop-up ad recently, then you’ve probably laughed at promises of free Xbox Live points available only after you download some shady software (and thereby nuke your computer). However, in one isolated incident, it seems someone was actually able to crack Microsoft’s code-generating process, and was able to create hundreds of thousands of points codes for users who found the website.

Although Microsoft has since identified and shut down the use of that particular code-generating process, it seems that they acted a little late as $1.2 million worth of Xbox Live points had already been redeemed using this illegal process. And unfortunately, there seems to be nothing Microsoft can do about the situation, as the illegally obtained codes are mixed in with those obtained legally. It is an unfortunate situation, and I’m sure someone on Microsoft’s anti-piracy team is looking in to ways to keep this from happening again.

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