



Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

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Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst


Getting 3 stars in all dashes

There are 22 dashes (races) in the game. Get 3 stars in all dashes to get the “Peak Performer” achievement. To get a 3 star rating, you must complete the course very quickly. They are all time-based. The quicker you are, the more stars you get (3 stars being the highest rating). They are free running exercises in which you must reach a certain target area. None of them have enemies. You unlock more dashes by playing through the story. The following are some tips that will help in getting 3 stars in all dashes:

  • Complete the story first and unlock all movement upgrades and magrope skills.
  • Always start with a shift to gain speed.
  • You must use shortcuts. Follow the routes in the video. Following the red arrows will almost never get you 3 stars. If you know the exact target area (for example, by completing the dash once), you can mark it on your map. It will then show you the quickest way there (shortcut).
  • Running, shifting, and jumping all have the same speed. You cannot save time by shifting all the time, as it will not make you go faster. Running is the fastest way to move around.
  • Use skill roll on big drops only. Use coil to jump over small objects without touching them (should be used wherever possible; practice this move a lot).
  • When you fall off a rooftop, you should restart the dash right away.


    1. Birdman’s Dash – 0:05
    2. High Roller Avenue – 0:55
    3. Backstreet Bluff – 1:57
    4. Feature Creep – 2:57
    5. Concrete Canyon – 3:49
    6. A Handy Shortcut – 4:38
    7. Nomad’s Run – 5:44
    8. Donkey In An Oven – 6:22
    9. The Allcom Shuffle – 7:05
    10. Take Me To The Gridnode – 7:39
    11. Consumer Mayhem – 8:23
    12. Quite A View – 9:19
    13. Heading Home – 10:13
    14. Noah’s Run – 12:35
    15. Don’t Fall Down – 13:49
    16. Too Close To The Sun – 15:03
    17. Caleb’s Run – 16:14
    18. The Scenic Route – 17:04
    19. Rezoning Dash – 18:58
    20. Under Construction – 19:40
    21. Out In The Open – 20:19
    22. Old Tunnels – 21:10

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Easy “Belle Of The Ball” achievement

First, unlock the “Quickturn” and “Skill Roll” skills from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video (near Centurian Yards safehouse) and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. Note: The wallclimb automatically counts as a jump. Do not do separate the jump between the slide and wallclimb. You are allowed to run between the moves. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen.

Easy “Danger Zone” achievement

A good opportunity to do this is in Mission 7: “Fly Trap”. You can replay it through mission select at any time (under the pause screen where you view the map and upgrade your character etc). A couple of minutes into this mission, you will go to the Lair safehouse. You will encounter a large group of enemies. There are more than enough enemies in this area to do this. Note: The kills only count after the focus bar has been maxed out (build focus by running around or knocking out enemies). Your focus bar is allowed to decrease between knockouts. It just cannot hit zero. Restart the checkpoint if it runs out. It is highly recommended you purchase all upgrades first and then replay this part through mission select. The only tricky enemies are the Shock Protectors. The quickest way to kill them is with Traversal damage. Attack them from a wall run or climb on an object and jump down on them. The other enemies are pretty easy to defeat. Every time you take damage your focus bar will decrease, and when you knock someone out it will increase.

Easy “Easy Runner” achievement

First, unlock the “Turn”, “Coil”, and “Skill Roll” skills from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen.

Easy “Elegant Flight” achievement

This can be easily be done during the “Memento” fragile delivery near the headquarters safehouse (The Lair). This is a very easy and short delivery, one of the first you will come across. Always skill roll when doing jumps or dropping down somewhere. The skill roll will ensure a soft landing and keep the package safe. There is a package symbol displayed at the top of the screen. If you see it taking damage, you must restart the delivery (let time run out or kill yourself and it will automatically restart).

Easy “Georges’ Garrison” achievement

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A great place to do this is at the start of Mission 9: “Encroachment”. You can replay it through mission select at any time (under the pause screen where you view the map and upgrade your character etc). You can only reach the required place in this specific mission. Outside the mission, it will not be accessible. Before doing this, you must unlock the “Coil” and “Quickturn” skills from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen. After getting the achievement, you can abort the mission under the pause screen if desired. Your other story progress will remain untouched when replaying this mission.

Easy “Hey, It’s-A-Me Again!” achievement

To do this, you must take down the last opponent of an enemy encounter with an attack from above. When you defeat the last enemy, you will usually see a special kill animation. There are endless opportunities throughout the game to do this.

Easy “Law-Abiding Citizen” achievement

At the very start of the game (the first time you have control over the character), you must very slowly walk through the first two doors. Do not run. Walk as slowly as possible to get the “Law-Abiding Citizen” achievement. This can be your first trophy in the game. If you already completed this mission, you can replay it through mission select at any time (under the pause screen where you view the map and upgrade your character etc.). You can abort the mission after getting the achievement.

Easy “Praise The Run” achievement

Simply keep running in circles for two minutes without the focus bar decreasing to get the “Praise The Run” achievement.

Easy “Seb’s Salute” achievement

First, unlock the “Skill Roll” skill from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen.

Easy “Tenacious Traceur” achievement

First, unlock the “Quickturn” skill from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video (you go there near the end of the story) and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen.

Easy “Undetected Surge” achievement

You will disable the first gridNode in the “GRIDNODE RUN” side mission. This is an unmissable story mission relatively early in the game (around 30% story completion). You can replay it at any time from the side missions.

Easy “Veteran Runner” achievement

First, unlock the “Coil” and “Skill Roll” skills from the movement upgrades. Go to the area shown in the video and perform the required combo in quick succession. It is important you do not perform any other moves in between and complete it in one go without the focus bar breaking. A detailed explanation for every move can be seen at the movement upgrades screen.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Knowledge is power (15 points): Complete all of Plastic’s missions.
    Downtown Girl (15 points): Complete all side missions in Downtown.
    I refuse to sink (15 points): Complete all side missions in Anchor.
    Building Blocks (15 points): Complete all side missions in Rezoning.
    Viewfinder (15 points): Complete all side missions in The View.
    Running Errands (35 points): Complete all side missions.
    Learn to walk (15 points): Purchase Faith’s second upgrade.
    Run free (35 points): Purchase half of Faith’s upgrades.
    With Bells On (70 points): Purchase all of Faith’s upgrades.
    Praise the Run (15 points): Reach full focus and keep it going.
    Easy Runner (15 points): Springboard, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Coil, Skill Roll.
    Veteran Runner (15 points): Shift, Wallrun, Jump, Coil, Skill Roll, Shift.
    Tenacious Traceur (15 points): Wallrun, Turn, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump.
    Seb’s Salute (15 points): Shift, Springboard, Wallrun, Swing Pipe, Skill Roll.
    Danger Zone (15 points): Reach full focus and take out 10 enemies before it runs out.
    Hey, it’s-a-me again! (15 points): Perform a highground attack as a finishing move.
    Elegant Flight (15 points): Deliver any fragile package without any damage to it.
    Undetected Surge (15 points): Shut down any gridNode without notifying KrugerSec of your presence.
    Roof Runner (15 points): Complete 10 Dashes in the main game.
    Express delivery (15 points): Deliver 10 packages.
    Fighting the system (15 points): Complete 15 billboard hacks and interventions.
    Five Finger Discount (15 points): Remove 10 electronic parts from Conglomerate terminals.
    I Saw You On The Battlefield (15 points): Destroy all Security Hubs.
    P.I. Connors (35 points): Find every secret bag hidden in Glass.
    Story Teller (35 points): Find every recording and document in Glass.
    Full Exposure (70 points): Collect every gridLeak in Glass.
    User Generated Finisher (15 points): Complete a user created Time Trial.
    You can’t keep me down (15 points): Get yourself to a user created Beat L.E.
    Spooky (15 points): Customize your Echo.
    Peak Performer (70 points): Get a 3-star rating on all Dashes in the main game.
    Georges’ Garrison (15 points): Springboard, Swingbar, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Coil.
    Belle of the Ball (35 points): Vault, Slide, Jump, Wallclimb, Turn, Jump, Wallrun, Turn, Jump, Skill Roll.
    Law-abiding citizen (15 points): A good Cascadian follows the rules.

Additionally, there are 16 secret achievements:

    Reunion (15 points): Resume your old life.
    Learn to Fly (15 points): Take flight with some old friends.
    In his bad books (15 points): Escape with a gift from an old enemy.
    Devastation (15 points): Witness a terrifying event.
    Payback (15 points): Repay Dogen.
    Never forgotten (15 points): Avenge them.
    The enemy of my enemy (15 points): Seek out Black November for help.
    Smash & grab (15 points): Resistance is futile.
    Little girl found (15 points): Discover the identity of Kruger’s.
    Into the light (15 points): Escape from the heart of darkness.
    Shattered Dreams (15 points): Take what is his and make it crumble.
    Blood is thicker than everything (15 points): Defeat Kruger.
    Time for a Frenzied Rumble (15 points): First crack the shell, then crack what’s inside.
    This. Is. Glass. (15 points): Send the KrugerSec turrets into the abyss.
    Vengeful Strike (15 points): Claw back what they took from you.
    Hacker Time (15 points): Hack. Tick. Tock. Run. Repeat.
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