



Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Mortal Kombat 9 (2011) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Moves, Fatalities, Walkthrough


Play as Darkseid

Successfully complete DC Story mode. Then, press R1 at the character selection screen. Note: Darkseid does not have any Heroic Brutalities.

Play as Shao Kahn

Successfully complete Mortal Kombat Story mode. Then, press R1 at the character selection screen. Note: Shao Kahn does not have any Fatalities.

Alternate costumes

At character selection screen, press Start when choosing a character.

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Ultimate Icy Counter

While playing as Sub-Zero, press Square(2), Down, Back, Square or Square(2) to perform Icy Counter. The game registers the opponent’s knockback as an attack and can then be countered using Sub-Zero’s Icy Counter. If done at the correct angle, you can miss your opponent when countering and set yourself up for another move while your opponent is still frozen.


The following is a list of the special moves, pro moves, and finishing moves for all characters:


Special moves

    Sharp Spark: Press Down, Back, Square (hold Square for delay)
    Scrape Kick: Press Forward(2), Triangle
    Chop Chop Blades: Press Back(2), X
    Blade Cyclone: Press Down, Forward, Circle

Pro moves

    Chop Chop Blades, Scrape Kick: Press Back(2), X. Wait until blades stop cutting, then press Forward(2), Triangle.


    Stab Slam: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square when close
    Chest Stab: Press Forward(2), Down(2), X when close


Special moves

    Gun Runner: Press Back(2), Square
    Power Fist: Press Down, Back, Triangle (press Square or X after the punch for an extra hit)
    Blinding Light: Press Down, Back, Square
    Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X
    Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, Circle
    Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Triangle (tap Triangle for extra hits)
    Ground Pound: Press Down(2), Circle

Pro moves

    Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, X, then press Down, Back, Circle after first rocket appears.
    Power Fist, Gotcha Grab: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait for the move to connect, then press Square. Wait for the move to connect, then press Forward(2), Triangle.
    Ground Pound, Gun Runner: Press Down(2), Back. Wait until your fist hits the ground, then press Back, Square.
    Power Fist Head Smash: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait for the move to connect, then press X.


    Head Smash: Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Triangle when close
    Machine Gun: Press Forward(2), Back(2), X when close


Special moves

    Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Kano Up Ball: Press Down, Forward, Triangle
    Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, Square
    Knife Toss: Press Down, Back, Square
    Parry: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Eye Laser: Press Back(2), Square

Pro moves

    Kano Up And Down Ball: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until the ball hits, then press Forward, Circle.
    Brutal Throw Bounce: Press Down, Forward, Square. Wait until the body hits the ground, then press Down, Back, Triangle.
    Jump In Kano Ball: Jump towards opponent, then press Square, Back, Forward, Circle.
    Unblockable Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, Circle + R2, release Circle. Wait until you hear the pro move sound, then release R2.


    Knife Throw: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Square when one step away
    Flip Stomp: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Circle when one step away


Special moves

    Bladed Fans: Press Forward(2), Square (also can be done in air)
    Square Wave Assault: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Rolling Fury: Press Down, Forward, Circle
    Mystical Teleportation: Press Down, Back, Square (also can be done in air)
    Fan Lift: Press Back(2), Square
    Razor’s Tip: Press Down, Forward, Triangle

Pro moves

    Square Wave Assault To Bladed Fans: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the first punch lands, then press Forward(2), Square.


    Fan Throw to The Head: Press Back(2), Forward, Square at sweeping distance
    Kiss of Death: Press Forward, Down(2), Back, X at sweeping distance

Liu Kang

Special moves

    High Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), Square (also can be done in air)
    Low Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), X
    Flying Dragon Kick: Press Forward(2), Triangle
    Bicycle Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle
    Dragon’s Tail (Cartwheel): Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following:
    Spinning Backfist: Press (after Dragon’s Tail) Square
    Uppercut: Press (after Dragon’s Tail) Triangle (sets up juggle)
    Zen Trip: Press (after Dragon’s Tail) X
    Shaolin Spirit: Press (after Dragon’s Tail) Circle

Pro moves

    Bicycle Kick to High Dragon Fire: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle. Wait until the end of the Bicycle Kick, then press Forward(2), Square.
    Bicycle Kick to Flying Dragon Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, Circle. Wait until the end of the Bicycle Kick, then press Forward(2), Triangle.


    MK1 Arcade Drop: Press Forward, Back, Down(2), X at sweeping distance
    Head Stomp: Press Down(2), Forward, Down, Circle when one step away


Special moves

    Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Triangle (hold Triangle for larger blast)
    Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Back, Square (Hold Square for larger blast)
    Projectile Cancel: Press Down, Forward (cancels Vicinity Blast and Lighting Bolt)
    Energy Teleport: Press Down, Back, X
    Lightning Shock: Press Forward(2), Triangle
    The Superman: Press Forward(2), Circle (also can be done in air)

Pro moves

    Double Teleport: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, X (perform second teleport immediately after the first).
    Double Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the first blast hits, then press Down, Back, Circle.
    Lightning Shock To Teleport: Press Forward(2), Triangle. Wait until the opponent is almost punched, then press Down, Back, Circle.


    Ground Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Up, Triangle when one step away
    Electrocution: Press Back, Forward(2), Down, Circle when one step away


Special moves

    Spear: Press Back(2), Square
    Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X (also can be done in air)
    Inner Flames: Press Down(2), Triangle (hold Triangle for longer flame)
    Hell Fire: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Hellish Slide: Press Down, Back, Circle

Pro moves

    Double Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X, Down, Back, X (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)
    Air Teleport, Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, X (while in air), Down, Back, X (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)


    Toasty!: Press Down(3), Circle at sweeping distance
    Lava Pool: Press Forward(2), Back, Down, X when close

Shang Tsung

Special moves

    Skull Fire: Press Back(2), Triangle
    Sky Fire: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, Circle
    Soul Steal: Press Down, Back, X
    Body Switch: Press Down, Circle, Forward, Square
    Hot Escape: Press Down, Back, Circle
    Hot Skull: Press Triangle after Hot Escape (this is a Pro Move)
    Hot Blast: Press X after Hot Escape (this is a Pro Move)
    Body Switch: Press Down, Back, Forward, Square

Pro moves

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    Multi-Fire: Press Back(2), Triangle. Wait until the fireball appears, then press Square. Wait until the fireball appears, then press Triangle (up to three fireballs).
    Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, Circle. Wait until the slide connects, then press Up, Circle.


    Back Breaker: Press Back, Down, Forward, X when close
    Morph: Press Down(2), Forward(2), Triangle when close

Shao Kahn

Special moves

    Shoulder Charge: Press Forward(2), Circle
    Rising Emperor: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Energy Shield: Press Down, Back, X
    Pulse Blast: Press Back(2), Square
    Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), Square
    Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Triangle

Pro moves

    Double Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), Square. Wait until the punch connects, then press Square + Triangle.
    Shoulder Charge To Rising Emperor: Press Forward(2), Circle. Wait until the shoulder charge connects, then press Up + Circle.




Special moves

    Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, Square (can be done twice)
    Deadly Kiss: Press Down, Back, Square
    Leg Grab: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, Circle (can also be done in air)
    Kartwheel Flip: Press Down, Forward, X
    Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Triangle

Pro moves

    Bicycle Kick, Air Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, Circle. Wait until blood appears, then press Down, Back, Circle.
    Double Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, Square. Wait until the knee touches the ground, then press Down, Forward, Square.
    Leg Grab Bounce: Press Back, Forward, Circle. Wait until the opponent hits the ground, then press Square + Triangle.


    Kiss of Death: Press Down(2), Back, Forward, Square at sweeping distance
    Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Forward(2), Circle when one step away


Special moves

    Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, Square
    Ice Nugget: Press Down, Back, Triangle (unblockable)
    Icy Freeze: Press Down, Forward, X
    Tombstone Teleport: Press Down, Back, X
    Cold Slide: Press Back + X + Circle

Pro moves

    Teleport To Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until you are in the ground, then press Down, Back, Square.
    Cold Slide To Teleport: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then press Down, Back, X.


    Freeze Kick: Press Back(2), Down, Back, Circle when close
    Freeze Slam: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Triangle when close


Special moves

    Smoke Capsule: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Batarang: Press Down, Forward, Square (can also be done in air)
    Leaping Shadow Kick: Press Down, Forward, Circle
    Leg Take Down: Press Down, Back, Circle
    Sneaky Batarang: Press Down, Back, Square
    Dark Absorption: Press Back(2), Triangle (projectile absorption block)
    Smoke Escape: Press Down, Back, X

Pro moves

    Double Batarang: Press Down, Forward, Square, then press Down, Back, Triangle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Bat Swarm: Press Down, Back, Forward(2), Circle when close
    Grappling Hook: Press Down(3), Up. Wait until landing on the ground, then press X at sweeping distance

Captain Marvel

Special moves

    Solomon Escape: Press Down, Back, Circle
    Strength of Hercules: Press Back, Forward, Triangle
    Atlas Clap: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Power of Zeus: Press Down, Back, Square
    Achilles Bolt: Press Down, Back, X
    Mercury Bear Hug: Press Back, Forward, Circle

Pro moves

    Power of Zeus Extended: Press Down, Back, Square, then press Forward, Triangle
    Mercury Bear Hug Attack: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then tap Triangle during the Mercury Bear Hug

Heroic Brutalities

    Slam & Stomp: Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, Square when close
    Ground Slam: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle when one step away


Special moves

    Whip Sting: Press Down, Back, Square (can also be done in air)
    Lasso Grip: Press Back, Forward, Triangle
    Kitty Surprise: Press Back, Forward, X
    Raging Cat: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Somersaulting Fever: Press Down, Forward, X
    Nine Lives: Press Down, Back, Circle (certain projectile/move dodge)

Pro moves

    Whip Sting, Lasso Grip: Press Down, Back, Square, then as soon as Whip Sting connects, press Back, Forward, Triangle.
    Whip Sting, Kitty Surprise: Press Down, Back, Square, then as soon as Whip Sting connects, press Back, Forward, X.
    Pounce Grab into Whip Crack: Press Back, Forward, Circle. Wait until the final scratch, then press Back, Forward, Square.

Heroic Brutalities

    Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle at sweeping distance
    Claw Attack: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Circle at sweeping distance


Special moves

    Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Square
    Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Triangle
    Omega Tremor: Press Down(2), Circle
    Omega Knee: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Omega Force: Press Down, Back, X

Pro moves

    Omega Force With Head Smash: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until he lands, then press Square + Triangle.
    Double Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Triangle. Wait until the beam hits, then press Back(2), Square.

Heroic Brutalities



Special moves

    Close Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), X
    Far Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), Circle
    Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, Square
    Lunging Stab: Press Back, Forward, Triangle
    Stomach Stab: Press Down, Forward, Square

Pro moves

    Double Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, Square. Wait until the first shot is fired, then press Forward(2), Triangle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Gunshot: Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Triangle when close
    Neck Breaker: Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, X when close

The Flash

Special moves

    Fast Escape: Press Down, Back, X
    Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Circle
    Around The World: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Flurry Punch: Press Back, Forward, Triangle
    Teleport Flurry: Press Down, Back, Square

Pro moves

    Teleport Flurry Throw: Press Down, Back, Square. Wait for the last hit of the flurry, then press L1.
    Teleport Uppercut Into Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Square. Wait just before the first uppercut connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle.
    Like the Wind, Super Uppercut: Press Triangle(2), Square. Wait until the last of the combo sequence connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle.
    Like the Wind, Teleport Uppercut: Press Triangle(2), Square. Wait until the last of the combo sequence connects, then press Down, Back, Circle.
    Triple Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Circle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle.
    Triple Super Uppercut: Press Down, Circle, Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle. Wait until the last uppercut connects, then press Triangle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Flashy Beatdown: Press Back(2), Forward(2), Circle at sweeping distance
    Whirlwind Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Down, Forward, X when close

Green Lantern

Special moves

    Summoned Hand Grip: Press Down, Back, Square
    Justice Grip: Press Down, Forward, X
    Strength of Will: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Judgment Hammer: Press Back(2), X
    Wall Barrier: Press Back, Forward, Circle

Pro moves

    Triple Overhead Hammer: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the previous hit lands, then press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until the previous hit lands, then press Down, Back, Triangle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Orb Squeeze: Press Forward, Back, Down, Back, X at sweeping distance
    Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Down(2), Circle at sweeping distance

The Joker

Special moves

    Laughing Fist: Press Down, Back, X
    Joker’s Wild: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Bombs Away: Press Forward(2), Circle
    Bombs Away Close: Press Forward(2), Triangle
    Bombs Away Medium: Press Forward(2), X
    Bombs Away Far: Press Forward(2), Circle
    Put It There Pal: Press Down, Back, Square
    Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, Circle
    Funnyman: Press Back, Down, Forward, X
    Magic Trick: Press Down, Back, Circle and also one of the following:
    Surprise Pistol Whip: Press (after Magic Trick) Square
    Surprise Bomb: Press (after Magic Trick) Triangle
    Surprise Stomp: Press (after Magic Trick) X
    Surprise Slide: Press (after Magic Trick) Circle

Pro moves

    Surprise Pistol Whip And Shot: Press Down, Back, Circle, Square. Wait until the pistol whip connects, then press Down, Back, Triangle.
    Surprise Pistol Whip, Funnyman: Press Down, Back, Circle, Square. Wait until pistol whip connects, then press Back, Down, Forward, X.
    Seven Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, Circle, then tap Circle as fast as possible after the move.

Heroic Brutalities

    Gunshot: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Square when close
    Playing Cards: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Triangle when close

Lex Luthor

Special moves

    Target Practice: Press Down, Back, Square
    Powered Palms: Press Down, Forward, Triangle
    LexCorp Rocket: Press Down, Back, X (can also be done in air)
    Hot Flames: Press Back, Forward, X
    Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, Circle
    Rocket Boots: Press Back, Forward, Circle

Pro moves

    LexCorp Rocket To Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, X, then press Down, Back, Circle.
    Powered Palms To Rocket Boots: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until the second palm strike connects, then press Back, Forward, Circle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Body Twist: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Triangle when close
    Missile Attack: Press Up(3), Square when one step away


Special moves

    Heat Vision: Press Back(2), Square (can also be done in air; also can be repeated)
    Inhale Capture: Press Down, Back, Triangle
    Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Triangle
    Ice Breath: Press Down, Forward, X
    Ground Tremor: Press Down, Down, Circle
    Shoulder Charge: Press Forward, Forward, Circle
    Up, Up and Away (Hover): Press Down, Back, X and also one of the following:
    Hover Heat Vision Close: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Square
    Hover Heat Vision Far: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Triangle
    Ground Tremor: Press (after Up, Up and Back) X or Circle

Pro moves

    Inhale Capture, Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Back, Triangle, then press Down, Forward, Triangle.
    Super Ground Tremor: Press Down(2), Circle. Wait until the first hit on ground connects, then press Down + Square + Triangle.
    Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Triangle. Wait until just before Superman punches, then press Down, Back, (X, Triangle, or Circle).
    Inhale Capture, Up Up and Back: Press Down, Back, Triangle. Wait until just before Superman punches, then press Down, Back, (X, Triangle, or Circle).

Heroic Brutalities

    Ground Pound: Press Down(2), Forward(2), Square when close
    Freeze Slam: Press Forward(2), Down, Back, Circle when close

Wonder Woman

Special moves

    Wondrous Spin: Press Down, Back, Circle (can also be done in air)
    Divine Princess: Press Down, Forward, Triangle (can also be done in air)
    Splits Grab: Press Down, Forward, X
    Gotcha Girl: Press Forward, Forward, Circle
    Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, X
    Lasso Grab: Press Back, Forward, Square

Pro moves

    Handstand Burst, Splits Grab: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until her legs connect, then press Down, Forward, X.
    Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, X. Wait until she grabs their leg, then press Down, Back, Triangle.

Heroic Brutalities

    Lasso Slam: Press Up, Back, Down, Forward, Square at sweeping distance (jump, wait to land, then finish the Brutality combo)
    Lasso Spin: Press Forward, Back(2), Forward, Circle at sweeping distance

The following video is of all Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities being performed:

Easy “Combo Champion” trophy

Play as Sonya Blade, and perform her Bicycle Kick on an opponent to get ten hits each time and get the “Combo Champion” trophy. Alternately, play as The Flash. When the fight begins, press Away, Forward, Triangle. He should charge at your opponent and do a series of punches which gives you a 11-hit combo.

Easy “MK Arcade Champion” and “DC Arcade Champion” trophy

To normally get these trophies, you must complete the game with all characters in Arcade mode from each side. If you do not want to play as all the characters, you can simply play as your favorite character, and once you reach Dark Kahn, press Start, and choose “Player Select”. Choose a fighter you have not completed Arcade mode with yet, and defeat Dark Kahn with him or her. Also, it is much easier to play on the Very Easy difficulty so you can defeat Dark Kahn easily with the characters you are not familiar with.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Worlds Remade (Bronze): Complete Mortal Kombat Story.
    Universe Reborn (Bronze): Complete DC Universe Story.
    The Competitor (Bronze): Play 200 Versus matches.
    Fatality! (Bronze): Perform a Fatality.
    Heroic Brutality! (Bronze): Perform a Heroic Brutality.
    Combo Champion (Bronze): Perform a 10-Hit Combo in Arcade Mode.
    Tarkatan Champion (Bronze): Complete Baraka’s Kombo Challenge.
    The Caped Crusader (Bronze): Complete Batman’s Kombo Challenge.
    Cat Burglar (Bronze): Complete Catwoman’s Kombo Challenge.
    The Assassin (Bronze): Complete Deathstroke’s Kombo Challenge.
    Fastest Man Alive (Bronze): Complete the Flash’s Kombo Challenge.
    Green Lantern’s Light! (Bronze): Complete Green Lantern’s Kombo Challenge.
    Bring It On! (Bronze): Complete Jax’s Kombo Challenge.
    Clown Prince of Crime (Bronze): Complete the Joker’s Kombo Challenge.
    The Mercenary (Bronze): Complete Kano’s Kombo Challenge.
    Outworld’s Princess (Bronze): Complete Kitana’s Kombo Challenge.
    Evil Genius (Bronze): Complete Lex Luthor’s Kombo Challenge.
    Shaolin Monk (Bronze): Complete Liu Kang’s Kombo Challenge.
    The Thunder God (Bronze): Complete Raiden’s Kombo Challenge.
    Get Over Here! (Bronze): Complete Scorpion’s Kombo Challenge.
    Master of Souls (Bronze): Complete Shang Tsung’s Kombo Challenge.
    SHAZAM! (Bronze): Complete Captain Marvel’s Kombo Challenge.
    Special Forces (Bronze): Complete Sonya’s Kombo Challenge.
    Grand Master (Bronze): Complete Sub-Zero’s Kombo Challenge.
    The Man of Steel (Bronze): Complete Superman’s Kombo Challenge.
    Princess Diana (Bronze): Complete Wonder Woman’s Kombo Challenge.
    Mortal Kombat Champion (Bronze): Finish Arcade Mode with a Mortal Kombat Character.
    Super Hero (Bronze): Finish Arcade Mode with a DC Universe Character.
    The Pugilist (Bronze): Perform Klose Kombat.
    Free Fallin’ (Bronze): Perform a Free-Fall Transition.
    Less Talk, More Fight! (Bronze): Win a Chat Room Match.
    Humiliation (Bronze): Get a Flawless Victory Online.
    DC Arcade Champion (Silver): Complete Arcade Mode with all DC characters.
    MK Arcade Champion (Silver): Complete Arcade Mode with all MK characters.
    Relentless! (Silver): Play 100 Chat Lobby Matches.
    The Ultimate Evil (Gold): Complete Both Mortal Kombat and DC Universe Story Modes.
    The Finisher (Gold): Perform all Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities.
    Arcade Master (Gold): Beat Arcade Mode on Max Difficulty Without Continuing.
    Supreme Champion (Gold): Complete all Kombo Challenges.
    Platinum Trophy (Platinum): You Unlocked All Trophies!

Additionally, there are three secret trophies:

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    Omega Effect (Bronze): Complete Darkseid’s Kombo Challenge.
    Emperor of Outworld (Bronze): Complete Shao Kahn’s Kombo Challenge.
    Super Moves Master (Bronze): Perform All Super Moves and Promoves.
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