Normally, information posted to a forum in a soup of grammatical faux pas without backing sources or at least a description of circumstances is to be dutifully ignored. When that information, though, comes from an individual who accurately predicted the existence of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Rayman Legends for the Vita, and his newest round of rumors also has to do with Ubisoft, one sits up an takes notice.
According to NeoGAF user “kaysee,” Rainbox Six: Patriots, of which we’ve heard very little since its initial announcement, will have a Vita version in addition to its console and PC releases.
Secondly, he states that Far Cry 4 is slated for a Q1 2014 release.
The third tidbit of speculation is that Ubisoft is tackling a brand new next gen IP currently dubbed The Crew. No word on what that entails.
The most unexpected information, though, might be related to the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Kaysee claims that Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, the PS Vita companion to Assassin’s Creed III, will be receiving an XBLA/PSN release.
Of course, take all of this info with a liberal helping of salt, until Ubisoft either confirms or denies it.
Source: NeoGAF