



NFL Blitz Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

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NFL Blitz Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

NFL Blitz

Onside kick

After scoring, hold Up + [Turbo] + [Jump] + [Pass].

Extra blocker

While hiking the ball, hold [Turbo] + [Jump] + [Pass].

Hide play cursor

At the plays selection screen, press Up(2) on the upper left play.

Hidden players

Select the “Enter Name For Record Keeping” option and enter one of the following player names and PIN numbers. If you entered the code correctly, the phrase “Lights out, baby” will be spoken.

Name PIN Player
CARLTN 1111 Headless Guy
DANIEL 0604 Dan Thompson
FORDEN 1111 Dan Forden
GENTIL 1111 Jim Gentile
JAPPLE 6660 Jeff Johnson
JASON 3141 Jason Skiles
JENIFR 3333 Jennifer Hedrick
LUIS 3333 Luis Mangubat
MIKE 3333 Mike Lynch
RAIDEN 3691 Raiden from Mortal Kombat
ROOT 6000 John Root
SAL 0201 Sal Divita
SHINOK 8337 Shinnok from Mortal Kombat
SKULL 1111 Skull
TURMEL 0322 Mark Turmell

Cheat Codes

At the versus screen, press [Turbo], [Jump], and [Pass] to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the joystick/gamepad in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press [Turbo], [Jump] two times, [Pass] three times, Left. Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

Cheat Code Result
2-5-0 Left Fast passes
1-2-3 Left Super field goals
2-1-1 Left Allow stepping out of bounds
3-1-2 Left Power-up blockers
5-0-0 Left Turn off stadium
0-1-0 Up Late hits
0-4-0 Up Huge head
2-1-0 Up No first downs
3-4-4 Up No interceptions
1-5-1 Up No punting
4-3-3 Up Invisible
5-1-4 Up Infinite turbo
0-4-5 Up Super blitzing
2-3-3 Up Power-up teammates
3-1-2 Up Power-up offense
4-2-1 Up Power-up defense
1-1-0 Down Extra code time
0-3-0 Down Fog on
0-4-1 Down Thick fog on
0-0-1 Down Show field goal %
4-2-3 Down No random fumbles
2-2-3 Right Unlimited throw distances
1-0-2 Right Hide receiver name
0-5-0 Right Big football
3-1-0 Right Team tiny players
1-4-1 Right Team big players
2-0-3 Right Team big heads
2-0-0 Right Big head
4-0-4 Left Power-up speed [Note 1]
4-2-3 Right Super passing [Note 1]
5-5-5 Up Hyper blitz [Note 1]
1-1-5 Left No play selection [Note 1]
0-2-1 Right Show more field [Note 1]
0-1-2 Down No CPU assistance [Note 1]
3-1-4 Down Smart CPU opponent [Note 2]
1-1-1 Down Tournament mode [Note 3]
2-2-2 Right Night game
2-1-2 Left Weather: clear
5-5-5 Right Weather: rain
3-3-3 Left Invisible receiver highlight
0-3-2 Left Fast turbo running
3-2-1 Left No head
1-2-3 Right Headless team

Note 1: Two player agreement required.

Note 2: Only in one-player game.

Note 3: Only in two-player game.

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