



Ni No Kuni Tops UK Charts

Ni No Kuni Tops UK Charts

There has to be a limit to the number of ways you can say “Ni No Kuni is amazing!” But I’m starting to think that this isn’t the case. Either way, here’s another one.

Ni No Kuni has managed to become last week’s bestselling game in the UK. The last JRPG that topped the UK charts was Final Fantasy XIII-2, and, according to Joystiq, there hasn’t been a JRPG at the top of the UK charts that wasn’t a Final Fantasy or Pokemon title within the last decade. So Ni No Kuni certainly is making a name for itself.

What’s more impressive is the list of games that Ni No Kuni ousted for the top spot. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 fell to a respectable third place last week, while DmC: Devil May Cry fell off the charts completely. FIFA 13 is currently in second place, but that’s to be expected. Europeans love their soccer titles.

Long story short, Ni No Kuni is amazing! If you haven’t picked up this wonderful JRPG yet, then you are missing out.

Source: Joystiq

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