



No Silent Hill: HD Collection Until Late March

No Silent Hill: HD Collection Until Late March


Remember when we told you that the Silent Hill: HD Collection would be available on March 6th ? Well, apparently Konami is trying to make us look like liars, because they suddenly pushed the release date back to March 20th.

The developer didn’t give a reason for the delay, so it’s probably safe to assume that they’re just trying to make game journalists look like idiots. After all, this game was supposed to be released in late 2011, but it was pushed back to January 24th, and then again to March 6th.

When it’s released, the Silent Hill: HD Collection will contain reworked versions of Silent Hill 2 and 3, complete with brand new graphics and voice acting. However, by the time the HD Collection actually hits the shelves you may have already had your Silent Hill fix with Silent Hill: Downpour, which is set to be released on March 13th. But if you’re looking for even more horror, Silent Hill: Book of Memories is heading to the PlayStation Vita on March 27th.

Seriously, Silent Hill fans are going to die from exhaustion in March. That is, if the games are ever actually released.

By Josh Engen

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