



Not All PSVR Games Are DualShock 4 Compatible

Not All PSVR Games Are DualShock 4 Compatible

Sony engaged in some pretty major PlayStation VR waffling this week. In case you missed it, on Monday it told Eurogamer that every PSVR game would support the DualShock 4. Which would have been great for people who didn’t want to bother with the Move. Yesterday, it took that back and told The Verge that isn’t true.

The DualShock 4 requirement isn’t for real. Sony’s new statement, issued to The Verge, says, “Nearly all PlayStation VR titles will support DualShock 4 controllers, and several games will deliver an enhanced experience that further immerses gamers with the use of peripherals such as Move or the recently announced Aim controller. There will be a limited number of titles that require Move controllers.” Full lists of PSVR games that do and don’t offer DualShock 4 support aren’t available, but we know for sure that Resident Evil VII and Rigs: Mechanized Combat League will support the standard controller and Job Simulator will need Move controllers.

Better we know this now, rather than later. It gives us more time to check discount bins and thrift stores for Move controllers! Scoff if you will, but I found a $10 bundle that had Deadmund’s Quest and Sports Champions at Target for $10 back when it was clearing out its PlayStation Move stock!

Source: Eurogamer , The Verge

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