



Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas Steam achievements

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Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.

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    Adventurer: Reach the ‘Adventurer’ Level.
    Archmage: Reach ‘Archmage’ Adventurer Level.
    Blast’em!: Kill an enemy with a laser beam.
    Blockbuster: Destroy 100 wooden crates.
    Bomber Archeologist: Use bombs to break walls 10 times.
    Bouncer: Bounce an enemy with a shield 10 times.
    Catch Arcadian Pike: Catch your first Arcadian Pike.
    Catch Blue Fin: Catch your first Blue Fin.
    Catch Botfish: Catch your first Botfish.
    Catch Fireback: Catch your first Fireback.
    Catch Ghost Fish: Catch your first Ghost Fish.
    Catch Goliath: Catch your first Goliath.
    Catch Sol Fish: Catch your first Sol Fish.
    Centurion: Reach ‘Centurion’ Adventurer Level.
    Ceramic Killer: Kill an enemy with a jar.
    Champion from Below: Clear the entrance to Grand Core.
    Cosmopolitan: Visit all islands of Uncharted Seas.
    Crimson Collector: Collect Bloodstones from all over the world.
    Down for Swimming: Drown an enemy by getting it into the water.
    Encyclopedia Monstrum: Defeat every kind of monster in the game.
    Explorer: Reach ‘Explorer’ Adventurer Level.
    Exterminator: Defeat the Cepedes of Abandoned Mines.
    Fabled Gardener: Lift the curse from the Forest Shrine.
    Fast Blade: Perform 10 successful combo attacks.
    Fire Walk with Me: Melt objects 15 times using Fire Spell.
    First Piece: Find your first Piece of Heart.
    Frutti di Terra: Ship an item to another island.
    Hard Worker: Move crates and other objects 100 times.
    Hat Trick: Kill three enemies with a single sword blow.
    Hey, Big Spender!: Spend 2 000 coins in the shop.
    Honey Man: Find out what happened to Honey Man.
    Knight of Arcadia: Reach ‘Knight of Arcadia’ Level.
    Legend: Reach the highest Adventurer Level.
    Making Friends: Release the Direfolk’s prisoner.
    Master: Reach ‘Master’ Adventurer Level.
    Not Far from Tree: Get father’s sword and shield.
    Old Enemy: Retire 100 Direfolk.
    Pathfinder: Reach ‘Pathfinder’ Adventurer Level.
    Pilgrim: Reach ‘Pilgrim’ Adventurer Level.
    Pocket Money: Collect your first 25 coins.
    Rookie Adventurer: Reach ‘Rookie Adventurer’ Level.
    Rusty’s Treasure: Use your wits to reveal the hidden treasure.
    Scholar: Study the Arcadian History.
    Seasnake: Swim 500 meters.
    Secret Passage: Swim to Canals.
    Secret Sword Art: Try the skill attack for the first time.
    Shish Kebab: Kill an enemy with a burning arrow.
    Sleeping Giant: Beat the Creation No. 2.
    Smart Guy: Read at least 10 signs.
    Spellbinder: Reach ‘Spellbinder’ Adventurer Level.
    Sticky Finger: Collect 1000 coins.
    Still Going: Smash 50 skeletons to pieces.
    Tough as a Boot: Break a crate with Trencher Boots.
    Town Sheriff: Protect the Peace in Tikarel.
    Train Wreck: Kill an enemy by pushing a crate.
    Traveler: Reach ‘Traveler’ Adventurer Level.
    Unspawn: Kill 50 Spawn.
    Vanguard: Reach ‘Vanguard’ Adventurer Level.
    Vitality: Collect 8 heart containers.
    Voyager: Reach ‘Voyager’ Adventurer Level.
    Wayfarer: Reach ‘Wayfarer’ Adventurer Level.
    Witness: Collect 10 Cursed Skulls.
    Wizard: Wield the power of all 5 spells.
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