Perfect Dark
Mr. Blonde’s Revenge mission
Successfully complete all solo missions on the Agent, Special Agent, or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Maian SOS mission
Successfully complete all solo missions on the Special Agent or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
War! mission
Successfully complete all solo missions on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
Duel mission
Collect all weapons in the solo missions and achieve a Bronze rating or higher for each weapon at the firing range.
Perfect Darkness difficulty setting
Successfully complete all solo missions on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
Successfully complete the Area 51: Escape level with a time less than 3:50 on the Agent difficulty setting.
All guns in Solo mode
Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level with a time less than 5:31 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.
Infinite ammunition
Successfully complete the Pelagic LL: Exploration level with a time less than 7:07 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Infinite ammunition and no reloads
Successfully complete the Air Base: Espionage level with a time less than 3:11 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Infinite Laptop gun ammunition
Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti Terrorism level with a time less than 3:55 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
Hurricane Fists
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction level with a time less than 2:03 on the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.
X-Ray scanner
Successfully complete the Area 51: Rescue level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.
Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level with a time less than 1:30 on the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.
Play as Elvis
Successfully complete the Area 51: Rescue level with a time less than 7:59 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
DK Mode
Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Small Jo
Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Small characters
Successfully complete the Area 51: Infiltration level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Team heads only
Successfully complete the Air Base: Espionage level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Slow motion single player
Successfully complete the Datadyne Research: Investigation level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Jo shield
Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Super shield
Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense level with a time less than 1:45 on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Enemy shields
Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Enemy rockets
Successfully complete the Pelagic LL: Exploration level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Classic sight
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Marquis of Queensbury rules
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level with a time less than 1:30 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Rocket launcher (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Sniper rifle (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Superdragon (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Area 51: Escape level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Laptop gun (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Phoenix (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.
Psychosis gun (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level with a time less than 2:00 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
Use this strategy to help successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level in less than 2:00. As soon as you start, punch out the guard and the CIA agent. Run through the door to the FBI agent and punch him out. Run to the alleyway on the right. Punch out the guard and the two CIA agents. Pause game play and take out your gun. Kill the FBI agent through the door. Push the dumpster on the wall to reveal the explosive canisters. Shoot the canisters and blow them up. When the dumpster is blown up, take the white briefcase. Shoot the guards. Run through the door. Run through the door on your immediate left. Throw a Tracer Bug on the Limo. Go to the storm drain. Get the remote mine. Run back to the room with the fire escape. Go to the fire escape and kill the two guards. Throw a Remote Mine on the door. Run to the bottom of the fire escape. Make sure there are no guards nearby, then take out your Bomb Spy. Move your Bomb Spy to the car port. Blow up the guards with the Bomb Spy. Run to the carport to complete the mission.
Trent’s Magnum (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Crash Site: Confrontation level with a time less than 2:50 on the Agent difficulty setting.
Farsight (Jo in solo mode)
Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat with a time less than 7:27 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.
Classic weapons (Jo in solo mode)
Win all golds on the firing range to unlock the PP9I, CC13, KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, and RC-P45.
Alien (Buddies)
Successfully complete the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level with a time less than 5:17 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Hit And Run (Buddies)
Successfully complete the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level with a time less than 2:30 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Hot Shot (Buddies)
Successfully complete the Area 51: Infiltration level with a time less than 5:00 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.
Pugilist (Buddies)
Successfully complete the Datadyne Research: Investigation level with a time less than 6:30 on the Perfect Dark difficulty setting.
Alternate title screen
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting to change the title screen.
Alternate introduction sequence
Successfully complete the game on the “Agent” difficulty setting to change the introduction sequence.
Extra multi-player levels and weapons
Successfully complete the challenges in single player mode to unlock new multi-player levels and weapons.
Hide your screen (Multi-player mode)
Use the following trick to hide your screen to prevent ambushes in multi-player mode. Hold R and press C-Down(2) to duck all the way down. When you are low to the ground, hold R + C-Down to hide your screen. Try to duck even lower when you are as low as you can get. Turn off radar to add to the fun.
Website passwords
To get into the “Agents only” file at the game’s website at , enter ” solaris ” as a username and ” pal32ver21z ” as a password. In the “Restricted” area of the game’s website at , enter ” JamesTann07 ” as a username and ” 8CR31D29 ” as a password. -From: [email protected]
- Cheese
- Normal: Simulant will killing everything that moves on their random path.
- Hold: Simulant will attack nearby enemies while holding their ground.
- Defend: Simulant will chase down any nearby enemies.
- Attack: Simulant stalks the person you tell it to attack.
- Follow: Simulant follows you, but chases after nearby enemies.
- Protect: Simulant stays close to you and attacks nearby enemies.
Every single player mission has a piece of cheese hidden in a location that has nothing to do with your mission objectives.
See weapons from GoldenEye 007
Go to the hallway where the target practice is in the Carrington Institute (select Carrington Institute on the select mode screen) and you will see weapons from GoldenEye 007 (Klob, KF7 Solviet, RCP-90, AR 33 Assault Rifle, etc.).
X-Ray mode ending
Collect the X-Ray Scanner in the game, then activate it just before the end of a level. The ending sequence will play in X-Ray mode.
Night vision ending
Turn your night vision goggles on just before the end of a level.
Invisible during ending
Collect the Cloaking Device in the game, then activate it just before the end of a level. Your character will be invisible during the ending sequence. -From: [email protected]
More simulants
To get more Simulant buddies in co-operative mode, complete it on different difficulty settings. If co-op is completed on the Agent difficulty setting, then two simulants will accompany you. If it is completed on the Secret Agent setting, three will accompany you. And if it is completed on the Perfect Agent setting, four will be able to accompany you.
Daniel Carrington comments
Go to the firing range in the Carrington Institute and kneel all the way down. Start moving around in front of Daniel Carrington and he will say things such as “Stop it Joanna, that worries me!”.
In the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level in solo mode, shoot out all the bottles at the end of the level. Once they are all destroyed, you will hear Daniel Carrington say, “Act your age, Joanna.”
Get locked in closet
Select co-operative mode, then go to the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism level. Have both players go to the room with the ramp that leads to the President’s floor. There will be two guards standing there (one might not be there yet — he will walk in, so wait there for him). Knock them out and they will drop two key cards for the closet doors on the side of the room. Have each player open their closets (the closets contain the level’s secret weapon — Double Cyclones). Then, run across to the other player’s closet and enter before it closes. Since you have switched closets you will not have that key card and will be locked in.
Kill Elvis, Mario-style
Go to the Skeder spaceship and find Elvis. When he wants you to go to the elevator, go there. You should arrive on the top floor first. Look where Elvis is then jump on him and he should die.
1000% handicap advantages
In advanced setup, set the handicap up to 1000%. You will not die as much, and can get better medals.
Raise multi-player characters rank quickly
Set all the weapons to Callisto, four Simulants to perfect, and the stage to the Facility (in advanced setup). Then, keep restarting your game until you start in the airducts or somewhere nearby. Make sure no simulants are near you. Get the Callisto next to the urinal in the bathroom and place yourself against the door. Set the gun to high impact shells. When someone tries to open the door they will not be able to because you will be against it. You will be able to shoot them repeatedly through the doors without giving them a chance, because the game will not let them restart in the airducts. Keep doing this until your rank is as high as it will go (level 1).
Completing all challenges easily
Have player one select “Combat Simulator” and choose “Advanced Setup”. Have player two press Start. Have player one select “Load Settings” on the advanced setup menu, but do not not select any setup yet — just remain at the “Load Game Settings” menu. Have player two select the challenge to be completed in the advanced setup menu. Then, have player two press Start until the green “…and waiting” screen appears. Have player one select the desired game settings in the “Load Game Settings” menu. Note: You must have a custom or pre-made setup — you cannot alter it after it is loaded. Player one can drop out or join the game — it does not matter, however, staying in will give you two stars instead of just one. This trick can also be used in the three or four player challenges. -From: [email protected] and [email protected]
Easy firing range golds
Select the laptop gun and put it on bronze. Hold B, turn around, and pull the trigger. Immediately press Start, before Joanna can throw the gun, and abort. Then quickly press Start again and select any other weapon from the menu. Set it on Gold (or whatever), and as soon as the target range starts, the sentry gun will get thrown out and stuck to the wall. This trick can get you most of the golds.
Farsight at firing range
Use the Farsight at the firing range and aim through the walls. You can blow up chairs and computers in other rooms of the Carrington Institute. You can also shoot the classic 007 weapons in the hallway outside the firing range.
Shoot at other people at firing range
Go to the firing range in the Carrington Institute. After entering the firing range, turn around and make sure the door is open. Keep moving forward until you block the door from closing. If done correctly, you will still be able to choose a weapon and use it. You can shoot at the people in the other room, but cannot hit or kill them. You can also use explosives and blow up the lights — the room will be black until the game is restarted.
Human pincushion at firing range
The training man at the firing range at the Carrington Institute can be used as a human pincushion. Use poison dipped throwing knifes to throw out of the room. Just move to the position to shoot out of the range and use the throwing knifes on him.
Target practice in Datadyne levels
While in any of the Datadyne levels, either from the roof or from a broken window (windows can be shot out), shoot the passing vehicles to blow them up.
Detonate Remote mines easy
Press A + B to detonate a remote mine without changing the remote mines function.
Slayer controls
Press Z to detonate the rocket. You can also slow it down by pressing B.
Slower slayer fly-by-wire rocket
When you have the slayer, change it to the secondary mode. When you fire the rocket hold R to make it go slower for easier turns and maneuvering. Release the button to send it speeding towards your opponent/enemy.
Easy kills with the slayer
When you have your opponent in your sights and you cannot turn the fly-by-wire rocket around in time, press Z again to self-destruct it.
Quicker reloads
Just switch to the weapon before the current weapon, then quickly switch back. Practice doing this to get it faster each time. This will save time and health. It will not be as fast as in GoldenEye 007 , but it is better than the regular method. Note: This does not work with the shotgun or crossbow, and is not recommended with the laptop gun.
Quick shot with secondary weapon
The following trick allows a quick shot with the secondary on your weapon (or primary if you are in secondary mode). Hold B and press Z. It is almost exactly like rotating through weapons backwards with A and Z, but you substitute B for A. This works well with the shotgun to get a quick double blast at point blank range, or to quickly throw your dragon as a proximity mine.
Faster Farsight target locator
Instead of taking the time to hold B while using the Farsight to locate a target, you can just scope in and hold C-Left or C-Right. This is better, since it does not move as much as the target locator.
Fast running
Turn left or right until your cursor is approximately 30 degrees to the left or right of where you want to run to. Then, hold Analog-stick Forward (Up) + C-Right. You will run diagonally, but once you get used to it, you will be able to get to places faster. This is useful for running from friends in multi-player mode and also for meeting target times in single player mode.
Circle attacks
This is a simple move, but priceless to master. Hold Analog-stick Left + C-Right. You will circle an invisible point in the center. Practice doing this around a crate, trying to keep your gun cursor/sights on top of it. Also, try doing this with holding Analog-stick Right and C-Left to circle in the other direction. This makes will make you harder to hit, but will keep the enemy in your sights at the same time. If your sight starts to drift from your target, just adjust your angle on the Analog-stick.
Easy medals in combat simulator
To earn medals for your record in the combat simulator (accuracy, head shot, kill master, and survivor) log in your record for player one. Leave player two as it is already set. Shoot player two in the head each time until you have about ten kills. Quit and you should have all four medals.
To earn all medals much quicker, load your character and start a second character. Then, set the options for a level you know well and is rather small. Set the game for one kill wins with an accurate weapon, such as the Falcon. When you start the game, get the Falcon, find the second character, and shoot them in the head. This is much faster than killing the other player many times. You will get all four medals every time if you only use one bullet to kill the second character.
Laptop gun tricks
To get an “Easy” gold at the target range with the laptop gun, hold B and fire it at the wall behind you. It will turn to a sentry and stick. Just duck down, and get out of the way. It will get you 100% accuracy, and a gold every time.
If an enemy has a sentry gun active (laptop gun in its second mode), and you cannot seem to destroy it, just use an XR-20 Farsight with the target locator off. Stand in a nearby room, find it with R, C-Up, and C-Down, then take it out with one shot.
Multi-player mode
Keep moving — standing still makes you an easy target for automatic weapons.
When playing against sims (Meat, Easy, or Normal varieties), shoot weapons and ammo boxes out of their normal respawn locations then collect them. The weapon or ammo will respawn where you picked it up. Simulants will think that it has been picked up and pass it by without looking.
When with your back to a corner and low health, arm a grenade or n-bomb by holding Z. Run at your opponent — there is a chance you can also kill him.
When using cloaking devices, go for easy kills by using combat knives. Slashing with the knives will allow you to stay cloaked and give you a chance to get in some damage.
The larger your character, the faster you go. Mr. Blonde is the fastest and the aliens are the slowest. The best character to use is a Maian soldier with Biotecnition head.
If you are holding double guns you will take double damage.
Team motivation
During a game in multi-player mode, hold A to display the quick menu. Press Z(2) and you can control who attacks, and who stays with you. There are a few selections to choose from, which do the following:
Note: You must have a 2.2 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes.
Zelda Keycode Required | |
Enable Code [Note 1] | EE000000 0000 |
Low Resolution Codes | |
Unlock All Cheats [Note 2] | 50004002 0000 810A2218 0001 |
Player 1 Codes | |
Have All Weapons | D013EE6F 001E 8013EE70 0007 |
Infinite Ammo Left Weapon | D013EE6F 001E 8013E5FF 00FF |
Infinite Ammo Right Weapon | D013EE6F 001E 8013DE5B 00FF |
Infinite Rounds on Clip | |
Falcon 2, Falcon 2 (Silenced), Falcon 2 (Scope), MagSec 4, Mauler, Phoenix, PP9i & CCI3 | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDAF 00FF |
CMPI50, Cyclone, Callisto NTG, RC-PI20, Laptop Gun, KLOI3I3, ZZT (9mm), DMC & RC-P45 | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDB3 00FF |
Dragon, K7 Avenger, AR34, SuperDragon, Sniper Rifle, K7 Special, AR53 | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDBB 00FF |
Shotgun | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDBF 00FF |
Crossbow | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDB7 00FF |
FarSight XR-20 | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDC3 00FF |
Grenade | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDC7 00FF |
Rocket Launcher | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDCB 00FF |
Combat Knife | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDCF 00FF |
DY357 Magnum & DY357-LX | D013EE6F 001E 8013EDD3 00FF |
Devastator | D013EE6F 001E 8013EED7 00FF |
Remote Mine | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEDB 00FF |
Proximinity Mine | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEDF 00FF |
Timed Mine | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEE3 00FF |
Reaper | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEE7 00FF |
N-Bomb | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEF3 00FF |
Tranquilizer | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEF7 00FF |
Combat Boost | D013EE6F 001E 8013EEFF 00FF |
Psychosis Gun | D013EE6F 001E 8013EF03 00FF |
All Guns (GS 3.0 or Higher Needed) | D013EE6F 001E 50001604 0000 8013EDAF 00FF |
Player 2 Codes | |
Have All Weapons | D0140ADF 001E 80140AE0 0007 |
Infinite Ammo Left Weapon | D0140ADF 001E 8014026F 00FF |
Infinite Ammo Right Weapon | D0140ADF 001E 8013FACB 00FF |
Infinite Rounds on Clip | |
Falcon 2, Falcon 2 (Silenced), Falcon 2 (Scope), MagSec 4, Mauler, Phoenix, PP9i & CCI3 | D0140ADF 001E 80140A1F 00FF |
CMPI50, Cyclone, Callisto NTG, RC-PI20, Laptop Gun, KLOI3I3, ZZT (9mm), DMC & RC-P45 | D0140ADF 001E 80140A23 00FF |
Dragon, K7 Avenger, AR34, SuperDragon, Sniper Rifle, K7 Special, AR53 | D0140ADF 001E 80140A2B 00FF |
Shotgun | D0140ADF 001E 80140A2F 00FF |
Crossbow | D0140ADF 001E 80140A27 00FF |
FarSight XR-20 | D0140ADF 001E 80140A33 00FF |
Grenade | D0140ADF 001E 80140A37 00FF |
Rocket Launcher | D0140ADF 001E 80140A3B 00FF |
Combat Knife | D0140ADF 001E 80140A3F 00FF |
DY357 Magnum & DY357-LX | D0140ADF 001E 80140A43 00FF |
Devastator | D0140ADF 001E 80140A47 00FF |
Remote Mine | D0140ADF 001E 80140A4B 00FF |
Proximinity Mine | D0140ADF 001E 80140A4F 00FF |
Timed Mine | D0140ADF 001E 80140A53 00FF |
Reaper | D0140ADF 001E 80140A57 00FF |
N-Bomb | D0140ADF 001E 80140A63 00FF |
Tranquilizer | D0140ADF 001E 80140A67 00FF |
Combat Boost | D0140ADF 001E 80140A6F 00FF |
Psychosis Gun | D0140ADF 001E 80140A73 00FF |
All Guns (GS 3.0 or Higher Needed) | D0140ADF 001E 50001604 0000 80140A1F 00FF |
Note 1: You must have a 3.2 or higher version of the Game Shark to use this code. If you cannot use this code, then you must turn the Code Generator on every time you use the Game Shark with this game. However, if you can use this code, then you never have to use the Code Generator.
Note 2: Use the Expansion Pak and start a new file. Play one round in the combat simulator, then save the game. Remove the Game Shark, then start the game again. Play a solo mission, go to cheats, and they should all be unlocked. -From: [email protected]