Pokemon Stadium and its subsequent titles are incredibly underrated when compared to the rest of the Pokemon titles. Pokemon Stadium 2 is the sequel to the classic Pokemon Stadium that also released for the Nintendo 64. Funnily enough, the previous title was called Pokemon Stadium 2 in Japan since they got a Japan-only Pokemon Stadium titled Pocket Monsters’ Stadium. When the West received Pokemon Stadium 2, the title of this article, the Japanese equivalent was Pokemon Stadium Gold & Silver. Complicated for sure but that’s Nintendo for you.
Pokemon Stadium 2 Premise
Pokemon Stadium 2 is pretty much more of its predecessor. It doesn’t have a storyline where instead progress is made by winning trophies in its Stadium mode. Stadium mode works like a tournament mode. Players also can complete Gym Leader Castle, where the player faces gyms specializing in different Pokemon types. The game at its core is a battling simulator and fans of team building and battling will have an absolute blast with Pokemon Stadium and its other titles.
Pokemon Stadium 2 Main Characters
Gym Leaders
- Brock (Rock-type)
- Misty (Water-type)
- Lt. Surge (Electric-type)
- Erika (Grass-type)
- Koga (Poison-type)
- Sabrina (Psychic-type)
- Blaine (Fire-type)
- Giovanni (Ground-type)
- Falkner (Flying-type)
- Bugsy (Bug-type)
- Whitney (Normal-type)
- Morty (Ghost-type)
- Chuck (Fighting-type)
- Jasmine (Steel-type)
- Pryce (Ice-type)
- Clair (Dragon-type)
Elite Four
- Will (Psychic-type)
- Koga (Poison-type, promoted from Gym Leader)
- Bruno (Fighting-type)
- Karen (Dark-type)
- Lance (Dragon-type, Johto Champion)
- Red (Kanto Champion, final battle in Gym Leader Castle)
Miscellaneous Characters
- Rival – A recurring trainer who serves as a challenging opponent in certain modes.
- Announcer – Provides commentary during battles, adding excitement and energy to the matches. This feature was unique and iconic in the Stadium series.
- Professor Oak – Plays a significant role in guiding players and providing options for organizing their Pokemon.
Other Pokemon Stadium Titles In The Series
- Pocket Monsters Stadium (1998)
- Pokemon Stadium (1999)
- Pokemon Stadium 2 (2000)
- Pokemon Battle Revolution (2006)
Pokemon Stadium 2 Cheat Codes
List of Rental Pokemon
- Abra
- Aipom
- Alakazam
- Ampharos
- Arbok
- Arcanine
- Articuno
- Ariados
- Azumarill
- Bayleef
- Bellossom
- Bellsprout
- Beedrill
- Blastoise
- Butterfree
- Caterpie
- Celebi
- Chansey
- Chikorita
- Chinchou
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Cloyster
- Crobat
- Croconaw
- Cubone
- Cyndaquil
- Ddiglett
- Ditto
- Dodrio
- Doduo
- Donphan
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Dratini
- Drowzee
- Dugtrio
- Dunsparce
- Electabuzz
- Electrode
- Elekid
- Entei
- Espeon
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Farfetch’d
- Fearow
- Flaaffy
- Flareon
- Forretress
- Feraligatr
- Gastly
- Girafarig
- Gligar
- Golbat
- Goldeen
- Golduck
- Golem
- Graveler
- Growlithe
- Grimer
- Gyarados
- Haunter
- Heracross
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmontop
- Ho-oh
- Hoothoot
- Hoppip
- Horsea
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Hypno
- Igglybuff
- Ivysaur
- Jigglypuff
- Jumpluff
- Jynx
- Kadabra
- Kangaskhan
- Kingdra
- Kingler
- Koffing
- Krabby
- Lanturn
- Lapras
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Lickitung
- Lugia
- Magby
- Magcargo
- Magikarp
- Magmar
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Mantine
- Mareep
- Marill
- Meganium
- Meowth
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Miltank
- Misdreavus
- Moltres
- Mr. Mime
- Muk
- Murkrow
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran(female)
- Nidoran(male)
- Nidorina
- Nidorino
- Ninetales
- Noctowl
- Octillery
- Onix
- Paras
- Parasect
- Persian
- Pidgeot
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgey
- Piloswine
- Pinsir
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Ponyta
- Porygon
- Primeape
- Psyduck
- Quagsire
- Quilava
- Raichu
- Raikou
- Rapidash
- Raticate
- Rattata
- Remoraid
- Rhydon
- Rhyhorn
- Sandslash
- Scizor
- Scyther
- Seadra
- Seaking
- Sentret
- Shellder
- Shuckle
- Skiploom
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Slowpoke
- Smoochum
- Snorlax
- Snubbull
- Spinarak
- Squirtle
- Stantler
- Starmie
- Staryu
- Steelix
- Sudowoodo
- Suicune
- Sunflora
- Sunkern
- Swinub
- Tangela
- Tauros
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Totodile
- Typhlosion
- Tyrogue
- Umbreon
- Ursaring
- Vaporeon
- Venomoth
- Venonat
- Venusaur
- Victreebel
- Vileplume
- Voltorb
- Wartortle
- Weedle
- Weezing
- Wigglytuff
- Wobbuffet
- Wooper
- Xatu
- Yanma
- Zapdos
- Zubat
Doduo and Dodrio Tower
Defeat all the Gym Leader Castle trainers or win all cups in stadium mode in Round 1 to unlock the Doduo sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow at double speed. Next, defeat all the Gym Leader Castle trainers or win all cups in stadium mode in Round 2 to unlock the Doduo sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokemon Gold/Silver at double speed.
After that you must defeat all the Gym Leader Castle trainers and win all cups in stadium mode in Round 1 to unlock the Dodrio sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow at hyper speed. Defeat all the Gym Leader Castle trainers and win all cups in stadium mode in Round 2 to unlock the Dodrio sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokemon Gold/Silver at hyper speed.
Alternate title screen
Win all cups in stadium mode in Round 1 to have more Pokemon appear on the title screen. Win all cups in stadium mode in Round 2 for another variation.
Rival Cup
Win all cups in stadium mode and defeat all trainers in the Gym Leader Castles to unlock a special Rival Cup in the lower right-hand corner of the main map. Select it to fight against Mewtwo, Ho-oh, and Lugia.
Round 2
Win the Rival Cup to unlock Round 2.
Kanto Gym Leader tower
Successfully complete the Johto Gym Leader tower.
Super TM
Defeat the Elite Four in the Johto Gym Leader Castle with a team of your own, with no rentals or registered Pokemon. When you win you will be able to teach one Pokemon on your team a past move that they forgot or never learned. That is how you can get Pokemon such as Mewtwo to learn Confusion, or Zapdos to learn Peck. You can do this as many times as needed.
Mystery Gift
At the main screen (with White City, Event Battle, and Battle Now), select “Mystery Gift”. Follow the onscreen directions to receive a gift that can be picked up at the Pokemon Lab. You can only use this if you have either Pokemon Gold or Silver in a Transfer Pak.
Infinite Mystery Gifts
Note: This trick requires a Transfer Pak and Pokemon Gold or Silver. Make sure your Pokemon Gold or Silver game is saved at a Pokemon Center. Go to the Mystery Gift option. Use Mystery Gift. Go to GB Tower. Use the “Change time ” trick and use your password to change the time in Pokemon Gold or Silver. Change the time one day forward. Go back to Mystery Gift on Pokemon Stadium 2 and use it. Repeat this until you get the items you want.
Celebi as rental
Unlock Round 2 to access Celebi as a rental Pokemon in the Prime Cup competition.
Farfetch’d with Baton Pass move
Win the Rival Cup in Round 1 to unlock a Farfetch’d with the Baton Pass move.
Gligar with Earthquake move
Win the Rival Cup in Round 2 to unlock a Gligar with the Earthquake move.
Harder mini-games
Defeat the CPU in a seven-coin mini-game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the super hard difficulty setting.
More knowledge at Pokemon Academy
Finish all classes, pass all tests, and win the school battles (beat the Elite Class) to unlock more information at the Library, including all items available in all of the Game Boy Pokemon games.
Game appearances on television
In “My Room”, when you have the video game consoles (NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64) to decorate your room, they will also decorate the television. For example, when you use the NES, games such as The Legend Of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Super Mario Bros. will appear on the television screen. For the SNES, games such as The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past, F-Zero, Kirby Super Star, and Super Mario World. For the Nintendo 64, games such as The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, Wave Race 64, Super Mario 64, and Star Fox 64. There are no decorations for the Virtual Boy.
Light Ball
The Light Ball doubles Pikachu’s Special Attack and Defense stats. You can get this by removing the items from Pikachu from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.
Thick Club
The Thick Club doubles Cubone’s and Marowak’s Attack power. You can get this by removing the items from Cubone or Marowak from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.
Game Shark Codes
801ABB22 0001 Always On Bike (Pokemon G/S)
8015EF3F 0000 Crystal Catch Information 1
8015EF40 0000 Crystal Catch Information 2
8026FFA8 0000 Dodrio GB Tower
8026FFAA 004F
8026FFAC 0052
8026FFAE 004F
DE000400 0000 Enable Code (‘Must Be On’)
F100B6A0 0000
F100B6A2 0000
F107A214 0000
F107A216 0000
F1085190 0000
F1085192 0000
801AB5A0 0000 Enemy Has 0 HP (Pokemon G/S)
801DD0D6 00FF Fake Level 255 Code (Player 1)
801ABA08 0002 Flash Always On (Pokemon G/S)
801A99AA 0001 GB Tower Speed Modifier
801ABA13 000F Infinite Cash(Pokemon G/S)
811ABA14 423F
8114738C 0009 Infinite Continues
801AAADD 00FF Infinite HP In-Battle (Crystal)
801AB5D1 00FF
801AB639 0000 Instant Text(Pokemon G/S)
F100B6A0 2400 Master Code
F1085190 2400
F100B6A4 2400
801AB04F 00FF Never Miss (Pokemon G/S)
8014576F 0000 One Hit KO
801457C7 0000
8014581F 0000
8017DFEB 0002 P1 Infinite Dirt Rollout Rampage
8016EA97 0005 P1 Instant Win Barrier Ball
8016D64F 0050 P1 Instant Win Pichu’s Power Plant
80176887 0005 P1 Instant Win Topsy Turvy
81174362 0000 P1 Score Modifier Clear Cut Challenge
801AB415 0000 P1 Score Modifier Delibird’s Delivery
811AB416 0000
8017EB65 0000 P1 Score Modifier Eager Eevee
8117EB66 0000
81191ADE 0000 P1 Score Modifier Egg Emergency
811E94C2 0000 P1 Score Modifier Furret’s Frolic
8118122A 0000 P1 Score Modifier Streaming Stampede
89165CCE 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 Fifth Pokemon
89165CD0 03E7
89165B6E 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 First Pokemon
89165B70 03E7
89165C76 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 Fourth Pokemon
89165C78 03E7
89165BC6 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 Second Pokemon
89165BC8 03E7
89165D26 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 Sixth Pokemon
89165D28 03E7
89165C1E 03E7 Press Cheat Device Button For Max HP P1 Third Pokemon
89165C20 03E7
88165CC5 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 Fifth Pokemon Level 100
88165B65 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 First Pokemon Level 100
88165C6D 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 Fourth Pokemon Level 100
88165BBD 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 Second Pokemon Level 100
88165D1D 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 Sixth Pokemon Level 100
88165C05 0064 Press Cheat Device Button For P1 Third Pokemon Level 100
801AB343 000A Walk Through Walls (Pokemon G/S)
811AB344 0A0A
801AB346 000A
801AB6B3 00BE Wild Pokemon Lv Modifier (Crystal)
801AB59C 00BE Wild Pokemon Lv Modifier (GS)
801AB58D 0000 Wild Pokemon Modifier
801AB6A4 0001 Wild Pokemon Modifier (Crystal)
Easy Game Corner coins
Play the mini-games with any number of players while a Pokemon game is in the Transfer Pak.
Good Pokemon Team for Little Cup
Phanpy, Charmander, Totodile, Mareep, Mankey, Swinub.
Good Pokemon Team for battling the Elite Four
Tyranitar, Feraligator, Charizard, Mewtwo, Lugia, Zapdos.
Good Pokemon Team for battling Picnicker Cyndy
Granbull, Fearow, Lickitung. Lead with Granbull.
Good Pokemon Team for battling Lass Nancy
Eevee, Golbat, Noctowl. Stick with Eevee’s Swift attack which never misses.
Have a Pokemon game in the Transfer Pak when you play the mini-games. The game will search for Pokémon that you own for use in the mini-games. Some of the Pokemon include:
Gutsy Golbat: Golbat and Crobat
ClearCut Challenge: Scyther, Pinsir, and Scizor
Barrier Ball: Mr. MimeTopsy-Turvy: Hitmontop
Furret’s Frolic: Furret and Girafarig
Pichu’s Power Plant: Pichu, Elekid, and Pikachu
Rampage Rollout: Donphan
Tumbling Togepi: Togepi and Omanyte
Egg Emergency: Chansey
Streaming Stampede: Cleffa and Igglybuff
Delibird’s Delivery: Delibird
Eager Eevee: Eevee
The image featured at the top of this post is ©GameFreak.