



Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheat Codes for Nintendo 3DS

Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Ultra Wormhole

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheat Codes for Nintendo 3DS

Before a generation of Pokemon ends, a definitive edition of that generation’s titles is released. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the definitive releases of the seventh generation of Pokemon titles. These games did well on release both critically and commercially. Despite the many fans who sing the praises of these titles, there are a decent number of naysayers. They like the new quality of life changes these games brought but don’t like how similar they are to the original Sun and Moon. What’s the point of spending the money on an enhanced edition if it only changes a handful of things? This is a valid concern, but it didn’t affect these titles’ success. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon went on to become the ninth-best-selling Nintendo 3DS titles of all time.

Kommo-o in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s Premise

These titles are similar to the other entries in the Pokemon franchise, while also introducing some new features unique to them. Most of the changes are gameplay focused like five new Pokemon being introduced to the generation. These games are considered some of the more unique entries in the franchise and the changes in this release further cement that. Despite these gameplay changes, you can still find the simple top-down RPG gameplay loop of the Pokemon franchise.

An in-game screenshot from Pokemon Ultra Moon.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s Main Characters

  • The Protagonist: The player character who can either be male or female. Their canon names are Elio and Selene.
  • Lunala (in Ultra Moon) or Solgaleo (in Ultra Sun): The Legendary Pokémon that the player will partner with.
  • Professor Kukui: The Pokemon Professor of the Alola region.
  • Lillie: A major character who starts as a timid girl but grows throughout the story.
  • Gladion: Lillie’s older brother and a member of Team Skull with a mysterious past.
  • Hau: Your cheerful and friendly rival.
  • Kahuna Hala: The Kahuna of Melemele Island, who oversees the island challenge.
  • Kahuna Nanu: The Kahuna of Ula’ula Island.
  • Kahuna Olivia: The Kahuna of Akala Island.
  • Kahuna Summin: The Kahuna of Poni Island (replacing the original games’ character Hapu).
  • Guzma: The leader of Team Skull.
  • Plumeria: Team Skull’s admin and Guzma’s right hand.
  • Dulse: One of the members of the Ultra Recon Squad.
  • Zossie: Another member of the Ultra Recon Squad, who plays a crucial role in the Ultra Beasts storyline.

Other Pokemon Titles In The Series

  • Pokemon Red and Blue (Green in Japan) (1996/1998)
  • Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition (1998/1999)
  • Pokemon Gold and Silver (1999/2000)
  • Pokemon Crystal (2000/2001)
  • Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (2002/2003)
  • Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)
  • Pokemon Emerald (2004/2005)
  • Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (2006/2007)
  • Pokemon Platinum (2008/2009)
  • Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2009/2010)
  • Pokemon Black and White (2010/2011)
  • Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 (2012)
  • Pokemon X and Y (2013)
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (2014)
  • Pokemon Sun and Moon (2016)
  • Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)
  • Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018)
  • Pokemon Sword and Shield (2019)
  • Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (2021)
  • Pokemon Legends: Arceus (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero (2023)
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheats


Episode RR

Defeat the Elite Four and complete the Ultra Beast side quest to unlock the Episode RR event the next morning. In the event, it is revealed that Team Rainbow Rocket has taken over both the Festival Plaza and Aether Foundation, and they are being led by all of the major villains from the previous games in the series.

Dubious Disc

Defeat Team Rainbow Rocket, then return to Aether Paradise and talk to Faba. He will ask you for a battle. Defeat him to get the Dubious Disc, which allows you to obtain Porygon-Z.

Key Stone

Defeat the Elite Four and complete the Ultra Beast side quest, then go to Poni Meadow. On your way to Resolution Cave, you will encounter Sina and Dexio. Win the battle against Dexio to get the Key Stone and Alakazite, which gives you initial access to the Mega Evolutions from Pokemon X and Y.

King’s Rock

Defeat the Elite Four, then travel to the Trainers’ School on Route 1. You will now be able to access the previously blocked door on the top floor. Enter the door to battle the school’s principal. Defeat her to get the King’s Rock.

Lucky Egg

Defeat the Elite Four, then travel to Professor Kukui’s lab in the south area of Melemele Island. Speak to him to get the Lucky Egg if you have caught 50 or more Pokemon and recorded their details in your Pokedex. The Lucky Egg allows you to gain XP at almost twice the normal rate.

Oval Charm

Defeat the Elite Four, then travel to the Game Freak office in Heahea City. Talk to Game Freak Morimoto, and Game Freak Iwao and Morimoto will challenge you to a double battle. Defeat them to get the Oval Charm, which increases the chances of eggs being found at the Nursery. You can also battle Iwao and Morimoto once a day afterward.

Reveal Glass

Successfully complete Olivia’s grand trial, then return to the Dimensional Research Lab and talk to Professor Burnet to get the Reveal Glass, which allows you to change the forms of Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus.

Secret Lab A items

Defeat Team Rainbow Rocket, then return to Secret Lab A in Aether Paradise. The employee will give you the DNA Splicers for Reshiram or Zekrom, Prison Bottle for Hoopa, and Soul Dew for Latios or Latias.

Shiny Charm and Gi

Catch all Pokemon in the Alola Pokedex. Then, travel to Heahea City on Akala Island, and go to the Game Freak building. Talk to the Game Director to get the Shiny Charm (increases the chances of encountering Shiny Pokemon) and Gi (clothing).

Swords Dance

Throughout the game, you will encounter a trainer named Actress Meredith. She will ask permission to have a battle, and then spin around when she loses. You need to defeat her in Melemele Meadow, Royal Avenue, and Ula’ula Meadow. After defeating the Elite Four and completing the Ultra Beast side quest, she can be found in Poni Meadow. Defeat her one last time to get the Swords Dance TM.

Nurse Joy outfit

Play as a female trainer and complete the Pokedex to unlock a special Nurse Joy uniform.

Extra Apricorn PokeBalls

Transfer a Pokemon from Pokemon Gold or Silver using Pokemon Transporter and Pokemon Bank, then talk to the man who asks your color preference at the Game Freak office. He will give you an extra set of Apricorn PokeBalls if you have the Pokemon from Pokemon Gold or Silver in your party. Note: This will only work once per save file.

Legendary Pokemon locations

Search the indicated locations to find the corresponding Legendary Pokemon:

Cosmog: You can get it after the previous one evolves. Defeat the Elite Four, then return to the Altar to go to the Reverse World. Get to the altar in the middle of the Lake with Lunala/Solgaleo still in your party. Cosmog will automatically join when seeing them.

Lunala and Solgaleo: After completing all the grand trials, proceed to the Elite Four. You will encounter Gladion on the way up the mountain. Defeat him and he will reveal that Lillie went to Mahalo Trail, where you first met her. Travel to Mahalo Trail and she will let you battle and catch Lunala/Solgaleo. The Cosmog you rescue on the Mahalo Trail will eventually evolve into Lunala or Solgaleo. Note: You can do this before or after you defeat the Elite Four.

Necrozma: It can only be captured during the post-game while climbing Mount Lanakila (Ultra Megalopolis) toward the Pokemon League. On the path to the Pokemon League, find Necrozma in a crater in a weakened state. Interact with the crater, and choose to share your Z-Ring with Necrozma to restore Necrozma’s health. You can then fight and capture Necrozma. Defeat and capture Necrozma to get Ultranecrozium-Z and Necrozma’s Z-Move.

Tapu Bulu (guardian deity): Defeat the Elite Four, then go to the Ruins Of Abundance, and interact with the statue to get this Pokemon.

Tapu Fini (guardian deity): Defeat the Elite Four, then go to the Ruins Of Hope, and interact with the statue to get this Pokemon.

Tapu Koko (guardian deity): Defeat the Elite Four, then go to the Ruins Of Conflict, and interact with the statue to get this Pokemon.

Tapu Lele (guardian deity): Defeat the Elite Four, then go to the Ruins Of Life, and interact with the statue to get this Pokemon.

Zygarde: Defeat the Elite Four, then go to Resolution Cave to battle Zygarde. This Pokemon can be further assembled with cells from Dexio and Sina in Route 16 to become its complete form.


Go to Seafolk Village and talk to the Ace Trainer in the Huntail boat to get Aerodactyl.


You will be given an egg the first time you go to the Pokemon Nursery on the Paniola Ranch. This egg will hatch into Eevee.


Find Pikachu in Heahea City after defeating all four of the high scores in Mantine Surf. Go to the Surfing Association office in Heahea City and talk to the man to get Pikachu.


After defeating Ultra Necrozma, the Ultra Recon Squad will offer to give you an Ultra Beast (Poipole). You can decline and collect it later.


Go to Aether House on Route 15 after defeating the Elite Four. Find an employee in the backroom of the house to get Porygon.

Surf Pikachu

Get the high score on all four Mantine Surfing courses to be sent to the Surfing Association office in Heahea City. Talk to the NPC there to get Surf Pikachu.

Type: Null

After defeating the Elite Four and becoming Champion, go to Poni Grove. When you enter, you will be greeted by Hau and Wicke. Wicke will congratulate you on your victory and give you Gladion’s Type: Null.


Defeat Dexio in a Pokemon battle on Route 16 after defeating the Elite Four to get Zygarde. Sina will also give you items needed to evolve Zygarde (Zygarde Cube). To get 100% Zygarde, you need to catch a wild Zygarde in Resolution Cave.

After defeating the Elite Four and completing the Ultra Beast side quest in Poni Grove, you will be able to travel further into Poni Meadow. Locate Resolution Cave in the northwest, and go to its lower level to encounter a Level 60 Zygarde in its 50% form. Note: You can do this before completing the Team Rainbow Rocket side quest.

Evolving Poiple into Nagandel

Poiple is a new Pokemon added to Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. You can get Poiple from the Ultra Recon Squad, as you progress in the story. However, you cannot evolve it until later in the game when you reach Mount Lanakila. Once you have access to Mount Lanakila, go to the Pokemon Center to find a woman dressed in a green suit. Before talking to her, make sure Poiple is in your party and Poiple has enough XP to level up. Once you have enough XP, Poiple will be ready to evolve. You also need Heart Scales in your inventory, which you can buy from restaurants and other places throughout the game. Then, talk to the woman in the Pokemon Center to remind Poiple of a special move called Dragon Pulse. You must forget a current move to remind Poiple of the special move. Once you have all the necessary things for evolving Poiple, your Poiple will automatically evolve into a Nagandel.

Ultra Beasts locations

Search the indicated locations to find the corresponding Ultra Beast. To catch Ultra Beasts, defeat them with the stat boost they get from the Ultra Wormhole. The Ultra Beasts are not shiny locked — so you can get shiny Ultra Beasts.

Blacephalon and Stakataka: They are found in Poni Grove. Become a champion, then go to Poni Grove and acquire the Beast Balls required to capture them. You can then capture the two Ultra Beasts using those balls.

Buzzwole (Ultra Sun only): It is found in the Ultra Jungle, which is in the large area of trees connected by vines. A volcano will erupt when you get to the tallest tree and Buzzwole will appear to battle you.

Celesteela (Ultra Moon only): It is found near the Ultra Crater. Reach the Ultra Crater in the White Wormhole, then proceed to the end of the area for Celesteela to appear and battle you.

Guzzlord: It is found in Ultra Ruin. Reach Ultra Ruin in the White Wormhole and explore the ruins of Hau’oli City. Proceed to the end of the area for Guzzlord to appear and battle you.

Kartana (Ultra Sun only): It is found in the Ultra Forest. Find the small forest path that contains a lot of flowers shaped like Kartana. Defeat the two trainers to find a Kartana and battle it.

Nihilego: This encounter is set with UB-01 in the Aether Foundation. It cannot be captured and has its defense boosted. After this battle, you will see Ultra Beasts again when Lusamine uses Cosmog to create an Ultra Wormhole. This will cause the Ultra Beasts to spread out across the Alola region. You can finally obtain Nihilego when you explore the White Wormhole in Ultra Space. Sit in the chair at the end of a small corridor. Nihilego will attack and you can capture it.

Pheromosa (Ultra Moon only): It is found in the Ultra Desert. Find the White Wormhole where you complete the strength puzzles using the Machamp Shove. You can get Pheromosa after completing the puzzle.

Poipole: It is found in Poipole. You obtain it when you defeat the Ultra Necrozma. It is offered to you by the Ultra Recon Squad, and you can take it whenever you want from them.

Xurkitree: It is found in the Ultra Plant. Find the White Wormhole in the location that looks like Xurkitree. Reach the top of the area for Xurkitree to appear and battle you.

Totem Pokemon

Totem Pokemon are huge, boss-sized Pokemon that you often encounter in the main story. Collect the indicated number of Totem Stickers and trade them to Professor Oak to unlock the indicated Totem Pokemon. Note: Each version of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon includes separate unlockable Totem Pokemon.

Pokemon Ultra Moon only

  • Araquanid: 40 Totem Stickers
  • Kommo-o: 100 Totem Stickers
  • Mimikyu: 80 Totem Stickers
  • Raticate: 20 Totem Stickers
  • Salazzle: 50 Totem Stickers
  • Togedemaru: 70 Totem Stickers

Pokemon Ultra Sun only

  • Gumshoos: 20 Totem Stickers
  • Lurantis: 50 Totem Stickers
  • Marowak: 40 Totem Stickers
  • Mimikyu: 80 Totem Stickers
  • Ribombee: 100 Totem Stickers
  • Vikavolt: 70 Totem Stickers

Totem Sticker Locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 100 Totem Stickers:

Melemele Island

  • 1. Route 2 – In the kitchen of your house.
  • 2. Route 2 – On the porch of the house with the blue roof, near the main path.
  • 3. Route 2 – On the left side of the PokeCenter.
  • 4. Berry Fields – On the back-right corner of the blue house.
  • 5. Berry Fields – In the house down the road filled with Pokemon.
  • 6. Iki Town – South of the arena, on the left house exterior.
  • 7. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the PokeCenter exterior.
  • 8. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the storefronts to the right, before reaching the mall.
  • 9. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the exterior of the large lab with the green roof.
  • 10. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the benches to the left in the lobby of the same building.
  • 11. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the side of the Captain’s house with the pool in the western edge of town.
  • 12. Hau’oli City Shopping District – Behind the pool in the same house.
  • 13. Hau’oli City Shopping District – Enter the Captain’s room in the same house to find the sticker on the right.
  • 14. Hau’oli City Shopping District – On the storefront east of the green-roofed lab. Look in the alley to the right.
  • 15. Hau’oli City Shopping District – In the back-left corner of the concrete lot across from the marina port.
  • 16. Hau’oli City Marina – At the far end of the dock.
  • 17. Hau’oli City Marina – To the left of the posted doors.

Akala Island

  • 1. Route 5 – In the grass dead-end south of the PokeCenter.
  • 2. Route 8 – To the left on the Aether Foundation trailer.
  • 3. Route 8 Fossil Restoration Center – To the right of the trailer, past the motel.
  • 4. Hano Beach – Hidden under the Sandogast Pokemon.
  • 5. Hano Beach – Along the north wall of the beach at Hano Grand Resort.
  • 6. Hano Grand Resort – Outside the resort, go to the stone dock near the water at the south edge of the area.
  • 7. Hano Grand Resort – To the right of the elevators, in the lobby.
  • 8. Hano Grand Resort – Find the fountain inside and look in the lower-right corner of the water, near some lily pads.
  • 9. Heahea City – Hidden behind a plant, on a table on the left side of the Heahea Hotel.
  • 10. Heahea City – On the porch in Heahea Hotel, through the open doors with a view of the ocean.
  • 11. Heahea City – Outside the hotel, on the left exterior wall.
  • 12. Heahea City – On the far western edge of town, down the road, and on a small stone dock seating area by the ocean.
  • 13. Heahea City – On the back-right corner of the hotel exterior.
  • 14. Heahea City – Found on the porch of the surf shop right next to the PokeCenter.
  • 15. Heahea City – On a computer in the offices east of the PokeCenter.
  • 16. Heahea City – In the upper stairwell of the same offices.
  • 17. Heahea City – Under the huge satellite dish in the lot on the eastern side of the city.
  • 18. Heahea City – On the back-right exterior wall at the same institute with the satellite.
  • 19. Heahea City – Behind the computer desk inside the institute.
  • 20. Konikoni City – On the lighthouse exterior.
  • 21. Konikoni City – In the house opposite the PokeCenter.
  • 22. Konikoni City – In the restaurant just south of the previous sticker.
  • 23. Konikoni City – Found on the upper dock with the moored ship.
  • 24. Paniola Ranch – In the northwestern corner of the ranch.
  • 25. Paniola Town – On a wheelbarrow in the northwest corner of town.
  • 26. Paniola Town – In the building west of the PokeCenter.
  • 27. Paniola Town – In the same building, in an interior room.
  • 28. Royal Avenue – On a bench in the southeast corner of the garden square.
  • 29. Royal Avenue – On the left side of the main exit gate, on the north border.
  • 30. Royal Avenue – On the first floor in the Battle Royal building.
  • 31. Royal Avenue – On the second floor of the Battle Royal building.
  • 32. Paniola Ranch – To the left of the main road leading to the ranch building.
  • 33. Wela Volcano Park Bottom – Reach the lower area with Tauros and look behind the sign from the beach access.

Ula’ula Island

  • 1. Route 13 – On the motel exterior.
  • 2. Route 13 – On the trailers to the left of the desert entrance.
  • 3. Route 14 – In a wrecked section of road leading to the southern supermarket.
  • 4. Route 14 – Outside the gate to the supermarket on the southern edge of the island.
  • 5. Route 15 – On the porch of the surf shop, on the small island.
  • 6. Route 16 – On the Aether Foundation trailer exterior, east of the PokeCenter.
  • 7. Route 17 – Behind the sign, on a box next to the Police Station.
  • 8. Route 17 – Inside the Police Station, on a computer.
  • 9. Route 17 – Requires Tauros to find this sticker on the exterior wall of Po Town.
  • 10. Blush Mountain – To the left of the doors of the building at the top of Blush Mountain.
  • 11. Blush Mountain – In the Power Plant lobby, on the wall to the right of the TV/seating area.
  • 12. Hokulani Observatory – On a box, on the left of the interior hallway.
  • 13. Hokulani Observatory – In the actual Observatory room, found in the back-right corner.
  • 14. Malie City – To the right of the marina entrance doors.
  • 15. Malie City – Behind the clothes store sign, to the left of the entrance door.
  • 16. Malie City – On the exterior of the building to the back-left of the main row.
  • 17. Malie City – Inside the room, in the building in the northeast corner of Malie.
  • 18. Malie City – In the building to the left of the previous sticker, along the north edge of the town.
  • 19. Malie City – On the second floor of the library, on the balcony in the left foreground.
  • 20. Malie City Outer Cape – On the left exterior wall of the waste disposal facility.
  • 21. Malie Garden – On the structure along the right edge of Malie Garden, on the right side.
  • 22. Mount Hokulani – On the right side of the large building at the top of Hokulani.
  • 23. Mount Hokulani – On the railing, up the main road to Hokulani.
  • 24. Po Town – On the closed PokeCenter exterior.
  • 25. Po Town – Near the cafe in the closed PokeCenter.
  • 26. Hokulani Observatory – Behind the desk in the entrance room.
  • 27. Po Town – On the right side of the large mansion at the top of the map.
  • 28, 29, and 30. Po Town – To the left of the main doors to the mansion. These require Tauros to access.
  • 31. Po Town – On the side of the southwestern house.
  • 32. Shady House 1F – On a box, behind a bed in the hall.
  • 33. Shady House Balcony – On the left side of the balcony.
  • 34. Ula’ula Meadow – In the pond in the northeast of the meadow.
  • 35. Currently unknown.
  • 36. Currently unknown.

Poni Island

  • 1. Ancient Poni Path – On a barrel in the northeast corner of the interior courtyard of the old building you find when you reach the pass.
  • 2. Ancient Poni Path – In the kitchen of the same building (Captain’s house).
  • 3. Ancient Poni Path – In the bedroom of the same building (Captain’s house).
  • 4. Ancient Poni Path – On the well.
  • 5. Ancient Poni Path – Behind the ruins on the right, partially hidden by a tree.
  • 6. Ancient Poni Path – In the front yard of the Captain’s house, in the lower-left corner where you can barely see the entrance to Ancient Poni Path.
  • 7. Exeggutor Island – Use Tauros to find the sticker on the central area of the small island.
  • 8. Poni Gauntlet – On the left side of the gate to the Poni Gauntlet.
  • 9. Poni Wilds – Just on the gate to the Ancient Poni Path.
  • 10. Seafolk Village – On the southeastern boat house, left of the door.
  • 11. Seafolk Village – In the lower-right corner of the same house (Captain’s house).
  • 12. Seafolk Village – On a crate at the southwest houseboat, to the left of the door.
  • 13. Seafolk Village – Inside the room, on a crate along the back wall.
  • 14. Seafolk Village – On a pile of crates in the foreground of the restaurant.
  • 15. Seafolk Village – On a basket near the interior entrance of the west boat house.
  • 16. Seafolk Village – On a crate near the empty lot.
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