



Pokemon X And Y Cheat Codes and Unlockables for Nintendo 3DS

Pokemon X And Y Cheat Codes and Unlockables for Nintendo 3DS

Pokemon X and Y were the first Pokemon titles to have a simultaneous global release. The twin titles released worldwide on October 12, 2013 and was first announced by the late, great, Satoru Iwata. Pokemon X and Y went the same way as most Pokemon releases go. The titles released to positivie reception and sold very well. These were mostly praised for their transition into 3D graphics. You can read our review here!

Pokemon X and Y Premise

Not only were these the first titles in the main series to be fully in 3D polygonal graphics but they introduced the popular Mega Evolution elements. These games also introduced new very popular starter Pokemon such as Froakie. Also, the new Fairy typing was introduced for both new and old Pokemon and was the first new type added since Pokemon Gold and Silver.

Pokemon X and Y Main Characters

  • Player Character (Calem/Serena) — The protagonist, depending on the player’s gender choice.
  • Shauna — One of the player’s friends, is cheerful and energetic.
  • Tierno — A friend of the player who is passionate about dancing.
  • Trevor — Another friend of the player, who is more focused on academic pursuits and filling the Pokédex.
  • Professor Sycamore — The Pokémon Professor of the Kalos region, who gives the player their starter Pokémon.
  • Lysandre — The main antagonist and leader of Team Flare.
  • Diantha — The Champion of the Kalos region’s Pokémon League.
  • Team Flare Admins — Key members of Team Flare under Lysandre’s leadership.
  • AZ — A mysterious, ancient character connected to the history of the Kalos region.

Other Main Titles In The Series

  • Pokemon Red and Blue (Green in Japan) (1996/1998)
  • Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition (1998/1999)
  • Pokemon Gold and Silver (1999/2000)
  • Pokemon Crystal (2000/2001)
  • Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (2002/2003)
  • Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)
  • Pokemon Emerald (2004/2005)
  • Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (2006/2007)
  • Pokemon Platinum (2008/2009)
  • Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2009/2010)
  • Pokemon Black and White (2010/2011)
  • Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 (2012)
  • Pokemon X and Y (2013)
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (2014)
  • Pokemon Sun and Moon (2016)
  • Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)
  • Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018)
  • Pokemon Sword and Shield (2019)
  • Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (2021)
  • Pokemon Legends: Arceus (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (2022)
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero (2023)

Pokemon X and Y Cheat Codes


Friend Safari

After defeating the Elite 4, you can go to Kiloude City and access the Friend Safari in the top left corner of the map. For each friend code you have registered, you can go on a different safari that allows you the chance to catch specific Pokemon. The variety increases based on the number of registered friends that also play Pokemon X and Y. The Friend Safari is a quick and easy way to build your Pokedex.

National Pokedex

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Lumiose City, and speak to Professor Sycamore at the train station to get the final upgrade to your Pokedex that covers the Pokemon beyond the Kalos region.

Oval Charm

Successfully complete all three of the Kalos Pokedexes (Central, Coastal, and Mountain), then return to Professor Sycamore at the Pokemon Lab in Luminose City. He will give you the Oval Charm, which increases the possibility of finding an egg at the Daycare.

Poke Radar

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Lumiose City, and speak to the scientist on the second floor of Professor Sycamore’s lab. He will give you the Poke Radar, which helps you locate Pokemon hidden in tall grass.

Power Ring upgrade

Defeat the Elite 4, and unlock Kiloude City. Then, travel to Kiloude City, and defeat your rival. Next, travel to Anister City, and speak to Professor Sycamore at the sundial to get an upgrade to your Power Ring, which allows you to find more evolutionary Mega Stones between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Shiny Charm

Successfully complete the National Pokedex, then visit Professor Sycamore to get the Shiny Charm. This item increases the chance of finding Shiny Pokemon in the wild by 300%.

Looker Detective Agency side quests

Defeat the Elite 4, and unlock Kiloude City. Then, return to Lumiose City to receive a Holo Caster message from a detective named Looker. He will hire you as an assistant and have you go on side quests.

Kiloude City

Defeat the Elite 4 to unlock Kiloude City. After viewing the credits, you will get a message from Professor Sycamore telling you to meet him at Luminose City station, where he will give you a train ticket to go to Kiloude City.

Special Trainer PR Studio captions

Defeat the Elite 4 and meet Looker, then go back to the Trainer PR Studio in Lumiose City. When you edit a video, there will now be a few new caption text options that reference you becoming the champion of Kalos.

Secret wallpapers

Defeat the Elite 4 and become the Pokemon Champion, then check the Pokemon storage system to gain access to a new set of wallpapers for your boxes.

Bonus hairstyles

Visit the salon in Lumoise City, and get your hair cut over 15 times; no color change is necessary. The hair stylist will then say she has some special hairstyles that will suit you perfectly.

Pokedex diplomas

Successfully complete the indicated task, then enter the hotel in Coumarine City. Talk to the “Game Director” to receive the corresponding diploma, which can be seen inside your house in Vaniville. Note: Catching Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, or Volcanion are not required for any of the diplomas.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Central Kalos Pokedex DiplomaCatch all Pokemon in the Central Kalos Pokedex and speak with the Director
Coastal Kalos Pokedex DiplomaCatch all Pokemon in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex and speak with the Director
Kalos Pokedex DiplomaCatch all Pokemon in the Kalos Pokedex and speak with the Director
Mountain Kalos Pokedex DiplomaCatch all Pokemon in the Mountain Kalos Pokedex
National Pokedex DiplomaCatch all Pokemon in the National Pokedex and speak with the Director


Perform a Game Sync, then successfully complete one of the following tasks on the Global Link to get the corresponding medal:

After doing a Game Sync, you can find and meet conditions for medals, as below, on the Global Link.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
10 PokeMilage Club PlaysPlay Attractions on the PGL 10 times
100 PokeMilage Club PlaysPlay Attractions on the PGL 100 times
50-Time Hall of FamerEnter the Hall of Fame by beating the Elite Four and Champion fifty times
A Dream HomeGet one Dream World home
A Whole Dream WorldGet eight Dream World homes
Ace PilotUse Fly in the field many times
Archeology LoverRevive a Pokemon from a fossil
Battle LearnerFight 100 battles
Battle Maison 20-Win Streak (Double)Complete 20 Double Battles in a row at the Battle Maison
Battle Maison 20-Win Streak (Multi)Complete 20 Multi Battles in a row at the Battle Maison
Battle Maison 20-Win Streak (Rotation)Battle Virtuoso
Battle Maison 20-Win Streak (Single)Complete 20 Single Battles in a row at the Battle Maison
Battle Maison 20-Win Streak (Triple)Complete 20 Triple Battles in a row at the Battle Maison
Battle TeacherFight 200 battles
Battle Test BeginnerGet the Beginner rank in the Battle Test
Battle Test ChallengerTake the Battle Test ten times
Battle Test ChampionExceed a score of 6,500 on the Battle Test (500 points above Master Rank)
Battle Test HyperGet Hyper Rank on the Battle Test
Battle Test MasterGet Master Rank on the Battle Test
Battle Test NormalGet the Normal rank in the Battle Test
Battle VeteranFight 400 battles
Battle VirtusosoGo through 2,000 battles
Beginning TraderUse Link Trade once
Berry GardenerPick 10 Berries from fields
Berry Picker FanComplete Berry Picker Unlimited
Berry ScientistCreate a mutated Berry
Born to BattleGo through 100 Link Battles
BP WealthyObtain 100 BP
Broad FriendshipRegister 30 Friend Codes
Broad FriendshipRegister 30 friends
Bug-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Busy SaveSave 20 times
Capturing SpreeCatch 50 Pokemon in 24 hours
Central Kalos Pokedex CompletionistComplete the Central Kalos Pokedex
Coastal Kalos Pokedex CompletionistComplete the Coastal Kalos Pokedex
CountessAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
Dark-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Day-Care FaithfulA Medal for those who love to raise Pokemon and left many Pokemon at the Pokemon Day Care.
Decor CoordinatorGet 25 Decor items in the Dream World
Decor DabblerGet one Decor item in the Dream World
Decorated HibernatorGet 100,000 Dream Points in the Dream World
Doll CollectorGet 1 Doll in the Dream World
Doll ManiacGet 50 Dolls in the Dream World
Doll MasterGet 100 Dolls in the Dream World
Dragon-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Dream ResidentGet 50,000 Dream Points in the Dream World
DuchessAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
DukeBecome a Duke at the Battle Chateau
EarlBecome an Earl at the Battle Chateau
Easy CyclingRide a Bicycle 30 times
Egg BeginnerHatch a Pokemon Egg
Egg BreederHatch 10 Pokemon Eggs
Egg EliteHatch 50 Pokemon Eggs
Evolution AuthorityEvolve Pokemon 100 times, enough to astound Pokemon Breeders
Evolution ExpertEvolve 50 Pokemon and become recognized by Pokemon Breeders
Evolution HopefulEvolve one Pokemon
Evolution TechEvolve 10 Pokemon
Exp. MillionaireEarn 1,000,000 EXP. in 24 hours
Experienced SaverSave 50 times
Extensive FriendshipRegister 10 Friend Codes
ExtrovertMeet 1,000,000 real-life players in the game
Fairy-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Fashion LeaderAccumulate a lot of clothing
Fighting-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Fire-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
First EncounterMeet a real-life player in the game
First FriendRegister one Friend Code
Fledgling PhotographerSend one photo to the Pokemon Global Link (PGL)
Flying-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Frequent TraderUse Link Trade fifty times
Friend Safari 10Have 10 encounters in the Pokemon Safari
Ghost-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Good Rod FishermanFind 10 Pokemon when fishing
Grand DuchessAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
Grand DukeAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
Grass-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
GratitudeTip people generously
Great CustomerSpend $100,000 at PokeMarts
Great Trade-UpHave 100 Link Trades
Ground-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Guardian of the Tree of DreamsGet 200,000 Dream Points in the Dream World
Hall of FameBeat the Elite Four and Champion ten times
Happy BirthdayGet a birthday wish through the PSS
Hard CyclingRide a Bicycle 100 times
Hatching AficionadoHatch 100 Pokemon Eggs
Head It FanComplete Head It Unlimited
Heavy WalkerWalk 20,000 steps
Honored FootprintsWalk 100,000 steps
Ice-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Indulgent CustomerSpend $1,000,000 at PokeMarts
Kalos Pokedex CompletionistComplete the entire Kalos Pokedex
Light WalkerWalk 5,000 steps
Link Battle AmateurFight one Link Battle
Link Battle ExpertGo through 50 Link Battles
Link Battle PioneerHave 10 Link Battles
LuminosianExplore all of Lumiose City and become extremely stylish
Lumiose ExplorerExplore much of Lumiose City and become very stylish
Lumiose LuminaryExplore Lumiose City in full and become so stylish that you are well-known by everyone
Lumiose StarExplore all of Lumiose City and become extremely stylish
Lumiose TouristExplore some of Lumiose City and become a little stylish
Magikarp AwardUse Splash, despite its lack of effectiveness
MarchionessAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
MarquisBecome a Marquis at the Battle Chateau
Middle WalkerWalk 10,000 steps
Mighty FisherFind 100 Pokemon while fishing
Moderate CustomerSpend $10,000 at PokeMarts
Mountain Kalos Pokedex CompletionistComplete the Mountain Kalos Pokedex
My Dream NeighborhoodGet four Dream World homes
Naming ChampGive 10 Pokemon nicknames
National Pokedex CompletionistCapture all Pokemon in the National Pokedex
Never Give UpA Medal for those who don’t know when to quit even when there’s nothing they can do
Noneffective ArtistMistakenly use moves that are not effective (i.e. Electric on Ground)
Normal-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
O-Power Lv. 1Use an O-Power once
O-Power Lv. 2Use an O-Power ten times
O-Power Lv. 3Use an O-Power 50 times
O-Power MAXUse O-Powers 100 times
O-Power ProGet all of the O-Powers from Mr. Bonding
Occasional TraderUse Link Trade ten times
Old Rod FishermanFind a Pokemon when fishing once
Online Competition DebutParticipate in any Pokemon X/Y Online Competition.
OutgoingMeet 10,000 real-life players in the game
Pedaling LegendRide a Bicycle 500 times
Poison-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
PokeMilage Club First PlayPlay Attractions on the PGL one time
PokeMile HoarderGet 10,000 PokeMiles
Pokemon Center FanRest your Pokemon at a Center many times
Pokemon-Amie AficionadoPlay with a Pokemon in Pokemon-Amie 10 times
PokeRadar OperatorGet data on ten Pokemon with the PokeRadar
PR Video DebutMake one PR Video and show it off
Psychic-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Rating Battle Top 1,000 – DoubleGet in the Top 1,000 of the season during Double Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 1,000 – RotationGet in the Top 1,000 of the season during Rotation Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 1,000 – SingleGet in the Top 1,000 of the season during Single Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 1,000 – SpecialGet in the Top 1,000 of the season during Special Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 1,000 – TripleGet in the Top 1,000 of the season during Triple Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 100 – DoubleGet in the Top 100 of the season during Double Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 100 – RotationGet in the Top 100 of the season during Rotation Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 100 – SingleGet in the Top 100 of the season during Single Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 100 – SpecialGet in the Top 100 of the season during Special Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 100 – TripleGet in the Top 100 of the season during Triple Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 500 – DoubleGet in the Top 500 of the season during Double Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 500 – RotationGet in the Top 500 of the season during Rotation Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 500 – SingleGet in the Top 500 of the season during Single Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 500 – SpecialGet in the Top 500 of the season during Special Ranked Battles
Rating Battle Top 500 – TripleGet in the Top 500 of the season during Triple Ranked Battles
Regular CustomerKeep going to PokeMarts, becoming regular customers
Rock-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Smart ShopperGet a Premier Ball (buy 10+ Poke Balls)
SociableMeet 100 real-life players in the game
Starter CyclingRide a Bicycle once
Steel-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Step-by-Step SaverSave 10 times
Successor in the MakingGet a Pokemon to Mega Evolve
Super RichSpend $10,000,000 at PokeMarts
Super Rod FishermanFind 50 Pokemon while fishing
Super-Training InstructorPlay with a Pokemon in Super Training 10 times
Supereffective SavantRepeatedly abuse type weaknesses (i.e. Fire on Grass)
Sweet HomeReturn to your hometown (Vaniville Town)
Television KidRepeatedly watch television
Tile Puzzle FanComplete Tile Puzzle Unlimited
Top Sky TrainerDefeat all Sky Trainers in the game
Trash MasterCheck empty trash cans
Trick MasterUse many tricks on Roller Skates
Unova’s Top CoordinatorGet 50 Decor items in the Dream World
ViscountBecome a Viscount at the Battle Chateau
ViscountessAchieve this rank in the Battle Chateau
Water-Type CatcherCatch all Pokemon of this type in the Kalos Pokedex
Wi-Fi Competition AceParticipate in 4 Wi-Fi competitions on the Unova PGL
Wi-Fi Competition HopefulParticipate in a Wi-Fi competition on the Unova PGL
Wi-Fi Competition VeteranParticipate in 8 Wi-Fi competitions on the Unova PGL
Wonder WriterSave 100 times
World ConnectorRegister 100 Friends


Getting Eevee

You can only catch a wild Eevee on Route 10. Walk around on the grass and flowers for a 5% to 10% chance of encountering an Eevee. When you encounter an Eevee, weaken its health, and then catch it with a Pokeball. Note: You can do this before defeating the Elite 4.

Getting Glaceon and Leafeon

To evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon or Leafeon, you must be standing next to Ice Rock or Moss Rock when leveling it up. Ice Rock can be found first; it is located in the deepest part of the Frost Cavern (the cave is not too large). Moss Rock is found closer to the end of the quest to defeat the Elite 4. It is on Route 20, between Snowbelle City and the Pokemon Village. Enter the area from Snowbelle to immediately see it.

Getting the Legendary Birds

After defeating the Elite 4, one of the three Legendary Birds from the original Pokemon Red and Blue will start appearing throughout Kalos. The bird that appears depends on your starter. Choose Froakie, it will be Moltres. If you choose Chespin, it will be Articuno. If you choose Fennekin, it will be Zapdos. After encountering one of the birds, check its entry in your Coastal Kalos Pokedex. It will show the bird’s current location. You must walk (not fly) to the location and challenge the bird again. After fleeing several times, the bird will eventually retreat to Sea Spirit’s Den, finally allowing you the chance to catch it.

Getting Lightning Rod Pikachu without Friend Safari

Get a Male Plusle with Lightning Rod from a Horde on Route 5, and get a female Pikachu from Route 3 or Santalune Forest. Note: Have a Pokemon with Static to attract more. Put the female Pikachu in the daycare with the male Lightningrod Plusle. Breed a Pikachu until it has Lightning Rod.

Getting Mewtwo

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Pokemon Village. Cross a small stream on the western side using the Surf HM to reach a cave entrance. Mewtwo will be inside immediately after entering the cave. At first, a man will block the cave entrance, but he will disappear once you defeat the Elite 4. Mewtwo is Level 70; use a Master Ball to easily capture him, otherwise, it will be a long battle and require a lot of Ultra Balls. As soon as you capture him, you will also get the special stone needed to activate Mewtwo’s Mega Evolution.

Getting Pikachu

Pikachu can be found very early in Route 3, immediately after the forest, in small grass patches. Pikachu is a great early Pokemon. He has high special attack and speed stats that give him an advantage early in the game. His special characteristic, Static, works very well early in the game by paralyzing Pokemon that come in contact with him. Pikachu also levels up very quickly early in the game with a lot of bird-type Pokemon in the grinding areas. He is overall a great addition to any team early in the game.

Getting Sylveon

To get a Sylveon, you must max out all three stats (Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment) for an Eevee to evolve into a Sylveon. To max out all stats for an Eevee, keep petting it and playing the mini-games. It should take approximately one hour to max out all the stats for the Eevee using this method. Note: Make sure to teach the Eevee a Fairy move before leveling it into the Sylveon.

Getting Zygarde

Defeat the Elite 4, then return to Terminus Cave, which is located just off Route 18. The Terminus Cave is one of the longest dungeons in Pokemon X/Y; thus, make sure to have lots of healing items and strong Pokemon before entering it. Zygarde is found in the lowest level of the cave, which is only unlocked after defeating the Elite 4. There are also a few rare items in the lowest level of the cave. Zygarde is Level 70 and dual Dragon and Ground-type; use a Master Ball to easily capture him, otherwise, it will be a long battle and require a lot of Ultra Balls.

Infinite Heart Scales

Heart Scales can be used to teach your Pokemon moves you forgot or never learned at the Move Relearner in Dendemille Town. To get Heart Scales in Pokemon X and Y, you need the Old Rod from Ambrett Town in the Aquarium by the Magikarp Statue and TM46 (Thief), from Cassius’s house in Camphier Town. Use the Old Rod on Route 8 — Muraille Coast to battle Luvdiscs, which have a 50% chance of dropping a Heart Scale. Keep fishing for an unlimited amount of Heart Scales. Note: Change spots if Luvdisc does not take the bait.

Easy Rare Candy and PP Ups

Select the “Wonder Trade” option, and trade any desired Pokemon to earn some Poke Miles. You get more Poke Miles based on how far away the person you are trading with is from your location. Keep trading the Pokemon you got in Wonder Trade to get more Poke Miles. Use the Poke Miles at the Mileage Club (old man in the white suit) in the Pokemon Center (on South Boulevard) in Lumiose City to buy Rare Candy (500 Poke Miles) and PP Up (1,000 Poke Miles). Rare Candy allows you to increase a Pokemon to the next level, which is very useful when they are at a very high level. The PP Up allows you to add an additional move so you can use more moves in battle.

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