



Rainbow Moon Coming to Vita

Rainbow Moon Coming to Vita

Rainbow Moon, the PSN-exclusive RPG, is going to make its way to the PlayStation Vita. Publisher EastAsiaSoft had given word that there was a possibility of seeing this RPG on other platforms before, but it has only been confirmed for Vita release recently.

“We’ve been thinking about bringing Rainbow Moon to other platforms for quite a while, and the PlayStation Vita has been high up on our list as one of our favorite platforms,” said EastAsiaSoft’s Nils Ngai in an interview with IGN. “The PSP has been the number one platform for JRPGs in recent years and Sony built up a very strong fanbase. The PS Vita has a lot of potential and with the right games, we are confident that its userbase will grow strongly during the coming years. Hopefully we can contribute a little part to it with our upcoming PS Vita port [of Rainbow Moon].”

The port itself will mostly be direct. No nifty Vita bonuses, like touch controls, will be added. However, EastAsiaSoft has said they are keeping an eye on added functionality, such as cross-saving support.

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