



Resident Evil 2 (2019) Cheats & Secrets for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One

Resident Evil 2 (2019) key art

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Cheats & Secrets for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One

Originally released on January 25, 2019 (almost 21 years to the day from the release of the original), Capcom’s Resident Evil 2 is the studio’s critically and commercially acclaimed remake of many fans’ favorite game in the series, 1998’s Resident Evil 2. The development and release of Resident Evil 2 was a long-rumored project in Capcom’s portfolio following the successful HD remake of the original Resident Evil on the GameCube but would go through several false starts due to the company wanting to focus resources on new mainline entries. Capcom would finally reveal Resident Evil 2 in 2015, with players getting a demo just a few weeks ahead of the full release.

2019’s Resident Evil 2 would prove to be a major milestone for both Capcom and the Resident Evil franchise. Not only does Resident Evil 2 serve as the foundation for the subsequent successful remakes of Resident Evil 3 and 4, but it’s also the best-selling game in the franchise (remake or otherwise) and one of the highest-rated games in the series. To date, Resident Evil 2 has sold more than 15 million units, going on to receive ports to multiple other platforms (including iOS and Nintendo Switch as a cloud-based title).

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Premise

Resident Evil 2 (2019) gameplay

Not long after the events of the original Resident Evil, the town of Raccoon City finds itself in a dire state of emergency when the Umbrella Corporation’s secret bio-weapon research once again begins to affect daily life for the citizens. Umbrella’s attempts to seize research on a new, more powerful version of the T-Virus (dubbed the “G-Virus”) results in the samples unknowingly contaminating the town’s water supply, leading to a mass outbreak of zombification among the citizens and a rapid descent into chaos. New heroes Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield arrive in town concurrently, their paths crossing at just the right time for the pair to link up and work together toward survival.

In terms of its gameplay, the Resident Evil 2 remake is a full, ground-up reimagining of the original game. The title uses an over-the-shoulder third-person camera perspective not dissimilar from Capcom’s Resident Evil 4, abandoning the fixed camera angles and tank controls of the 1998 original. The title’s visuals are also significantly overhauled, utilizing the series’ proprietary RE Engine to render iconic locales, characters, and enemies in stunning detail. One of the main additions present in the remake is the inclusion of the unstoppable Tyrant “Mr. X”, who was originally only part of a “B Scenario” playthrough in the original RE2.

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Main Characters

Resident Evil 2 (2019) gameplay

Picking up mere weeks after the events of the original game, Resident Evil 2 starts with the town of Raccoon City on the verge of disaster. Following the contamination of the city’s water supply with Umbrella’s T-Virus, zombification has become rampant, leading to a full-scale zombie apocalypse and widespread panic. Rookie Raccoon City police officer Leon Kennedy arrives just as things are beginning to reach their apex, crossing paths with S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield’s younger sister, Claire. Together, the two must survive long enough to search for Chris and any other survivors before escaping the town. Main characters in Resident Evil 2 include:

  • Leon Kennedy: Leon is one of the main protagonists and player characters in RE2. A rookie RPD officer, Leon lands in Raccoon City for his first day of work right as the zombie disaster is unfolding.
  • Claire Redfield: Claire is the other player protagonist and the younger sister of original Resident Evil hero Chris Redfield. She is heading to Raccoon City to track down her brother’s whereabouts.
  • Ada Wong: An “FBI” agent who crosses paths with Leon Kennedy. She is secretly a spy working on behalf of the Umbrella Corporation.
  • Sherry Birkin: The daughter of Umbrella researchers Annette and William Birkin. She ends up trusting and following Claire to escape the city.
  • Mr. X: A Tyrant bio-weapon dispatched by the Umbrella Corporation to kill any witnesses of the Raccoon City incident.

Games in the Resident Evil Series

The original Resident Evil 2 would follow the groundbreaking original just 2 years later, significantly expanding on the first game’s formula and quickly becoming another critical and commercial success. Resident Evil 2‘s universal acclaim further established the series as the face of the burgeoning “Survival Horror” genre, and the series’ momentum only kept increasing for nearly two decades. Following a soft reboot of the franchise with Resident Evil 7, Capcom would begin farming the series’ past for new remakes using its impressive RE Engine, of which Resident Evil 2 was the first game to receive the remake treatment. 2019’s Resident Evil 2 is a bold reimagining of the original that stands as one of the best games in the series and one of the best video game remakes ever. Games in the Resident Evil series include:

  • Resident Evil (1996)
  • Resident Evil 2 (1998)
  • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)
  • Resident Evil Survivor (2000)
  • Resident Evil – Code: Veronica (2000)
  • Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica (2001)
  • Resident Evil Gaiden (2001)
  • Resident Evil (Remake) (2002)
  • Resident Evil Zero (2002)
  • Resident Evil: Dead Aim (2003)
  • Resident Evil Outbreak (2003)
  • Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2 (2004) /em>
  • Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007)
  • Resident Evil 5 (2009)
  • Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (2009)
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (2011)
  • Resident Evil: Revelations (2012)
  • Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (2012)
  • Resident Evil 6 (2012)
  • Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
  • Umbrella Corps (2016)
  • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)
  • Resident Evil 2 (Remake) (2019)
  • Resident Evil 3 (Remake) (2020)
  • Resident Evil: Resistance (2020)
  • Resident Evil Village (2021)
  • Resident Evil Re:Verse (2022)
  • Resident Evil 4 (Remake) (2023)

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Cheats & Secrets

While there are no official “cheats” in the Resident Evil 2 remake, players can acquire several bonus unlockables for completing certain in-game requirements. Additionally, PC players have the option to use third-party cheat engines and cheat trainer files.

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Unlockables

Unlockable Bonus Weapons

Completing any of the following in-game tasks will unlock the corresponding bonus weapon.

WeaponHow to Unlock
ATM-4 Rocket Launcher (Infinite Ammo)Complete either scenario with Leon on Hardcore, earning an S+ Rank
LE-5 Submachine Gun (Infinite Ammo)Complete the game on Hardcore with an S Rank
Minigun (Infinite Ammo)Complete either scenario with Claire on Hardcore, earning an S+ Rank
Samurai Edge (Infinite Ammo)Complete the game on Standard with an S Rank
Unbreakable Combat KnifeDestroy all 15 Mr. Raccoon statues in the game

Unlockable Modes

Completing any of the following in-game activities will unlock the corresponding additional modes.

ModeHow to Unlock
Claire’s Second RunComplete the main Story scenario with Leon on any difficulty or complete Leon’s Second Run
Leon’s Second RunComplete the main Story scenario with Claire on any difficulty or complete Claire’s Second Run
Fourth Survivor ModeComplete either Leon or Claire’s Second Run
Tofu Survivor ModeComplete Fourth Survivor

Bonus Characters for Tofu Survivor

There are 4 additional characters players can unlock for use in the Tofu Survivor mode.

CharacterHow to Unlock
Anin TofuBeat Tofu Survivor using Konjac or Urio-Mochi
FlanBeat Tofu Survivor using Konjac or Urio-Mochi
KonjacBeat Tofu Survivor using Tofu
Uiro-MochiBeat Tofu Survivor using Tofu

Alternate Costumes

Completing the following tasks will unlock the corresponding alternate costumes for use in subsequent playthroughs.

CostumeHow to Unlock
Casual Costume (Leon)Complete Leon’s Story
Police Costume (Leon)Complete Leon’s Story
Police (Injured) Costume (Leon)Complete Leon’s Story
Casual Costume (Claire)Complete Claire’s Story
Jacket Costume (Claire)Complete Claire’s Story
Tank Top Costume (Claire)Complete Claire’s Story
Classic Police (Injured) for LeonComplete Story on Hardcore
Classic Tank Top for ClaireComplete Story on Hardcore
Alternative Costume for Leon and ClaireEscape the Lab
Ada (no trench coat)Equip any of Leon’s alternate costumes

Unlockable Accessories for The Ghost Survivors DLC

Completing the following tasks in The Ghost Survivors DLC will unlock the corresponding accessory/hat for all characters. Note that completing these tasks in the Training mode will not unlock any of the items. Players must complete the main version of each scenario to unlock the corresponding accessories. Note that, except for the Cat Ears, the rest of the accessories are purely cosmetic.

Accessory/HatHow to Unlock
Cat Ears (Infinite Ammo)Complete the “No Way Out” scenario without firing more than 60 bullets
CrocodileComplete the “Runaway” scenario
EggheadOpen all locked gates and complete the “Runaway” scenario
GComplete the “No Time to Mourn” scenario
Gas Mask (Hunk)Complete the “Forgotten Soldier” scenario
IvyComplete the “Forgotten Soldier” (Route 2) scenario
LickerComplete the “A Way Out” scenario
Molded (Resident Evil 7)Complete the “No Time To Mourn” (Route 2) scenario
Mr. RaccoonShoot all 10 Mr. Raccoon statues in The Ghost Survivors
RaccoonComplete the “No Time To Mourn” scenario
SheepComplete the “No Time To Mourn” scenario
SkullCombine Gunpowder (White) & Gunpowder (Yellow) to create a Grenade in any scenario
TigerPlay any The Ghost Survivors scenario three times
TyrantComplete both “No Time To Mourn” scenarios
UnicornComplete the “Runaway” (Route 2) scenario

Unlocking S and S+ Rank

One of the main factors working toward unlocking bonus weapons with infinite ammo requires players to earn either S or S+ Rank on varying difficulties (depending on the unlockable). Use the table below to help understand what goes into determining a player’s ranking.

RankHow to Earn
S Rank (Standard, 1st Run)Complete the game in under 03:30:00. No limits on saves, can use Infinite Weapons
S Rank (Standard, 2nd Run)Complete the game in under 03:00:00. No limits on saves, can use Infinite Weapons
S+ Rank (Standard, 1st Run)Complete the game in under 03:30:00 without using Infinite Weapons (except for Unbreakable Combat Knife). No more than 3 saves
S+ Rank (Standard, 2nd Run)Complete the game in under 03:00:00 without using Infinite Weapons (except for Unbreakable Combat Knife). No more than 3 saves
S Rank (Hardcore, 1st Run)Complete the game in under 02:30:00. No limits on saves, can use Infinite Weapons
S Rank (Hardcore, 2nd Run)Complete the game in under 02:00:00. No limits on saves, can use Infinite Weapons
S+ Rank (Hardcore, 1st Run)Complete the game in under 02:30:00 without using Infinite Weapons (except for Unbreakable Combat Knife). No more than 3 saves
S+ Rank (Hardcore, 2nd Run)Complete the game in under 02:00:00 without using Infinite Weapons (except for Unbreakable Combat Knife). No more than 3 saves

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Secrets

Infinite Minigun in “No Way Out” (Training Mode)

After starting the “No Way Out” scenario (part of The Ghost Survivors DLC), you’ll spot a small roach on the column outside the door you initially faced in the parking lot. Shoot that roach while the door is open for the first backpack zombie to spawn a Minigun with unlimited ammo (instead of a Flash Grenade and Green Herb). Note that this will only work in the Training mode for the scenario.

Mr. Raccoon Statue Locations

Use the following table as you play through Resident Evil 2 to help you destroy each Mr. Raccoon statue as soon as it becomes available.

Mr. Raccoon StatueLocation
Mr. Raccoon #01RPD, 1F – West Office. On a shelf against the wall, on top of a blue and white cardboard box.
Mr. Raccoon #02RPD, 1F – Break Room. At the foot of a bunk bed behind the duffle bag. Leon only
Mr. Raccoon #03RPD, 2F – S.T.A.R.S. Office. Behind a monitor on a desk next to the corkboard.
Mr. Raccoon #04RPD, B1 – Parking Garage. On the floor inside the firing range.
Mr. Raccoon #05RPD, 2F – Outside Chief Irons’ Office. On a cart beside the bottom of the stairs in the hallway.
Mr. Raccoon #06RPD, 3F – East Storage Room. To the left of the entrance behind a locked (Heart) door. Claire only.
Mr. Raccoon #07RPD, 3F – Outside the Clock Tower. On a windowsill at the end of the hallway.
Mr. Raccoon #08Behind RPD – Outside the Orphanage Gates. On the dashboard of the bus just outside the entrance. Claire only.
Mr. Raccoon #09Orphanage, 2F – Nursery. On a shelf with building blocks on it. Claire only.
Mr. Raccoon #10Sewers – Sewer Entrance. In the left-hand corner opposite the ladder after escaping the Alligator. Leon only.
Mr. Raccoon #11Sewers – Incinerator. On the ground to the right of the Incinerator entrance. Leon (Ada) only.
Mr. Raccoon #12Sewers – Outside Supplies Storage. Up the stairs, on the floor beside a table and 2 cardboard boxes to the left of the door.
Mr. Raccoon #13NEST Laboratory – Cafeteria. On a table next to the sugar dispenser (near the ladder).
Mr. Raccoon #14NEST Laboratory – Nap Room. On a shelf beside a bed at the far end of the room.
Mr. Raccoon #15Starting Area (2nd Run). On the ground near the brick wall, just to the left of the Courtyard entrance.

All Safe/Door/Locker Codes

Use any of the following codes to unlock the corresponding locker/door/safe during Resident Evil 2.

Lion StatueLion, Leafy Branch, Bird
Lion Statue (Second Run)Crown, Torch, Bird
West Office Desk (Rookie’s First Assignment)Left Lock: NED, Right Lock: MRG
3F Stairs Dial LockDCM
Unicorn StatueFish, Scorpion, Vase
Unicorn Statue (Second Run)Gemini (Twins), Scales, Snake
Men’s Locker Room Dial LockCAP
West Office SafeLeft 9, Right 15, Left 7
Maiden StatueWoman, Bow, Snake
Maiden Statue (Second Run)Ram, Harp, Bird
Waiting Room SafeLeft 6, Right 2, Left 11
Sewer Locker (Control Room) Dial LockSZF
Treatment Pool SafeLeft 2, Right 12, Left 8
Chess Plug PuzzleUsing the Message Board as 12 ‘o clock and going clockwise: King, Queen, Pawn, Bishop, Rook, Knight
Chess Plug Puzzle (Second Run)Using the Message Board as 12 ‘o clock and going clockwise: Knight, Rook, Pawn, Queen, Bishop, King
Greenhouse Control Room LadderTranslating symbols to numbers on a normal keypad: 3 1 2 3
Greenhouse Control Room Ladder (Second Run)Translating symbols to numbers on a normal keypad: 5 8 3 1
Greenhouse Control Room Drug TestingTranslating symbols to numbers on a normal keypad: 1 0 6 7
Greenhouse Control Room Drug Testing (Second Run)Translating symbols to numbers on a normal keypad: 1 0 4 8
Plant 43 Herbicide MixingRed, Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green
Plant 43 Herbicide Mixing (Second Run)Blue, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Cheat Engine Cheats (PC Only)

PC players have the option of downloading a third-party cheat engine and a compatible cheat trainer file for Resident Evil 2. One such cheat trainer file can be found here and contains the following cheat options:

  • Infinite Health
  • Infinite Ammo
  • Infinite Ink Ribbons
  • Infinite Durability
  • No Reload
  • Max Inventory Slots
  • Better Accuracy
  • 4x Damage
  • Set Game Time
  • Reset Game Time
  • Mr. X Stays Down

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Achievements/Trophies

Completing the following in-game activity will unlock the corresponding achievement/trophy:

Achievement/TrophyRaccoon City Native
Open a dial-safeCollect all Trophies (Platinum, PlayStation-exclusive)
Welcome to the City of the DeadReach the police station
Path of the GoddessSolve the Goddess Statue puzzle
Never-Ending RainEscape the police station
Hack CompleteComplete Ada’s segment
Hide and SeekComplete Sherry’s segment
A Great Need for a ShowerEscape the Sewers
A Hero EmergesComplete Leon’s story
A Heroine EmergesComplete Claire’s story
Broken UmbrellaWitness the true ending
The Basics of SurvivalCombine two items
Hip to Add SquaresIncrease your inventory
CustomizerCustomize a weapon
Don’t Need No Stinkin’ GunDefeat an enemy with a knife
Eat This!Counterattack with a sub-weapon
That’ll Hold ‘EmUse Wooden Boards to board windows
Vermin ExterminationDestroy a Mr. Raccoon
A Vault-like MindOpen a portable safe
First Break-InOpen a dial safe
Bon AppétitShoot a Grenade in an enemy’s mouth
Zombie RoundupKill 3 enemies at once with a sub-weapon
Like Skeet ShootingShoot an enemy in mid-air
Keep Their Heads Ringin’Paralyze a Licker’s sense of hearing
Hats Off!Shoot Tyrant’s hat off
Gotcha!Defeat Stage 2 G using the crane
Treasure HunterUse photos to find 2 hidden items
A Waist of SpaceMax out your inventory slots
One Slick Super-SpyOnly use the EMF Visualizer (Ada)
Young EscapeeEscape the bedroom within 60 seconds (Sherry)
With Time to SpareDefeat Stage 4 G with 4 or more minutes left
In the Blink of an EyeDefeat Super Tyrant with 5 or more minutes left
Lore ExplorerRead all the Files
Complete Vermin ExterminationDestroy all Mr. Raccoons
Master of UnlockingOpen all safes and locks
Leon “S.” KennedyComplete Leon’s story on Standard or Hardcore with an S Rank
Sizzling Scarlet HeroComplete Claire’s story on Standard or Hardcore with an S Rank
Hardcore RookieComplete Leon’s story on Hardcore
Hardcore College StudentComplete Claire’s story on Hardcore
FrugalistComplete the game without using health items
MinimalistComplete the game without using the item box
A Small Carbon FootprintTake 14,000 or fewer steps in one playthrough
Grim ReaperComplete “The 4th Survivor”

DLC Achievements/Trophies

Hell of a SheriffComplete the “No Way Out” scenario
Got ‘EmDestroy all 10 Mr. Raccoon statues in The Ghost Survivors
Chasing JillRead the letter left behind by Jill

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Cheat FAQs

Does Resident Evil 2 have cheat codes?

There are no official cheat codes for the Resident Evil 2 remake. However, there are several secrets and unlockables for players to discover. Additionally, PC players can use third-party cheat engines and cheat trainer files to transform their experience with Resident Evil 2.

How do you get the infinite knife in Resident Evil 2?

To unlock the unbreakable combat knife (which is the only infinite weapon usable for an S+ Rank), players must find and destroy all 15 Mr. Raccoon statues that appear throughout Resident Evil 2‘s story. Note that some of these are exclusive to either Leon or Claire’s scenarios, requiring players to play through the game with each character to find them all.

Can you get infinite ammo in Resident Evil 2?

The only way to unlock infinite ammo in Resident Evil 2 is to unlock any of the game’s bonus weapons. Each of the bonus weapons comes with the additional benefit of infinite ammo, though players will need to jump through some significant hoops to unlock them. Players must beat both Claire and Leon’s scenarios on Hardcore difficulty while earning an S or S+ Rank to unlock most of the bonus weapons. Alternatively, Capcom offers a purchasable unlock that can bypass needing to beat the game to unlock these infinite ammo weapons, for a price.

How long to beat Resident Evil 2?

An initial playthrough of either Claire or Leon’s main story scenario will take most players roughly 7-9 hours. As players become more and more familiar with the game, though, those playtime will significantly decrease. To earn the best rankings in the game (S or S+ Rank), players will need to beat both the main scenario and the Second Run scenarios in under 3 hours (or, in some cases, under 2 hours). To see everything Resident Evil 2 (2019) has to offer and unlock all achievements, players can expect to spend 35-40 hours.

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