Enable gore
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “settings.cfg” file in the game folder. Change the value of the “Violence” line to “1” instead of “2”.
Easy experience, items, and money
When you first start the game with any character, you are given a rune, weapon and armor. Pick all these up, then choose the “Export” option from the menu. Start a new game with the “Import” option. Import your saved character and you will start again at the beginning of the game. Not only will you still be holding all the items you picked up previously, but you can collect them all again. This can be repeated as many times as desired. The runes can be exchanged for combos, and the armor can be sold. This is best done with the Gladiator character; if you fight in the arena and battle Julius the Gladiator Master, you receive experience points as well as gold and various other items. “Export” and “Import” after you have killed him and his guards and repeat to get experience each time.
Cheat Codes
Start the game with the ” /cheats=1 ” command line parameter. Start a single player game and press ~ during a game to display the console window. Enter ” sys cheats 963 ” to enable cheat mode. Then, enter the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling a code will force a rabbit costume on your character when exported. Thus, any character that appears online as a rabbit has used cheat codes.
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | cheat lord |
Headless character | cheat decap |
Teleport | cheat teleport or cheat tp |
Commit suicide | cheat suicide |
Disable codes | sys cheats 369 |
Cheat Codes (demo version)
Start the game with the ” /cheats=1 ” command line parameter. Start a single player game and press ~ during a game to display the console window. Enter ” sys cheats=1 ” to enable cheat mode. Then, enter the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | cheat god |
Rare items | cheat rare |
All upgrades for current character | cheat upgrade |
Get indicated amount of gold | cheat addgold= [number] |
Get indicated amount of experience | cheat addexp= [number] |
Set gold to indicated number | cheat setgold [number] |
Set level for current character | cheat setlevel= [1-255] |
Set level for current hero | cheat setherolevel= [1-255] |
Disable fog of war | cheat fogofwar |
Set health to 1 | cheat damage |
View frame rate | sys fps |
Unknown | cheat observer |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.