Sony Computer Entertainment has recently secured a trademark for two video games entitled “Rain” and “Until Dawn.” This comes only a week before Sony has their big Gamescom press conference where it is sure to make a couple new announcements. Not much is known about these two new games. The Rain trademark came with a graphic which is really nothing more than a stylized white on black logo, so that doesn’t tell us much. NeoGAF users are saying that Rain might be connected to a GIF that was floating around the internet a while back. This GIF showed two people fighting each other via quick time event in the middle of what appeared to be a rainstorm. The GIF had a distinct cyberpunk aesthetic to it, almost appearing as a gritty version of Tron. Sony has not yet commented on whether or not Rain and this GIF are related.
By Angelo M. D’Argenio |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.