Star Wars: Episode 1 – Racer
Extra money
At the screen where POD parts are purchased, press [Shift] + [F4] + 4 for an extra $1000. Note: This may only be done five times before each race.
Taunt opponent
Select tournament mode, highlight “Start Race” and press [Space] at the menu. Then an intermission that features your character and opponent taunting each other will appear. Note: This will not work if your character is the track favorite.
Bonus characters
Finish first place on the indicated track and circuit to unlock the corresponding racer:
Racer | Track/Circuit |
Sebulba | Boonta Classic/Galactic |
Aldar Beedo | Beedo’s Wild Ride/Amateur |
Ratts Tyerell | Howler Gorge/Semi-pro |
Mawhonic | Andobi Mountain Run/Galactic |
Slide Paramita | AP Centrum/Invitational |
Clegg Holdfast | Aquilaris Classic/Amateur |
Bullseye Navior | Sunken City/Semi-pro |
Ark Bumpy Roose | Bumpy’s Breakers/Semi-pro |
Wan Sandage | Scrapper’s Run/Semi-pro |
Bozzie Baranta | Abyss/Invitational |
Neva Kee | Baroo Coast/Semi-pro |
Ben Quadinaros | Inferno/Invitational |
Teemto Pagalies | Mon Gazza Speedway/Amateur |
Mars Guo | Spice Mine Run/Amateur |
Boles Roor | Zugga Challenge/Semi-pro |
Fud Sang | Vengeance/Amateur |
Toy Dampner | Executioner/Galactic |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.