



Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Cheats & Secrets for iOS, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic key art

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Cheats & Secrets for iOS, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox

Considered by many to be the greatest Star Wars game of all time and one of BioWare‘s undisputed masterpieces, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is the developer’s 2003 RPG. Originally released as an Xbox exclusive, KOTOR eventually made its way to PC due to popular demand. Later, the game would receive ports to iOS and Android and a Nintendo Switch port. Xbox owners can still play the original version of the game thanks to backward compatibility, with the title available digitally on the Xbox Marketplace and original Xbox physical discs working in every subsequent Xbox console with a disc drive.

The title is noteworthy for being BioWare’s first non-Dungeons & Dragons game, having previously worked on both Baldur’s Gate and its sequel. Still, KOTOR utilizes many of the same RPG mechanics and rules as Baldur’s Gate and the pen-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons. The game’s announcement was met with plenty of praise, with BioWare having earned plenty of accolades as a talented studio thanks to Baldur’s Gate‘s success. After an initial reveal at E3 2001, the game was eventually released in July 2003, selling over 250,000 units in just its first week of release. It would end up being one of the fastest and best-selling games on the Xbox and is commonly recognized as one of the greatest games ever made.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Premise

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic gameplay

The story of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic takes place thousands of years before the events of the canon Star Wars films during a period known as the Old Republic. During this time, the Sith and the Jedi are in open conflict with one another, with a particularly evil Sith known as Darth Revan terrorizing the galaxy. The Jedi are able to thwart Revan, but his apprentice Darth Malak only picks up where he left off. You start the game as a mercenary on a freight ship who is awoken from a deep sleep only to find that the ship is under attack from Sith forces. After creating a character, you set off to escape the ship, becoming embroiled in a galaxy-spanning quest and discovering your connection to the Force.

In terms of its gameplay, KOTOR is a third-person 3D RPG where players have control of their main character and two allies. The game abides by the Dungeons & Dragons rule set and uses the d20 System behind the scenes to calculate the success and power of attacks, conversations, and other elements. One of the more noteworthy parts of KOTOR‘s gameplay is its morality system, which is affected by choices the player makes as well as how they treat other characters and respond to them in conversations. The morality system is split between Light and Dark side points, and depending on which side characters align with they gain new powers.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Main Characters

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic character artwork

Joining the main player character in Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic is a cast of allies and enemies that rank among some of the greatest characters in the Star Wars universe. The game builds off of the established lore and storytelling conventions of the IP to create a vast and fully realized world in the universe’s distant past, allowing the writers to play with series tradition while injecting a fair amount of new ideas. The main characters in KOTOR include:

  • Player Character: Anyone who has played KOTOR knows that the player character has an official name that shouldn’t be revealed due to spoilers. Regardless, the player character is the protagonist of KOTOR and a powerful Jedi. Players get to determine whether they align with the Light or Dark Side based on their actions.
  • Bastilla: Bastilla is a member of the Jedi Council and one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy. Her search for a way to stop Darth Malak leads to her capture on Taris, from which the player character rescues her.
  • Carth: Carth is the captain of the ship the player character awakens on and is a former Republic soldier. He is a constant companion to the player and often serves as the voice of reason.
  • Darth Malak: Darth Malak is the apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Revan and the main antagonist of KOTOR. He is a potent force-user with plans to bring the Republic under the heel of the Sith.

Games in the Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Series

The success and universal acclaim of KOTOR would make a sequel all but a guarantee. However, BioWare would pass the reins to fellow noteworthy studio Obsidian rather than take on the development itself. Obsidian’s work on the direct sequel is still seen as some of the best quest designs in the genre, which many of the team members would repeat while working on Fallout: New Vegas for Bethesda. Following the direct sequel to KOTOR, there have been no new mainline games in the series. That said, Electronic Arts and BioWare eventually partnered up to make an MMORPG set in the KOTOR universe. The series’ MMORPG, The Old Republic, still has a dedicated player base to this day. Games in the KOTOR series include:

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox, 2003)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Xbox, 2004)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC, 2011)

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Cheats & Secrets

PC Version Cheat Codes

PC players have the option of using cheats in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by following the steps below. Make sure to type cheats as they appear in the table for them to work. These cheats are for PC ONLY and will not work with other versions of the game.

Note: Enabling cheats in the PC release of KOTOR involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor (e.g. Notepad) to edit the “swkotor.ini” file in the game folder. Scroll to the “GAME OPTIONS” section and look for the line that reads “EnableCheats=0“. Change it to the following:

  • EnableCheats=1

Save the file and start the game. While playing the game, press the tilde key ( ~ ) to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [Tab] to list all console commands.

Invincibility invulnerability
Heal selected party member’s health and
Force points
Press W or S to move faster; repeat to disable turbo
Full map revealmap
Get indicated number of credits givecredits [number]
Brightens screen; not recommended for
certain areas
Set “Computer Use” skill setcomputeruse [number]
Set “Demolitions” skill setdemolitions [number]
Set “Stealth” skill setstealth [number]
Set “Awearness” skill setawareness [number]
Set “Persuade” skill setpursuade [number]
Set “Repair” skill setrepair [number]
Set “Security” skill setsecurity [number]
Set “Strenght” skill setstrength [number]
Set “Desterity” skill setdexteriry [number]
Set “Constitution” skill setconstitution [number]
Set “Intelligence” skill setintelligence [number]
Set “Wisdom” skill setwisdom [number]
Set “Charisma” skill setcharisma [number]
Set “Awareness” skill setawareness [number]
Add indicated number of levels addlevel [number]
Add indicated number of experience points addexp [number]
Add the indicated number of Light Side points addlightside [number]
Add the indicated number of Dark Side points adddarkside [number]
Spawn indicated item giveitem [item name]
Spawn medpacks givemed
Spawn repair packs giverepair
Spawn computer spikes givecomspikes
Spawn Sith Armor give sith armor [number]
Unknown restartminigame
Unknown warp
Unknown infiniteuses
Unknown whereami
Unknown dancedancemalak

Item Values for “giveitem” Cheat

Use one of the following values with the “giveitem [item name]” code:

Calo Nord’s Battle Armor g_a_class8005
Jedi Robe g_a_jedirobe01
Jedi Knight Robe g_a_kghtrobe03
Star Forge Robe g_a_mstrrobe07
Cardio Regulator g_i_belt001
Verpine Cardio Regulator g_i_belt002
Adrenaline Amplifier g_i_belt003
Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier g_i_belt004
Nerve Amplifying Belt g_i_belt005
Sound Dampening Stealth Unit g_i_belt006
Advanced Stealth Unit g_i_belt007
Eriadu Stealth Unit g_i_belt008
Calrissian’s Utility Belt g_i_belt009
Stealth Field Generator g_i_belt010
Adrenaline Stimulator g_i_belt011
CNS Strength Enhancer g_i_belt012
Electrical Capacitance Charge g_i_belt013
Thermal Shield Generator g_i_belt014
Battle Stimulant g_i_cmbtshot001
Droid Light Plating Type 1 g_i_drdltplat001
Droid Medium Plating Type 1 g_i_drdmdplat001
Droid Medium Plating Type 1 g_i_drdmdplat001
Advanced Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp002
Security Interface Tool g_i_drdsecspk001
Advanced Flame Thrower g_i_drdutldev007
Strength Gauntlet g_i_gauntlet01
Eriadu Strength Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet02
Sith Power Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet03
Stabilizer Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet04
Bothan Machinist Gloves g_i_gauntlet05
Verpine Bond Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet06
Dominator Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet07
Karaken Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet08
Bastila’s lightsaber g_i_gauntlet09
Cardio Package g_i_implant101
Response Package g_i_implant102
Memory Package g_i_implant103
Done g_i_implant104
Biotech Package g_i_implant201
Retinal Combat Implant g_i_implant202
Nerve Enhancement Package g_i_implant203
The Party Selection Screen Available g_i_implant204
Bavakar Cardio Package g_i_implant301
Bavakar Reflex Enhancement Package g_i_implant302
Bavakar Memory Chip g_i_implant303
Bio-Antidote Package g_i_implant304
Cardio Power System g_i_implant305
Gordulan Reaction System g_i_implant306
Navaradon Regenerator g_i_implant307
Sith Regenerator g_i_implant308
Beemon Package g_i_implant309
Cyber Reaction System g_i_implant310
Light-scan Visor g_i_mask01
Motion Detection Goggles g_i_mask02
Bothan Perception Visor g_i_mask03
Verpine Ocular Enhancer g_i_mask04
Bothan Sensory Visor g_i_mask05
Vacuum Mask g_i_mask06
Sonic Nullifiers g_i_mask07
Aural Amplifier g_i_mask08
Advanced Aural Amplifier g_i_mask09
Neural Band g_i_mask10
Verpine Headband g_i_mask11
Breath Mask g_i_mask12
Teta’s Royal Band g_i_mask13
Sith Mask g_i_mask14
Stabilizer Mask g_i_mask15
Interface Band g_i_mask16
Demolitions Sensor g_i_mask17
Combat Sensor g_i_mask18
Stealth Field Enhancer g_i_mask19
Stealth Field Reinforcement g_i_mask20
Interface Visor g_i_mask21
Circlet of Saresh g_i_mask22
Pistol Targeting Optics g_i_mask23
Heavy Targeting Optics g_i_mask24
Blue double lightsaber g_w_dblsbr001
Red double lightsaber g_w_dblsbr002
Green double lightsaber g_w_dblsbr003
Yellow double lightsaber g_w_dblsbr004
Purple double lightsaber g_w_dblsbr005
Bastila’s light saber g_w_dblsbr006
Blue lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr01
Red lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr02
Green lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr03
Yellow lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr04
Purple lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr05
Darth Malak’s lightsaber g_w_lghtsbr06
Long Sword g_w_lngswrd01
Advanced Sensory Implant g_w_lngswrd02
Naga Sadow’s Poison Blade g_w_lngswrd03
Blue short light saber g_w_shortsbr01
Red short light saber g_w_shortsbr02
Green short light saber g_w_shortsbr03
Yellow short light saber g_w_shortsbr04
Purple short light saber g_w_shortsbr05
Short Sword g_w_shortswrd01
Massassi Brand g_w_shortswrd02
Teta’s Blade g_w_shortswrd03
VibroSword g_w_vbroswrd01
Krath Dire Sword g_w_vbroswrd02
Sith Tremor Sword g_w_vbroswrd03
Echani Foil g_w_vbroswrd04
Bacca’s Ceremonial Blade g_w_vbroswrd05
Bacca’s Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +1-6 Electric g_w_vbroswrd06
Bacca’s Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +1-8 Electric g_w_vbroswrd07
Bacca’s Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +2-12 Electric g_w_vbroswrd08
Advanced Stabilizer Gloves g1_i_gauntlet01
Advanced Senseory Implant g1_i_implant301
Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant g1_i_implant302
Advanced Combat Implant g1_i_implant303
Advanced Alacrity g1_i_implant304
Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask g1_i_mask01
Guardian of the Force g1_w_dblsbr001
Mantle of the Force g1_w_dblsbr002
Guardian of the Force g1_w_lghtsbr01
Mantle of the Force g1_w_lghtsbr02
Guardian of the Force g1_w_shortsbr01
Mantle of the Force g1_w_shortsbr02

Xbox Cheats

Free Roam Camera

Go to the Messages menu and enter the following code:

  • X, Left, A, X

If done correctly, you will see a message appear reading “Punch it Chewie”. Press Start to exit the Messages menu and then press the right analog stick down (R3). You will be able to maneuver the camera around freely.

Nintendo Switch Cheats

The Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has a hidden cheat menu. To access it, make sure not to be in any menu screens. During normal gameplay, without pausing, press the left analog stick (L3) three times. This will open a cheat menu that allows players to manipulate various aspects of the game.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Secrets

Hidden Ending

Note that this secret only works in the original Xbox version of KOTOR. Additionally, you will need two controllers to enable this secret. Before the final battle with Darth Malak, press the L + R Triggers and Y on two controllers — one in the P1 port and the other in the P4 port. If done correctly, the player character will take out their lightsaber. Open the door and talk to Malak to trigger an alternate ending.

Voice Modulation

This is another secret that requires both the original Xbox version of the game and two controllers. With one controller in port 1 and the other in port 4 (P1 and P4), press the black or white button on the P4 controller to raise or lower the pitch of character voices.

Bastilla’s Underwear

Equip Bastilla with the Dark Robes and then unequip them to see her in her undergarments.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Glitches

Item Duplication Glitch

The classic item duplication glitch from the original Xbox and PC releases still works on other platforms. Regardless of which platform you experience Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on, the following item duplication glitch will still be usable while players are on Manaan.

  • Head to the Submarine Base on Manaan
  • Head to any airlock chamber within the base
  • Equip any items you wish to duplicate on your companion characters
  • Save the game
  • Immediately unequip all the items from your companion characters
  • Exit through the airlock
  • As soon as the party appears in the water, head right back inside
  • Your companion characters will be wearing the gear you equipped and then unequipped from them

You can repeat these steps to duplicate any item as many times as you like.

Double Bendak Starkiller Blasters

After beating Twitch in the tournament on Taris, do not talk to the Hutt to receive your reward. Instead, go speak with Bendak Starkiller and accept his challenge. Go and speak to the Hutt and he will share his excitement over the fight with Bendak but will not give you a reward. After defeating Bendak, go and speak to the Hutt to get your reward, then speak to him again. He will give you another set of rewards that includes a second of Bendak’s blasters.

Double Carth’s Blaster

Before the cutscene on Leviathan where Carth fires his blaster at Malak, equip him with two melee weapons. After the scene, you will have two of Carth’s Blaster in your inventory instead of one.

Force Enemies to Skip Turns

There are two tricks players can use to skip enemy turns and never allow them to attack. One of these is only usable in boss fights, while the other only works against characters using melee weapons.

To skip boss enemy turns, select a single attack against the opponent and then pause the game. Save the game and then load the most recent save file. You should resume battle with it still being your turn. Repeat this process to quickly defeat boss enemies without ever taking damage.

To skip turns in fights against enemies wielding melee weapons, first, run up to the enemies to initiate battle. When they take out their weapons, run far enough away that they can’t hit you but not so far that they draw ranged weapons. Use the Rapid Fire ability against the enemies as they use up their turn trying to run after you. This is a great way to easily clear the battles in the Dueling Pit.

Bypass the Droids Before Kashyyyk

Before players get the Star Map to enter Kashyyyk, there is a tough battle against two Droids. Thanks to a glitch, though, players can easily skip this battle. After speaking to an important character before heading to Kashyyyk, the Droids will attack. Instead of fighting them, run over to the Star Map and interact with it to trigger a cutscene. Your party members will continue fighting the Droids but not take damage. After letting them fight the Droids, run in the opposite direction of the Droids and have your party members follow you. You can simply leave the fight without having to defeat the Droids.

Dak Vesser Reincarnated

With Juhani in your party, talk to Dak Vesser while on Korriban. He should be near the first tomb on the left. After, he will head to the Cantina. Take Juhani out of your party and speak with Dak. Tell him you will not leave and then fight him. Save the game and then reload it after killing him. He will magically reappear in the Cantina, allowing you to fight him again and again by repeating this process. Use this glitch to get infinite credits, lightsaber crystals, and Jedi Knight Robes.

Duplicate Bastilla’s Lightsaber

There is a handy trick players can use to duplicate Bastilla’s equipment and get plenty of additional EXP in the process. First, agree to participate in the Swoop Race on Taris by talking to Kandon and riding for the Black Vulkars. After, head into the Black Vulkar base and steal the Prototype Accelerator to bring to the Hidden Beks. After racing, winning Bastilla, and returning with her to the Upper City, place all your items into the footlocker next to your hideout’s Work Bench.

Head back to the Lower City and tell Gadon’s bodyguard that you have the accelerator. The game will glitch and place you at the Swoop track again. Bastilla will appear to have escaped from Brejik, and talking to her brings up dialogue indicating you rescued her. After the conversation, you will reappear in your hideout with Bastilla’s lightsaber, Brejik’s Arm Band and Belt, and earn 525 EXP. Players can continually repeat this process before leaving Taris.

Light Side Points

While on Dantooine, head to the Sandral Estate. Talk to the Droid and let them know you represent the Council. Once inside, speak to the head of the estate and then talk to the daughter. Respond with “What I do is my own business”. You will earn Dark Side points. Speak with her again and apologize. After she tells you her name, choose “I don’t have time to listen to this” to earn Light Side points. Speak with her again and repeat the steps to earn Light Side points every time.

Dark Side Points

To easily earn infinite Dark Side points, speak with Roland Wann after obtaining the Star Map on Manaan. Ask him to give you a bribe. You can repeat this as many times as you like after ending the conversation, earning Dark Side points each time.

Easy EXP on Korriban

To earn easy EXP using only a single Computer Spike, head to the Sith Academy on Korriban. In the dueling Arena, hack into the Datafile and then access the security cameras. Each time the camera changes views, you will gain EXP. Repeat this process as many times as you like for easy EXP.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheat FAQs

Are there cheats for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

The availability of cheats in KOTOR depends on which version players have. PC players have the benefit of activating in-game cheats and using console commands. Similarly, the newest version of the game on Nintendo Switch has a built-in cheat menu. The original version on Xbox and the iOS release do not include in-game cheats or a cheat menu.

What is the max level in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

Every RPG has a different level cap, but KOTOR abides by the classic Dungeons & Dragons rule set. As such, the max character level in KOTOR is 20, which holds true for both the player character and their companions.

How long to beat Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

Most playthroughs of KOTOR will take, on average, about 30 hours. That said, there is so much to do in the game that players can easily get distracted from the main quest/critical path. For those hoping to squeeze everything out of KOTOR and 100% the game, expect to spend 45-50 hours.

Does character class matter in Knights of the Old Republic?

Simply put, the class that players choose at the game’s outset has a dramatic effect on how you play the game. The starting class will determine the various perks and stat buffs that the player can benefit from, as well as what type of equipment they can use. Further, certain classes are aligned with very specific builds as players get further into KOTOR and unlock the use of the Force.

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