2018’s ludicrously competitive holiday season pushed a lot of big games right out into 2019. While 2017 saw a few successes sneak their way into the early parts of the year, the first few months of 2019 look like a battlefield. From smaller games, to major Japanese titles, to huge western, AAA affairs, anyone who likes to stay current with games isn’t going to get a break after the holidays. With that said, here are some of the biggest games set to land in the early months of 2019, just for funsies.

I don’t think any other game coming out in the next several months has as many question marks in front of it compared to Anthem . BioWare’s most ambitious game yet has people curious about how it will ultimately turn out. It seems to be wanting to do so many things at once that old and new fans are wondering where their interests will fit in. Only one way to find out!
Crackdown 3

Speaking of questions, the big one surrounding Crackdown 3 is whether or not this game will actually survive its troubled development. An unfortunate victim of Microsoft changing its direction with the Xbox One, Crackdown 3 has had to change direction itself and has seen several delays as a result. It still doesn’t have a date yet, although February 2019 seems to be the current goal.
Days Gone

Days Gone is a project that nobody seems to know how to feel about. As such, it’s a perfect release for the beginning of the year, where experiments go to live or die. It’s a crowded period of time in 2019, with plenty of AAA material looking to find some breathing room. While zombie games are hit or miss with people these days, there’s a lot more to Days Gone that will hopefully help it stand out.
The Division 2

The Division 2 is pretty straightforward. If you like to shoot and loot, this game has you covered. Perhaps Destiny 2 ‘s sci-fi setting doesn’t do it for you, and the more grounded world of The Division is more your speed. Or maybe you’re just down with all the service games. Either way, this looks like more of what the first game offered, with the proportionate levels of polish and improvements.
Devil May Cry 5

Here we go. If there was ever an injustice in the gaming world, it was Devil May Cry just seeming to stop in its tracks after Ninja Theory’s dvisive (it’s bad) remake/reboot/whatever. Luckily, Capcom is putting all that Monster Hunter money to good use, and bringing back the true Devil May Cry , and it looks even zanier than anyone could have imagined.
Dead or Alive 6

Dead or Alive 6 is looking awesome. While reports of it being a more serious game that leans back on the questionable parts of the experience have been largely exaggerated, what has changed is welcome, including the new engine, the higher level of detail in the visuals, and yes, less blatantly objectifying outfits available for the women in the game. It’s still silly though, so it seems like there’s an attempt here to make everyone happy.
Kingdom Hearts III

A story way too many dang years in the making is finally coming to, well, is it ending? Who knows! But the next full-numbered entry is almost here, even though a billion spin-offs that aren’t actually spin-offs because they’re all canon may have cheapened it a little to some. Either way, Kingdom Hearts III looks amazing, and will likely be an incredible ride, regardless of how little sense the story makes.
Metro Exodus

After building up good will over a period of years and a great sequel, the Metro series is finally being treated llike a big deal with its latest entry. Metro Exodus looks enormous, but still a game that adheres to its tense, hardcore roots. We hope the scale doesn’t trip it up, but either way it has some incredible visuals and serious-looking enemies.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Starting as a new Tenchu game and bizarrely being published by Activision, FromSoftware’s latest is looking like an intense, but notably distinct, take on the Dark Souls formula this developer has remade its name upon. We’re excited to see what an Activision-boosted project from this developer looks like, and with each new preview we get more and more of a clear picture.
Resident Evil 2

The Nintendo GameCube remake of Resident Evil is one of the best video games of all time. So there are a lot of eyeballs on Resident Evil 2 , which is taking the idea of remaking the legendary Resident Evil 2 and running with it to heights that “REmake” fans may not have been expecting. Can this ambitious take on a bonafide classic land right where years and years of expectations want it to, or will all the “new” stuff be too much? We’ll find out in January.