



Top 10 Reasons PUBG Is Better Than Ever

Top 10 Reasons PUBG Is Better Than Ever

PlayerUnknown’s Battlergrounds , from a wider perspective on the gaming industry, isn’t the juggernaut it once was. But regardless of its lesser mindshare, compared to games like Fortnite or Apex Legends , the PUBG fanbase remains alive and well, because not being number one doesn’t mean millions of dollars aren’t still flowing. PUBG has seen plenty of updates and new features since it helped bring in the era of the battle royale game. 2019 in particular looks to be a big year for the game, with many new updates, quality of life changes, and more on the way. Here are some of the best updates to PUBG since it came out.



PUBG is a massively popular game, which means companies with less (comparatively) massively popular games hit  PUBG Corp up for some crossover opportunities. Properties such as DC Comics, Horizon Zero Dawn , Uncharted , and Resident Evil are all part of PUBG history. It’s good to take chances. Especially when it means Battle Royale is in it too!

Anti-Cheat Updates

Anti-Cheat Updates

PUBG is a game that is popular on an international level. That means players are coming in from places like Russia and China, where cheating happens to be more prevalent for various reasons. Naturally, that means in a game like PUBG, with serious, competitive mechanics, a massive wave of cheating has been an issue. To give credit where credit is due, PUBG Corp has consistently been doing work to fight cheating, and has even more new software on the way.

Ban Policy

Ban Policy

Much like the anti-cheat measures, this isn’t really a new feature per se, but some new policy is being implemented to make the PUBG experience better overall. Some much needed moderation is coming to PUBG , with a recent announcement from the developer confirming what is and isn’t acceptable conduct, including things like teamkilling. It may sound overbearing on paper, but the ban policy is really important for PUBG to operate as intended.



One aspect PUBG has that puts it above the major competition is multiple maps. While Fortnite and Apex Legends have their single map setup (albeit Fortnite ‘s does change often), PUBG has introduced several over the past couple years. The maps vary in size, environment, and even gameplay style. There’s even a training mode with its own map.

New Modes

New Modes

Speaking of training mode, PUBG has introduced multiple new ways to play over time, all of them permanent additions. Players can totally customize their PUBG experience in custom mode, try out the weapons in training mode, and more. Some modes aren’t finished or even out yet, such as Zombies and Conquest. More stuff is always good.



This new version of PUBG is only available in Taiwan right now, as the developer is testing its practical value out in the wild before rolling it out and supporting it. PUBG is a game that requires pretty hefty PCs to run optimally. This is a new, free-to-play version with a limited feature set and fidelity scaled down enough for the game to run well on systems with integrated graphics chipsets. If the test works, the game will become much more accessible.

Sound Design Update

Sound Design Update

PUBG has come a long way in a short time, and the developers are going back and updating aspects of the game from when it was new and more rough around the edges. Sound is an important part of PUBG , as noises made by other players are a huge tipoff on your surroundings. So, now those sounds are more realistic. Characters now make noise based on their equipment, which means running around with a lighter load could potentially be a real strategy.

Survival Titles

Survival Titles

Progression systems are hard to pull off in battle royale games, and PUBG is adding a few things on top of what was in place before. One of those new features is the Survival Title, a leaderboard-like system that rewards players for their performance and tenure. If you do well enough, you can get into a special bracket, one that you have to work to maintain or risk losing the title.

Weapon Mastery

Weapon Mastery

Weapon Mastery is another new progression system, this time the idea being some extra encouragement for players to work on improving their skills with their favorite weapons. As you learn a given weapon more, getting more kills and nailing more difficult shots, you’ll earn XP points for that weapon and earn rewards as you level up. These rewards include emblems and charms, a new aesthetic badge sort of item.

Survival Pass

Survival Pass

When PUBG launched, its revenue stream, beyond basic sales, was goverend by loot boxes. Of course, loot boxes didn’t exactly end up taking off the way many game publishers hoped they would. After Fortnite took off the way it did, many games copped the “battle pass” idea. That includes PUBG . The Survival Pass is a time-limited system that rewards players based on clearing challenges and gaining levels. You win all kinds of things by playing with a paid battle pass, and can even temporarily earn the items for free and decide if you want to pay later before the season is over.

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