



Toy Story 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Toy Story 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Toy Story 3


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Cheat mode

Enter one of the following codes at the “Extras” menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Password
2,000 gold coins Screenshot
Gladiator toy Screenshot
Boofy hair and baseball cap Screenshot

Bonus weapons

Successfully complete the indicated level in Story mode to unlock the corresponding weapon for purchase at the shop for the listed price:

    Cow Cannon ($2,500): “Get Cows To Higher Ground”
    UFO Gun ($2,000): “Blow Up The Dam”

Easy “Mapnipulator” achievement

Go to the game board, and interact with all the objects on the board by using the crayon and pressing A while hovering over each object to get the “Mapnipulator” achievement.

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Easy “Sneaky Sneaky” achievement

Easy “Space Ranger Elite” achievement

Part 1

Part 2


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Train Catcher (10 points): Finished “Loco Motives”.
    Off the Hook (10 points): Finished “Hold the Phone”.
    Defeat Zurg (10 points): Finished “To Infinity and Beyond”.
    Carnival Conqueror (10 points): Finished “Fair Play”.
    Rocket Launcher (10 points): Finished “Witch Way Out”.
    Making a break for it (10 points): Finished “Hide-N-Sneak”.
    Mashing the Masher (10 points): Finished “Trash Thrash”.
    Muffin Massacre (20 points): Finished “Muffin to Fear”.
    The Collector (120 points): Gather every collectible in the game.
    Mapnipulator (10 points): Explored all the objects on the map.
    Sneaky Sneaky (25 points): Finished the Prison Break without ever tripping an alarm.
    Space Ranger Elite (25 points): Reach Zurg’s base without losing all your health.
    True Carny (25 points): Achieve gold on all carnival games.
    No Toy Left Behind (25 points): Rescue all the orphans on the Train.
    We can rebuild him (25 points): Collect all of Zurg’s Parts.
    Memories (25 points): Collect all of Andy’s Memorabilia.
    Townspeople Hunter (25 points): Find all the hidden townspeople.
    No Claw Required (25 points): Find all the hidden aliens.
    Really holding all the cards (30 points): Find all the Special Cards.
    Holding all the Cards (50 points): Find all the Regular Cards.
    Welcome to Town (10 points): Finish the Woody’s Roundup tutorials.
    Gold Super Star (100 points): Collect all the Gold Stars.
    First Sale (5 points): Buy a toy from the Toy Store.
    Toy Collector (50 points): Purchase every item in the Toy Store.
    Pict-O-Amateur (25 points): Complete 1 disc of Pict-O-Matic missions.
    Pict-O-Collector (25 points): Find all 6 discs of Pict-O-Matic missions.
    Pict-O-Master (50 points): Complete all Pict-O-Matic missions.
    Spooky Town (10 points): Purchase Sid’s Haunted House.
    Cuddly Town (10 points): Purchase Lotso’s Enchanted Glen.
    To Infinity… (10 points): Purchase Zurg’s Spaceport.
    Airborn Ranger (10 points): Hit 15 Paratrooper targets.
    First Bronze (5 points): Earn a bronze medal in a vehicle challenge.
    First Silver (10 points): Earn a silver medal in a vehicle challenge.
    First Gold (25 points): Earn a gold medal in a vehicle challenge.
    Photo Journalist (15 points): Complete all Toy Camera missions.

Additionally, there are three secret achievements:

    No Swimming (25 points): Blow up the dam and expand your town.
    Rescue Space Ranger (40 points): Save Mayor Hamm from the bandits.
    Give Me My Gold Back (75 points): Defeat Mayor Hamm in the Woody’s Roundup boss battle.
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